Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Decisions...Sometimes are critical to our life!

Jeremiah, a prophet in the Old Testament, was born around 650 B.C., in a town in Israel called Anathoth. Jeremiah himself was a priest in the Jewish faith, and God instructed him to be a prophet of the Lord as well.

 Jeremiah was not too excited about this request from the Lord. The calling involved speaking to the people of Judah...and Jeremiah was apprehensive about doing that. Yet, God encouraged Jeremiah that He would make Jeremiah strong...and give him the "tools"  needed to "do the job".

 The prophet Jeremiah had similarities to the renowned prophet of old, Elijah...becoming discouraged at certain times of his life. What brought on this discouragement was the fact the people of Israel had no interest in the words Jeremiah spoke...and certainly had no interest in the lifestyle Jeremiah proclaimed. 
 The Lord had discussed about the lifestyles of the people of Israel with Jeremiah and said if the people of Israel would just be open-minded enough to listen to the words Jeremiah spoke, they would see for themselves that following after other gods and accepting their lifestyles....would only hurt the people of Israel. The Lord spoke to Jeremiah and through the voice of Jeremiah in declaring this to the people of Israel that it was important for them to take some time and see the way of life the True God of Israel wants them to have and how it would help them. If they would do this and turn away from the lifestyles these false gods were would do them good and the people of Israel would be glad of their decision. Yet, this train of thought would  demand the people to turn from the present lifestyles they were now living.........

      But, they didn't........

 The people of Israel were way too much into their false gods and the lifestyles they offered to the Israelites, particularly the gods offering sex as a way of worship...and even child sacrifice {Note: The logic on child sacrifice at this time was that if a person would sacrifice as innocent as a child, surely these gods would see the sincerity in their devotion and the agricultural foods and crops would receive the "blessings of the gods".}

 During this period of history, there were actually a number of prophets that spoke for the Lord God, the only True God of Israel. The prophet Zephaniah had been proclaiming the Lifestyle of the Lord shortly before the arrival of Jeremiah. Numerous Biblical historians point to the fact the prophets Habakkuk and Obadiah were also living around this time, proclaiming the True Message from the True God of Israel.

 Yet, the people of Israel were "all into" their false gods and the lifestyles that accompanied these disgusting gods. Having sex with a priestess of the false god Baal....was just too much to turn down; living lives for personal gain...even at the expense of others...was just too much to not want; and the desire for personal matter what the cost...was just too much to turn away from.
 Yet, the prophet Jeremiah obeyed the calling the True God of Israel had given him, and continued to announce to the people of Israel...the Lifestyle the Lord offered to them.

 In chapter 23 of the Book of Jeremiah, it is written that false prophets were living in the area...just like the prophets of the True God who lived among them. These false prophets were telling the people of Israel that these prophets of the True God of Jeremiah...were speaking only lies. Furthermore, these false prophets were saying the words they spoke were actually the true words...of the True God. Things were all messed up. 
 Later in this chapter, the True Lord God of Israel responds to all this "trash talk"...that was coming straight from the mouths of these false prophets. 

                                        A Gleaning from Jeremiah 23:28-29

 " Go ahead...all of you loud mouth false prophets", says the True God, "Tell everyone your putrid dreams built on nothing but lies...because all your "trash talk" has no truth in them. In fact, these dreams and "forecasts" you proclaim to the people of Israel are entirely NOT true...and entirely stupid! These words you speak is like someone sitting at a dinner table for an evening meal...only to find out the main course is....STRAW!
 My words...the true words of the only True God....are made of the finest wheat...and "melts in your mouth" from the very first bite! My words bring passion and purpose to Life itself!
 Oh, and hear is something you might want to "prophesy"...all you false prophets. When My Word confronts all the lies you have will be like a sledgehammer crushing rocks...and trust Me....I will crush all your pieces! All this stubborn resistance to My Lifestyle...will be nothing more than crushed rock...something to walk on! Then the people of Israel will see for themselves...what a joke all of you are. Then, the people of Israel will cry out: "What do we do now?" One word will be on the lips of my prophets, the true prophets of the True God...and that word is "Repent!"

 In the New Testament, the apostle James gives further instructions for us concerning our decision to embrace His Lifestyle...the Lifestyle of the True God....

                                       A Gleaning from James 1:5-6

 " If you find yourself in a position where the lifestyles around you...don't make any sense, or if you are not sure which lifestyle is the...right lifestyle, take a moment, focus yourself on the Lord...the True God...and ask Him.
 He loves you...and loves to help you in making healthy and good decisions regarding how we are to live. The True God will not "come at 'ya" in a condescending manner...when you speak to Him, nor will He be ready to criticize everything you want to discuss with Him.
 Yet, remember when you decide to come to Him and ask for His guidance...He demands your undivided attention. You gotta put your whole heart into this, and give Him your trust...that He is truly listening..and will a very personal way.
 If you come to Him and doubt that He is even listening, or you come to Him in a half-hearted manner, you are only hurting yourself from getting some answers you desperately seek and need to have. You will be more like a wave in the sea...being blown around by whatever direction the wind may carry you, kind of like floating adrift, going this way or that, and that won't help you at all in getting some answers about life you are needing.
 Instead, put your heart into it when you discuss your life with the Lord...and make the decision to listen to what He has to say...which is the most valuable option you have!"

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