Sunday, April 14, 2013

He is Coming!!!

Just a note: I am in the midst of writing a novel...which should be published in the near future. As a result, my daily blogs may decrease in reference to quantity for a period of time, yet I hope the ones I do share will bring you some joy! Thanks for all of you who continue read my humble opinions of the Christ!...the One we truly love! Joe

 A Gleaning of Revelation 1:4-7...

 Here in the Book of Revelation 1...Saint John is writing to the believers in western Turkey...referred to here as the Asia province. Most likely the believers in this region knew John...and probably knew him well.
 John the Apostle has been given credit for the writing of the Book of Revelation and if this be true, John by the date of this writing would be on the island of Patmos.
 This letter was written most likely during the horrible reign of the Emperor Domitian, who ruled the Roman Empire from 81 A.D to 96 A.D.
 The purpose of John writing to his fellow believers in western Turkey was to encourage them and to remind them Jesus is coming for them! John doesn't want any one of them to give up...but to continue to put their trust in Him...He is faithful and will return for His beloved church.
 In verse 4, John mimics what Moses had asked in ages past, " What do I tell the others...Who are You?...What is Your Name?". God's answer to John declares now even as God had spoken to Moses back then, declaring: Tell them: " I Am who I Am."

A little about the Emperor Domitian: First, this guy was naturally inclined to cruelty. He slew his own brother...then turned his hatred of others on Christians. Domitian even had some Roman senators put to death, either because he had no trust for them and felt they had committed treason, or...he wanted their land and estates and used any excuse he could find to confiscate their personal assets. The Emperor Domitian commanded the entire Jewish line of be put to death.
 There were numerous Christian martyrs during the reign of Domitian including Simeon, the bishop of Jerusalem. Simeon was recorded to have been crucified. John the Apostle was said to be boiled in oil before being sentenced to the island of Patmos.
 A daughter of a Roman senator named Flavia was also sentenced to Patmos. Domitian law stated that no Christian should be exempt from punishment...unless they would renounce their belief in Christ Jesus.
 During the reign of Domitian, the Roman Empire encountered famines and pestilence in various locations...even earthquakes, and of course Christians were blamed for almost all of these type calamities.
 One problem being a Christian during the time of Domitian was the "The Test Oath". If anyone refused to take this oath...which basically stated your total commitment to the Roman Empire, all of its beliefs, and the acknowledgement of Domitian as a god... you would be sentenced to death. Also, if a person confessed to being a Christian, their sentence...would be death. 
 Timothy, the beloved disciple of Saint Paul, is recorded to have met his death at the hand of the Domitian.   Timothy was recorded to have been brutally beaten with clubs for his objection to idol worship...and died 2 days later.
 The Emperor Domitian was assassinated through the very Senate he had abused.

                                             A Gleaning from Revelation 1:4-7

 " I, John, am writing to the 7 churches in province of Asia....

 There are 2 things I pray for you: 1) His Grace... be applied to all of you in your everyday situations that concern...each and every one of you, and 2) His Peace...the Peace that comes from our Homeland...His Kingdom, be applied and rule in all of you in your everyday situations that concern...each and every one of you. I further pray these 2 gifts which come to us from our God: the God who was, the God who is, and the God who is about to arrive for us...will generate His Kindness and Peace through us and extend these gifts to those around us...all originating from the Seven Spirits that are assembled before His throne. He is the Faithful One, our Trustworthy Witness...Jesus, our beloved Christ.
 For He is the First...He is the Faithful Witness...He is the First to conquer the grips of Death, and He alone is the True Ruler...of all kings of the earth.
 All of His Glory...All of His Strength...and All of His Love that He has for each and every one of us....has freed us...completely!...from all of our sins. How? He shed His very own blood...for each one of us!

 Because of His amazing love for us...we are now priests!...priests in His Kingdom!...and our duty is to demonstrate and manifest the very Glory of God to the very Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! For the Kingdom we are now part of has all power...and all all dominion...throughout all the ages...and both now and forever. Amen!

 The fact is we have all sinned...and fell far short of God the Father...and His glorious and honorable standard.
 Yet, through the incredible generosity of our Lord Jesus, He has made us right...literally putting each one of us in right standing with God...who is now our Father as well!
 Christ Jesus has rescued us from the "eternal mess" of sin, and restored us...into a full relationship with our eternal God. Jesus has put us...where He always wanted us to be...and now we can receive everything God the Father has for us...including His favor and His mercy fueled by all His love...for each one of us."

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