Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Joseph...the husband of Mary....part 2

How important was Joseph to the whole "Christmas Plan"? I mean if you think about it, there is nothing in the Sacred Scriptures that imply this guy was academic in his nature, there is nothing in the Sacred Scripture that indicates he was fact, there is no Scripture that records anything Joseph had ever spoken...nothing! Even in the Gospel of Luke, when Mary and Joseph had been frantically looking for Jesus (He was in the Temple at 12 years of age discussing the Scriptures with Rabbis), it was Mary who is recorded in this verse of Scripture: " When Joseph and Mary found Jesus...they didn't know what to think. Mary spoke and said: " Son, why have You treated us in this manner? Your father and I have been worried...we have been looking "everywhere" for You! "
 And that was the last time the Scriptures mention...Joseph.

 The years that followed the Scripture out of Luke, Jesus being 12 when the incident occurred of Joseph and Mary looking for Him, to around Jesus 30th birthday, is known as " The Quiet Years". We don't exactly know what Jesus did during this time. 

 Here are some things we do know about Joseph:
1. The trade skills in carpentry were passed down to Jesus, so it is obvious there was considerable time given to Jesus learning these skills from his earthly father Joseph.
2. Joseph's character spoke for him...his tender heart toward the Lord and his obedience to what God what made Joseph a leader in his own right.
3. It is possible Joseph might not have actually seen Mary after the angel had visited her...until she was 3 or 4 months pregnant. Mary had gone to Elizabeth's home after the angelic announcement had been given her, and probably stayed with Elizabeth until the birth of....John...John the Baptizer.
4. Joseph had to more than likely face some verbal humiliation of his own. 3 common theories that some Bible historians suggest Joseph was up against was: 1) the baby really was Joseph's...and he was just trying to make himself look "righteous", 2) Mary had a secret lover. and 3) Mary because of her travels could have been raped and Joseph was willing to "cover it up" because of his love for Mary.
5. The one thing that made Joseph stand out from so many others who followed the Mosaic Law was this: Joseph obeyed God's Commands because of his heart...a tender heart...and Joseph knew the importance of God's love that is the foundation of the Mosaic Law. This I believe is what made Joseph unique...unique to himself, unique in relations to others of his sect, and very special to the eyes and heart of God Himself.

 So, what can one learn from a man who didn't have even one word of his own recorded in the Sacred Scriptures?...what can one learn from a man we really know so little about?
 You know what I think?....I think in heaven we we see all the great patriarchs assembled: Moses, Elijah, David, Joshua., Queen Esther (sorry....personal favorite!)..and others...there among them will be...Joseph...the earthly father of Jesus....because he out of a tender heart and love for his God....obeyed...and did the right open the door...for the Christ Child to come!
 Joseph taught through his actions: "Let mercy always win...over judgment!"

 A Gleaning from 1 Samuel 15:22 and James 2:13

 " Do you really think God is just looking for those who give the "right" sacrifices?.. Sacrifices that are empty in heart yet make a nice show? Please....The answer is a resounding "No!" from the very throne room of Heaven itself...and has been echoed through the entire course of human history.
 What God is looking for is this: a heart the will first of all attentive to His Commands...and obey His Commands because you know from your very hearts it is the right thing to do...and keep your hearts tender and full of love for both Him and for others. God gets "sick" watching us just act out some lavish production...just to look good...with no heart to anything you might be doing.
 Our love for God is to be obedient to Him...not sacrifice, our love for God is willfully submit to Him...out of a pure love for Him...not in some meaningless offering.
 And from this "well"  will come the real truth in God's own heart that is now passed on to you: "Mercy will always be His first choice...over judgment."

 Joseph...this guy was somethin' else! A few quotes for the Christmas Season, and may we "toast" to Joseph...a real leader in our faith:

 " How many observe Christ's Birthday!...How few...His precepts."
                                                                            Benjamin Franklin

 " Beware of just reasoning God's Word...rather...obey it!"
                                                                            Oswald Chambers

 " Why do you need to hear a Voice...when you already have a verse?"
                                                                            Jim Elliot

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