Friday, April 19, 2013

The Big Question for Jesus....this time...they got Him!

The Sadducees...this time they think the "Big Question" they have conjured up for Jesus...will dismiss His credibility! Really?
 Sadducees...the Jewish leaders during the time when Jesus was one of us...were quite "a piece of work". First, they did not believe there was a Resurrection...of any kind! A person just lives their earthly life...and then they die...that's over.
 Second, they did not believe there were was all just myths, fantasies, and hallucinations.

 Actually, Sadducees were made up of mostly rich Jewish leaders, and many of them were priests in the Temple itself.
 What kind of "freaked" the Sadducees out concerning Jesus was: they thought Jesus was way too much of a rebel. Because so many enjoyed His teachings and were starting to like what they were hearing from Him, the Sadducees concurred  Jesus might stir people up and cause a political upheaval.

 The Sadducees were kind of like "the ruling party" of the Jewish faith in that time period. The Sadducees were the ones who actually dealt with the Romans on coexisting together in Jerusalem and Judea. So, if Jesus upset the "political balance" that existed....the Romans could get real angry...."put the hammer down" as the saying goes....and the Jewish people could lose the freedoms they presently enjoyed. Besides, in fact of even greater fear if you happen to be a Sadducee...the Sadducees themselves could lose all their power...politically, economically, as well as religious leadership...and that would be devastating.

 So, what do the Sadducees come up with to "dismantle" the teachings and the growing popularity of Christ Jesus?.................destroy His credibility!
 Thus...the "Big Question"...that will do it...right? 

 In Matthew 4:23-29 the Sadducees present Jesus with their "Big Question"...the one that will "take Him down"!
 Basically, the question went like this... They approached Christ Jesus and spoke to Him saying: " Teacher, Moses taught us that if a man dies childless, his brother is then obligated to marry his widow...and have a child so the family name would be carried on. Well, suppose there were...let's say...7 brothers, and all the brothers die. And then, after she had been married to all the brothers...and still remained childless...she  herself dies. So, here is our question....If there is a You claim...whose wife is she in this so-called "next life"?

 Can you imagine what Jesus must have initially thought when He heard the question?  Couldn't you just imagine Jesus saying to Himself..."You got to be kidding...this is the best you can come up with?"

                                                       A Gleaning from Matthew 22: 29-33

 " Jesus answered the question presented to Him by the Sadducees. He replies (I wonder if He couldn't help but least a little): " guys  got this all wrong...on at least 2 accounts.
 First, in our resurrected state...marriage isn't even an issue. many other institutions we have in this earthly life...doesn't mean we have the same institutions in My Father's Kingdom. Have you ever heard stories of angels being married?...oh...that's don't think angels exist. Well, let's just for a moment...say they do. Angels do not marry...they don't need to...they have a fullness in their relationship...with My Father. All of their need for friendship is satisfied...they are in the Presence of My Father.
 That is how it is going to be with each one of us...marriage is an institution set up for our earthly lives...but won't be necessary in our resurrected state...we are in the Presence of the Father.
 Now, before I conclude, allow Me to touch on something else...regarding your speculation that when we die...we do not have a resurrection. 
 You guys...really need to "get a grip" on studying your Bibles...I think you might be missing out....on a really important part!
 Have you noticed the grammar in the Sacred Scripture is perfectly clear...and correct. We can agree on that...right?
 Now, it was long after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had died that God made this fact He said this to the very man you guys are quoting from...Moses.
 God said: "I AM...notice He did not say "I WAS", He said: "I AM the God of...Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob". So, don't you think that means what it reads...He is...He always has, and He always will be...the God of all the living...past, present, and future. So...don't you think a perhaps...for real?

 When the crowds heard His comments...they were surprised, they were glad, and they were relieved....for what Jesus was communicating to everyone...was really "Good News!"

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