Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Women are to be "quiet and submissive"...this ought to be fun to discuss!

We have heard this phrase in Christian circles...throughout history. Some have gone to extremes with it, others have twisted it to manipulate their own purposes and plans, while others have claimed Saint Paul himself didn't like a "woman in charge". want to know what I think?...well, here it goes........(lol)

 First, allow me to take a look as to why Paul would find it necessary to even write this in the first 1 Timothy 2:11-15...what was he thinkin'???

 Saint Paul was writing to Timothy, a disciple of Paul who wrote to Timothy to encourage Timothy as a the church in Ephesus.

 Ephesus....what was going on in Ephesus?

 Ephesus was a major city of its day. It was a city that was part of the major trade routes people would take in those days...and Ephesus was a "hot spot" for many travellers. People would save their money to go to Ephesus...kind of like us today getting "all pumped" for a trip to Las Vegas.
 So, what's up in Ephesus?

 Well, first and foremost it was the home of possibly the most famous and favorite goddess of all pagan religions, Artemis (in Greek)...the Romans  called her...Diana...and she was "hot"!
 Diana was the goddess of fertility...and had some pretty crazy requirements if you chose to commit your life to making her the "goddess of your life".
 The goddess Diana had an elaborate temple built to her. It was so awesome and so popular people who came to her temple would buy "little temples", like take home with them, put them on their "refrigerators" (lol)...and tell everyone: "I was there!"
 One reason she was popular was "free sex". In fact, the Temple of Diana had priestesses, and one of their duties was to have sex with its wouldn't that be a "nice form of worship" (lol). I am sure donations were required...but none the less...even married men had a "free ticket" to have sexual relations with someone outside their marriage in "service to their goddess". And with Diana carrying the title of "Goddess of Fertility", it was necessary to perform such actions to ensure children for her worshippers. Pretty clever, huh?

 The people of Israel had known about the goddess Artemis for quite some time...going clear back to the "Days of the Promised Land". The Canaanites had given worship to this goddess.
 In fact, one of our true God's numerous statements to Israel was "to rid themselves of the "gods in the hills". One might think these were shrines that were beautiful in nature...kind of like some of the beautiful shrines we make today in honor of patron saints or even Mary, the mother of God. Uh...not really.
 These "shrines on the hills were often found to be large statues....of penises. Yep, you are reading this right...the Israelites made large "penis statues" honor this goddess.

 Another thing about the worship of Diana...she elevated women to a high status. In the days of Paul and Timothy, women by enlarge were treated as "second class" in many cultures and societies. This is why Christianity became so popular with women...raising their status to have equality with men.
 What did the pagan religion of Diana teach? The teachings of Diana also elevated women's status..but in more of a perverted and mythical way.
 In fact, in the worship of Diana, women were considered superior to the male. Along with sexual perversions, there were fertility rituals, endless myths, and elaborate and fabricated genealogies which traced the generations of women...instead of males.

 As I begin to take a look at 1 Timothy 2, where Paul writes about women being quiet and submissive...there are a couple other things to look need a Part 2

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