As I contemplate this week the "pitcher of water", remembering my need to be a personal witness for Him...not only in a one time occurrence at water baptism, but in my everyday life as well...the reading in Philippians takes on a deeper meaning....
Philippi was a Roman fact it had become a favorite "retirement spot" for Roman soldiers who were now retired from service to the Emperor...particularly those who had served the Emperor Augustus in a great battle in 31 B.C.
Paul, along with Silas, Timothy, and Luke had established a Christian community of believers at Philippi, and Paul had a "special love" for this body of believers.
The church of Philippi was not a wealthy church, but had done its best to support Paul in his work of spreading the Gospel, along with helping other the believers who were "going through it" in their stand for Christ...against those strict the city of Jerusalem itself.
Paul had encouraged the believers here in Philippi to "imitate me". Paul did not say this out of some sort of an earlier letter written to Timothy, Paul refers to himself as "the worst of sinners". Paul makes it abundantly clear he now belongs to Christ and is now given to "imitating Him"!
Paul emphasizes this fact: The Work of the Cross is all aspects. We need not add anything to the work of "the Lamb of God...who takes away the sin of the world!"
During this period, there was a false teaching being passed around...the "Doctrine of the Gnostics". This false teaching claimed that our natural bodies are given to what we do here on earth makes no difference...we can't control or stop it form happening anyway.
Basically, what this meant was "Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-Roll" is fact it makes no difference...we won't change till we get to Heaven.
Paul fought hard against this perverted teaching. He said: " Our very lifestyles here on earth...need to reflect the lifestyles of our Homeland...that being Heaven itself! We are citizens of Heaven...NOW! Therefore...we need to act like it!"
One other thing of note: Paul speaks of a "crown" that we attain from living a present lifestyle that is found pleasing to Him. This crown is not like a crown we see on a King or Queen, rather, the original Greek used in this context is a ring of leaves that is placed upon the head... to the top athlete who had succeeded in running a race.......
A Gleaning from Philippians 3:17 - 4:1
" Hang in there brothers and sisters! Stick with me! It is important you pattern your lifestyles after me...that way we find ourselves on the same course...following after Him!...and the Godly living He has designed for us to have.
For as I have spoke before, there are many...even among us...who choose another path(s)...and believe me my eyes are in tears when I write this: They want you to go along with them...but the Truth is...they are following a path(s) that are "Enemies to the Cross"...not paths designed by our Lord Jesus Christ!
These brothers and sisters who have made a choice to follow "other paths"...instead of the Work of the Cross through the Lord Jesus...are headed for destruction! Their priorities are all messed up...their original hunger for Him..has become defiled. Now, they seek the selfish stuff...keeping their bellies full, having sex wherever available, and seeking the "Life of Ease". What is really crazy about all this is they think they are somehow connected to God the Father in their perverted lifestyles. They are so wrong! Their father is no longer God the Father...rather the very Son of Perdition himself...that being Satan...the god of the Underworld!
But, that's not you! We are citizens of Heaven...the place the Lord Jesus calls His Home...and this is our Homeland as well. We wait eagerly for His arrival...make no mistake...the Lord Jesus Christ has the power!...the power over all things! His plans are to make us beautiful with the same powerful skills He is putting everything else...back to it's original design... the way it was "initially drawn up".
He will transform our present bodies, now wrapped in humiliation, and conform them to a body...just like His!
My dear friends...keep this type of thought forever etched in your minds. And know this as well...I love much!
I want the best for you...and the very best for you is...staying true to the Lord and His Way of doing things.
Don't you are my "Wreath of Victory"...for you stand firm...firmly attached to Him! You are my joy!"
As I continue to discover ways this Lenten Season to please Him...I must remember His Commands...and give them room to find their place in my daily lifestyle...just like the moment I was water let the world know...I am now His!
Philippi was a Roman fact it had become a favorite "retirement spot" for Roman soldiers who were now retired from service to the Emperor...particularly those who had served the Emperor Augustus in a great battle in 31 B.C.
Paul, along with Silas, Timothy, and Luke had established a Christian community of believers at Philippi, and Paul had a "special love" for this body of believers.
The church of Philippi was not a wealthy church, but had done its best to support Paul in his work of spreading the Gospel, along with helping other the believers who were "going through it" in their stand for Christ...against those strict the city of Jerusalem itself.
Paul had encouraged the believers here in Philippi to "imitate me". Paul did not say this out of some sort of an earlier letter written to Timothy, Paul refers to himself as "the worst of sinners". Paul makes it abundantly clear he now belongs to Christ and is now given to "imitating Him"!
Paul emphasizes this fact: The Work of the Cross is all aspects. We need not add anything to the work of "the Lamb of God...who takes away the sin of the world!"
During this period, there was a false teaching being passed around...the "Doctrine of the Gnostics". This false teaching claimed that our natural bodies are given to what we do here on earth makes no difference...we can't control or stop it form happening anyway.
Basically, what this meant was "Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-Roll" is fact it makes no difference...we won't change till we get to Heaven.
Paul fought hard against this perverted teaching. He said: " Our very lifestyles here on earth...need to reflect the lifestyles of our Homeland...that being Heaven itself! We are citizens of Heaven...NOW! Therefore...we need to act like it!"
One other thing of note: Paul speaks of a "crown" that we attain from living a present lifestyle that is found pleasing to Him. This crown is not like a crown we see on a King or Queen, rather, the original Greek used in this context is a ring of leaves that is placed upon the head... to the top athlete who had succeeded in running a race.......
A Gleaning from Philippians 3:17 - 4:1
" Hang in there brothers and sisters! Stick with me! It is important you pattern your lifestyles after me...that way we find ourselves on the same course...following after Him!...and the Godly living He has designed for us to have.
For as I have spoke before, there are many...even among us...who choose another path(s)...and believe me my eyes are in tears when I write this: They want you to go along with them...but the Truth is...they are following a path(s) that are "Enemies to the Cross"...not paths designed by our Lord Jesus Christ!
These brothers and sisters who have made a choice to follow "other paths"...instead of the Work of the Cross through the Lord Jesus...are headed for destruction! Their priorities are all messed up...their original hunger for Him..has become defiled. Now, they seek the selfish stuff...keeping their bellies full, having sex wherever available, and seeking the "Life of Ease". What is really crazy about all this is they think they are somehow connected to God the Father in their perverted lifestyles. They are so wrong! Their father is no longer God the Father...rather the very Son of Perdition himself...that being Satan...the god of the Underworld!
But, that's not you! We are citizens of Heaven...the place the Lord Jesus calls His Home...and this is our Homeland as well. We wait eagerly for His arrival...make no mistake...the Lord Jesus Christ has the power!...the power over all things! His plans are to make us beautiful with the same powerful skills He is putting everything else...back to it's original design... the way it was "initially drawn up".
He will transform our present bodies, now wrapped in humiliation, and conform them to a body...just like His!
My dear friends...keep this type of thought forever etched in your minds. And know this as well...I love much!
I want the best for you...and the very best for you is...staying true to the Lord and His Way of doing things.
Don't you are my "Wreath of Victory"...for you stand firm...firmly attached to Him! You are my joy!"
As I continue to discover ways this Lenten Season to please Him...I must remember His Commands...and give them room to find their place in my daily lifestyle...just like the moment I was water let the world know...I am now His!
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