Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Is It Important To Read The Bible?

I seem to notice in my own life...and in others as well, it's easy to become discouraged over daily situations we encounter...losing our hope that God is really I have to take a moment and figure out why I am thinking this way.
 I mean, after all, I have given Jesus Christ access to my heart, I am willing to change and conform to the Lifestyle He wants me to have, and I certainly acknowledge I can not do this on my own....that is one primary reason I gave Him my life in the first place. 

 What Happened?

 Why is it so crazy?...Why aren't things changing?...Why am I still in the same problems as before? Am I not praying enough?...Maybe I forgot to repent of something?...Am I under attack by the devil?...I need to go to church more?...Ok...maybe my giving to God (financially) has been a little short of what He "demands" of me?....I am disobedient.....

 Questions like this seem to "haunt" all of us at one time or another....and sometimes even daily...right?
 I remember a question one time that really got me to prioritize some things in my life. The question was this: "If you could make only one choice in regards to your Christian walk, which would it be: 1) Pray 2) Read the Bible 3) Go to Church?
 The answer for myself was...Read the Bible. Why? Because if I read the Bible, it will teach me how to pray, and if I read the Bible, it will instruct me on the importance of going to Church, having real friends, and how to be active and participate in the work of the local church.

 Getting the Scriptures to have an impact in our daily a secret to knowing this God we have given our lives to...and His desire in our lives. It may be with our finances, it may be with our relationships, or it may be adjusting our lifestyle. I have found that if you "just give it up"...don't try to make things happen or change on your own, just begin to study some Scripture that you can apply to your life...things do change. Patience is an important virtue, actually a "fruit of the Spirit"...that must be applied. Don't get wrapped up in wondering whether things are going to further unravel in your life or not....that shouldn't be your point of thought or focus. Instead, begin to apply what the Scriptures say about your situations....and allow your thoughts to think that way...the way the Scriptures want us to think. 
 Here is a passage of  Sacred Scripture that has got me going in the right fact, that is what the "Act of Repenting" is all about: to change your way of thinking, make a 180 degree turn, and move in that direction. Repenting does not base itself on how you feel, you can never trust your feelings...Repenting does not base itself on your length of prayer....prayer does not move simply because you prayed for 30 minutes straight, and Repenting does not base itself on how many people you have "opened up" and shared your life with.
 All these things can be "nice things"...yet... your life is base Faith in what?...Faith in God....Faith in His Lifestyle...Faith in what He has already said and done. It is beginning to believe what He has already the Sacred Scripture. This is where things will begin to change in your life....and you can develop those areas of your life that may "have you down" right now. Commit all you have to Him...then begin to think...the way He thinks.

 First, a Gleaning from......Isaiah 55:8-11
   The Lord would say:
 " There is something you have to's about our friendship. I just don't think the way you think. My thoughts...are nothing like your thoughts. I don't face daily life...the way you do.
 In fact, My way of looking at daily far beyond anything you could even imagine. You see, my way of thinking soars high above the earth...much unlike the thoughts that you have in your earthly mind.
 It's real important you get this: the way I think. You can learn the way I think by reading and pondering over the Sacred Scripture. Understanding what I am thinking?....I have spent My Spirit to help you grasp My way of looking at life.
 It kind of works like this: Rain and snow...they both fall from the sky, right? Now, rain and snow do not simply touch the earth and "bounce" back up into the clouds. No!
 Rain and snow begin to make its way into the soil, watering the ground as it makes its way down into the depths of the soil itself. The water the soil receives from the rain and snow begin to saturate and give "Life" to the seeds...of grain, flowers, and all plants that have been sown in the soil. From the seeds, plants begin to grow...and produce for those awaiting a harvest....and providing food for the hungry.
 This is how it works when you choose to invest some time...reading the Sacred Scripture. As you read, meditate, and think over what I think...just like the rain and snow gives life to plants...the Scriptures will "water" and give Life to your heart...and your mind.The Sacred Scriptures will give purpose to your everything in life that concerns will find the answers you are looking for...and your life will start to make sense. It all starts with...Me."

So, here then is a question I have today: "Do we treat the we do food we need for daily use?...or do we look at reading the Bible like....a cake....a birthday cake...that we celebrate once a year?"

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