Saturday, February 23, 2013

Humility...Helps us to be Merciful to Others...

Humility is defined: To be modest and respectful, to consider the lives of others of greater importance than our own.
 Humility comes from the Latin word "humilitus", meaning to be humble and "grounded", remembering we come from the earth (we are all from "dirt".)

 C. S. Lewis wrote: " Humility is not thinking less of's thinking of yourself...less!"

 William Penn, an early "Founding Father" of the United States wrote: "Humility accompanied with Knowledge" excel "Pride and Ignorance" in their most costly attire."

 Frank Lloyd Wright once wrote: " I feel a strange disease coming on me, I was told I have caught what is called: "Humility".

 Each year here in the U.S., we have an event called: "The National Prayer Breakfast", held annually for 61 years. It is held the first Thursday of each year in the month of February. Numerous national and international dignitaries attend this "Breakfast" including each one of our Presidents...since it's inception in 1953 (Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower being the first).
 The founder of this event was Abraham Vereide, a Norwegian born Methodist minister, who also founded the "Goodwill Industries".
 Numerous speakers along with the President of the United States have spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast including: Mother Theresa of Calcutta, Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the U.K., and Dr. Ben Carson, neurosurgeon at John Hopkins University Hospital. 

 At this year's event, on February 7th 2013, President Barack Obama spoke sharing his personal belief in Jesus Christ and on the subject of humility.

 In Christianity, humility is a virtue needed in life...some going as far to say humility is the "foundation" that allows His Grace to interrupt our daily lives.

 The apostle James reminds us that humility allows our hearts to be humble before God Himself and we are only fooling ourselves when we choose to "follow after the selfishness of putting ourselves as #1...much like the world around us likes to promote.
 In James 4:4-6, he reminds us (in a Gleaning format):
" Are you really trying to cheat...with God? You really think that by embracing the world and it's philosophy on think God says: "That's ok...go ahead...cheat on your wife (an example)...I still love you...nothing has changed." Have you considered the thought He may not be "buying in to your little song and dance?" Have you convinced yourself God doesn't care about what we do?
 You might want to look into His Sacred Scriptures...did you know He even refers to Himself as a very "jealous lover"?
 I would strongly recommend taking some time and learn about His love for us and what that might involve. It all starts with each one of us....having a humble attitude before Him, recognizing we are "not all that" in ourselves...actually we are just "dirt" until He breathes Life into our lives. In fact, to receive of His Grace and experience His Favor, we must first come to Him...with a reverent, submissive, and a heart filled with...humility."

 In the Old Testament, the prophet Micah spoke about humility...and how it encourages us to be merciful to others...why?...because He has been merciful with us.
 Here is a Gleaning taken from Micah 6:8:

 "The Lord has shown you what is good, and has made it clear as to His requirements to
  each of us...that being..."To do the right thing in everyday life."
 Our actions should be birthed out of Mercy..for He is merciful to us. Our lives should demonstrate acts of fairness and true justice to those around us...for He is fair and true to each one of us.
 Our journey in this life should be on the "Path of Humility"... seeking His Presence as we learn to walk with Him daily...knowing in our own hearts it is He who is the Author of our very lives."

 In the National Prayer Breakfast in 1982, President Ronald Reagan was the presidential speaker...concluded his address with these words: " Whatever days left in me, may they Him."

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