Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Time...a time of the "Dawn of Redeeming Grace"

 Dawn of Redeeming will find this phrase in the 3rd verse of "Silent Night". It's a beautiful way to word...what Christmas is all about.

 In 1967, there was a musical entitled: "Hair". In this musical was an opening phrase that said: "This is  Dawning of the Age of Aquarius".
 The "hippie movement" was in full force in the States, and words that were being "thrown around" candy canes at Christmas time.
 In 1969, a popular musical group called the "5th Dimension" put a song out...that went all the way to #1...called "The Age of Aquarius". One stanza I remember went:
     " When the moon is in the 7th house,
        And Jupiter aligns with Mars,
        Then Peace will guide the planets
        And Love will steer the stars...."

 Really?  Jupiter was a god of thunder...Mars was a god of war...and Peace and Love...was it suppose to come from all of us sitting around in a circle and passing around a "doobie"?
 I don't think so...the "hippie movement" passed....and man has continued to seek what the heart of man has always cried out for...Peace an Love and all men.
 Don't we say that at Christmas time? 

 I think "Silent Night" reminds us of some startling realities:
1. Christ was born in Bethlehem...the "Dawn of the New Testament "and its declaration of the Messiah.
2. Through the acceptance of the Christ-child...we now have been given a gift...the "Dawn of Redemption"...we can now truly love Him!
3. We also now receive the "Dawn of Grace"...the beauty of the up His own come and save...and love us.
4. We can now experience the "Dawn of Reconciliation"...sin no longer separates us from God the Father...because of the Christ-child!

 The prophet Isaiah...the "Ghost of Scriptures Past"...reminds us of the cause that required God to sacrifice His own Son...for each of us:

                              A Gleaning from Isaiah 1:13-20

 " The time has come..."to give it up." I don't want to hear or see all your little "worship charades". more trivial religious games!
 I don't know how I can speak any clearer...I am spelling it out...letter by letter! All the "sacrifices" you do...are utterly worthless! The incense you choose for's disgusting!
 All these celebration days, special days and honor Me?'s ridiculous! In fact, it's sinful! Why? Because it is all a hoax....your hearts are far from Me.
 Honestly, I am sick and wore-out from hearing all your "empty words" excitement in your interest in what you just read get through it....and then say to yourself: "There...I read it...I hope He is happy."  Are you kidding Me?...Are you kidding yourself? I would rather you say..."this stuff is boring...and doesn't make any sense to me". At least then I could handle it...your own hearts being honest...for once.
 Let me ask you this: "What good is all this doing you...if you go right on sinning?...if your heart is void of Peace...of Love...of Joy? It doesn't matter to Me how pretty you can recite a verse of Scripture, it doesn't matter how nice a prayer you...dictate, and I don't care how much Scripture you can quote.
 Here is the real proof...look at your own hands... they are drenched in the blood of innocent victims!
 Here is what you need to do: Face up to what bothers you...about Me. Face up and do not fear Me...not like that! Admit you have sin in your life...and trust Me...I can fix all that...within you! You got My Word...I will listen what you have to say.
 You have got to learn a new way... a way of trust...of trusting Me. Then, I will show you how to do the right will learn and educate yourselves on the meaning of: True Justice! The time is here for you to relieve those...who are oppressed...from the heavy burdens of life. The time is defend the cause of the show real care to those who are fatherless. This is the time to stand up with the widows, the single Moms...fight for their rights!...their rights to live...and enjoy life...not bent down...beneath the loads of life that it has brought them.
 Listen I invite you to come...come and let's discuss this in much more detail. The blood on your hands are a deep red...a scarlet...but I can make your hands clean once more...they will be white...whiter than the new fallen snow!
 If you can humble yourselves, come to Me, listen to what I have to say, and follow after My instructions, I promise only the best...will be reserved..for you!
 But if you continue on the road you are on now...the road called by many: "The Road of the Rebellious and Stubborn heart" Me on this as will die like a dog. You will be gone before anyone even notices...and what is worse...nobody will care."

 In a a feed trough...filled with hay...was a child...wrapped in swaddling clothes...and on His Shoulers were these words: Amazing Counselor, Strong and Almighty God, Eternal Father,...and the Prince of Peace!

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