Monday, April 22, 2013

Dual Citizenship: I am loyal to a Democracy...Yet, I am a citizen of a...Kingdom

Being a Christian in the U.S....brings with it an interesting set of circumstances...

 I am a "die-hard" American....I believe in the Stars and Stripes, I believe in individual freedom, and I believe in Apple Pie.
 Now, since I have given my heart and life to the Lordship of Christ Jesus, I am now possessing another citizenship...I am a citizen of...His....Kingdom.
 These different forms of government seem to have a contrasting times. In the Father's Kingdom, not everything requires a vote. The King dictates...and we accept His Laws and Purpose. For example, Jesus told us to "go the extra mile" your enemies, bless those who hurt you.
 Those are mandates from our Kingdom, yet in a would demand a vote...what is the will of the people? Do you think a bill proposed by Senate stating we are to love those persecute us...we are to show love to our you think it would pass? 
 At the least it would demand clarification....are "we talking"...individually to love those who are not regarded as friends...or in a national of global sense. Personally, I couldn't do the "love your enemy" on a national scale...sometimes war is inevitable. We are required to "Preserve our Nation"....right?

 Living in the U.S. under the rights of a democracy...and being a citizen of the "Kingdom of God"...sometimes bring different outlooks and results. When we send an ambassador to a foreign nation, he/she is there to represent the guidelines of the United States of America. What is an important part of the ambassador's tenure? Is it not to convey to another nation the thoughts and criteria of the U.S.A.? 
 Here then lies a key to being a least this the way I see it. We are certainly committed to the preservation of our country, and we must have a constant communication and knowledge under the flag we serve. Yet, we also have Commandments given to us through the Sacred Scriptures...that are directives sent from the Kingdom of God and we are committed to following them as well. 
 I think Muslims and those of the Islamic faith have a grasp on the meaning of this.Yet, in the Kingdom we serve, with the Lord Jesus our Eternal King, we differ on how those Commands are to be carried out...and we serve the One True King...Jesus Christ the Righteous...not anyone else.
 What is important for us as to know what His Kingdom stands for, how the influence of His Kingdom affects our lives, and to know the words, thoughts, and wishes...of our King. We as citizens of the Kingdom of God, where our Lord Jesus reigns, have got to understand what His mandates declare,  how they are to operate in our lives, and to keep in communication with Him, in order that we might gain a greater understanding of His purpose He desires in our lives. What makes the Kingdom of God unique is: each one of us have direct contact...with our King Himself. The Throne of His Heart is always open and ready to hear from us, and He is always has the right give to us. 
 As we continue to live as faithful Americans in our democracy, it is equally important to support the country we have pledged allegiance to, and when conflict arises between the will of the people and laws of His Kingdom, we are to respect those who may not agree with His Commands and support our beloved country, the U.S.A., going that "extra mile" as our King has given us a Command to, allowing His love to be the rule of our hearts.

 Over the next month or so, I am going to use the alphabet as a guideline to go over some Sacred Scriptures that have meaning to me both as a Christian and a citizen of the U.S.A.
 Today I begin with the letter   "A".

 "A": The letter A is a reminder of my "Adoration to my King." In 1 Chronicles 29:11-19, King David is excited because all the materials and preparation has now been the Temple of the Lord can be constructed...through David's son, Solomon.
 This is a "Prayer of Thanks" by King David. Some Bible scholars consider this passage one of the most beautiful prayers in the entire Bible. In this prayer, David turns all the attention off of him, off of the people of Israel, and even off the building of the Temple itself. His focus is given to  Adoration and the Lord God Himself....

                           A Gleaning from 1 Chronicles 29: 11-19

 " David blessed the full view of the entire congregation of Israel. David spoke up and offered this prayer to God:
 " It is You, O Lord...You are all greatness, to You belongs all power, and it is You who receives all glory. All of our victories are because of...You, and You are the True Ruler and Supreme Majesty...of all the earth.

 Everything in the heavens, everything on the earth...belongs to You. All kingdoms..are at Your mercies, and we adore You..for You are the One...over all things.
 All riches and honor...originate in You. All strength and power...originate from Your right hand. It is from Your very hands that You choose discretion as to who is to reach greatness and reside with fame over the works of their hands. For this, we offer to You O God, thankful hearts and voices that lift up praise to You...we simply take our comfort in Your glorious Name.
 And yet, who am I..who are we as a nation...that we can even give anything to...You? All we have, all we are, and all we can ever offer...comes from You. We live this earthly life but for a moment, like foreigners visiting a far away land...strangers in a land...just as our ancestors before us. Our days on earth are no more than a passing shadow, and then...we are gone.

 Mighty Lord...Lord of all Warriors, we give all this material...all this preparation...back to You. May this Temple be honor and glorify...You. All of this has come from You, and now we return this...all to You!
 Yet, what is it You really want from us? It is not these materials we have gathered, nor even this Temple that is about to be built to You.
 What You desire from us...are our hearts. You desire we be pure in both mind and in our motives, Your Law being secure in our hearts. For it is then You find pleasure in us...offering these gifts to You...from willing and joyful hearts.

 You are the same...the same God to You were to our very ancestors. You are the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel. It is Your desire for this lineage continue...a lineage that does not simply originate through our bloodlines, rather a lineage coming from generous hearts, our purposes in life...molded in You, and our thoughts ever meditating on...You.
 I ask Mighty One, that You would give my own son, Solomon, a heart like this...a blameless heart, uncluttered and focused on...You! I further ask that he might live out his life following Your Commands...listening to Your Counsel, and carry out this building of the Temple...all of this totally dependent...on You! May thine be the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory...forever!"

  {Note: Sound familiar? The original Lord's Prayer did not have this ending until around the early part of the 3rd century. The original manuscripts ended with"....and deliver us from evil."
 Also, the way the people of Israel worshipped God during this time of prayer by David..they bowed with their faces to the ground.}

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