Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"My Bad"....Yes, I can "mouth off" at times.....

Proverbs 15:1...explains to us how to react...when we are stressed out or having a "bad day" (female vocalist "Pink" has another phrase to describe a "bad day").....

 So, does that justify my actions? After all, everyone has bad days...everyone has those times you just feel like "rippin' someone's head off....right?

 I have noticed that when I react to someone out of frustration or maybe they just said "the magic word" ( and it is often an innocent thing)...that "fuels the fire", then I get them ticked off...and  "here we go", these reactions I get myself into often comes from:
1. I am tired
2. I am in a situation I am not sure what to do ( like putting together something I bought that requires assembly, and the directions that came with this particular thing are totally worthless.)
3. I am really angry about something maybe someone said something to me that had me "fired up"...or perhaps something didn't go that particular day...the way I wanted it to.
4. Here is a "Big One": God is not doing anything about a problem I might be having...and instead of turning the whole matter over to Him....I get this "attitude" that says: "Well, if He won't do anything about it...I will. Maybe that is what He is waiting for me to do anyway." 
5. I really don't want to get into "the way people drive"....suffice to say...if you are at a stop light, and the light has turned green, and I am behind you, but you are not moving...because you are on a cell phone...."Do I lightly beep my horn?"....uhhh probably not....but anyway....

 Passion...our daily life has the potential of expressing numerous forms of passions. Words that are expressed in these "daily moments of passion" can heal...they can soothe, they can strengthen others when they are stressed....or, our choice of words can wound, fuel resentment, or even cause a "good friendship to go bad". In my very own family, past words spoken in anger have built psychological walls that have lasted years.
 What I have learned over time...and still am not great at it...but better than I was before, is to always remember when I am about to speak at moments I have just is just "not cool" to let whatever I am feeling at the "come barreling out of my mouth.

 The most important step which I seem to skip more often than not when I am "in a situation" is to: THINK. Give myself a moment to allow the Holy Spirit to find His place in all this...relate that to me...and then answer. It really helps...alot.  Even if it means I say: "Hey, this is probably not a good time to talk right a few issues going on. Give me a few...and I will get back with you."
 Anger is an doubt, but that doesn't mean it needs to be carried out through my actions......

               A Gleaning from Proverbs 15:1

 "When your answer is motivated with gentleness, it brings with it a power  that can soothe, deflect, and even diffuse your anger....while anger brings with it wrath, or answers spoken way too harsh than the other person deserves...especially if you have a talent to speak with a "sharp tongue". When you choose this anger within you and make this  the "final word" might as well have said: "Bring it on"...because all you are doing now is stirring the fire...and bringing on anger from another...and from just stirs the intensity.
 Think before you speak...or walk away....say you will talk later....or just keep your mouth shut...whatever it takes....just don't take your problems out...on someone else."

 I have also noticed I get like this when I haven't prayed in a while...or read any of the Sacred Scriptures...but I don't want to "go religious" on you...being religious is a pet peeve of mine....yea, I can get angry about that (lol)'s about knowing a real friend. And He often reminds me: "It's not all"


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