Monday, December 31, 2012

2013..." The Cry of Freedom" :Freedom to Focus...on Others!

The National Day of Prayer for 2013 is on May 2nd. We have a little time. "Time for what?" might ask. We have time to get our hearts in the right place...a place where His love for others makes His Presence...and causes our own hearts see a purpose in the world we live in. A time where we say to ourselves...."Hey, I simply care! I care about you...I care about America!"
 Too often in my own life...prayers are offered to the Lord....after-the-fact. I call them my "Reactorary Prayers"...instead of "Pro-Active Prayers".
 What if for once...I prayed about someone or a situation...before it happened! Whoa!...that is big! That puts a whole different look on the meaning of prayer itself.

 The annual day of National Prayer Observance is held on the first Thursday in the month of May. It is designated by the U.S. Congress and its purpose is this: that all Americans are asked to turn to God in prayer and meditation.
 Prayer itself is defined as: an act that seeks to activate a rapport with a Deity that is of a deliberate communication (even to the point of pre-meditated). Prayer is commonly found in various religious practices and various forms such as: a hymn, incantation, a formal creed, or a spontaneous utterance from the person initializing the prayer itself.
 Prayers can be of various agenda as well. There are prayers of petition, prayers of supplication, prayers of thanksgiving, and prayers of worship and praise.
 Prayers are directed to a Deity for numerous reasons: the love of family/others, for a specific purpose or idea, for worship, for guidance, asking for assistance, confessing sins, or expressing thoughts and/or emotions.

 Although the "National Day of Prayer was signed a bill on April 17th, 1952, some regard the National Day of Prayer to have actually began at the beginning of the Revolutionary War.
 Here then is the proclamation issued by the Continental Congress on July 20th, 1775:
 " The Honorable the Congress having recommended it the United States, to set apart the 6th of May next to be observed as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, to acknowledge the gracious interposition of Providence, to deprecate (to pray or interact that a present evil may be removed), deserved punishment for our Sins and ingratitude, to unitedly implore the Protection of Heaven: Success to our Arms and the Arms of our Ally: The Commander-n-Chief enjoins a religious observance of the said day and directs the Chaplains to prepare discourses proper for the occasion; strictly forbidding all recreations and unnecessary labor." George Washington, First President of the United States."

 On May 2nd of 2013...America is still praying...we can't succeed without the "Protection of Heaven". Here then is a National Prayer for 2013...a prayer  we need "unitedly implore".

 "Father, we come to You to pray for our nation, the United States of America.

 How You have blessed us through the years, Lord! We rightly sing, : "America, America, God shed His grace on thee." Yet we see trouble in our culture today. We see the breakdown of the family, crippling addictions, and random acts of horrific violence.

 Lord, we need Your help in America. In recent days, we have done our best to remove Your Word and Your counsel from...our courtrooms, classrooms, and culture. It seems, as President Lincoln once said, that we have "forgotten God." But Lord, You have not forgotten us! You can bless and help and revive our country again.

 Scripture tells us that "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." {Proverbs 14:34}. Lord, in Your mercy, we ask that You would exalt our country again. We have had a number of great awakenings in America. We have experienced times of refreshing, and revivals that changed not only the spiritual but also the moral landscape. As the psalmist said: "Will You not revive us again, so that Your people may rejoice in You?" {Psalm 85:6}.

 That is our prayer for America today, Lord. Send a mighty spiritual awakening that will turn the hearts of men and women, boys and girls back to You. You have told us if we humble ourselves and pray, and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, that You will forgive our sins and heal our land. {2 Chronicles 7:14}

 Forgive us today, Lord, and heal this trouble land that we love so much.

 We ask all of this in the name of Jesus Christ."
 (The National Day of Prayer committee is under the direction of Honorary Chairman Pastor Greg Laurie...for 2013.)

Note: This is a wonderful prayer, and words like "refreshing", "revivals", "spiritual awakenings", "heal our land"...these are deep and heart felt words.
 Yet, as a "lowly amateur history and scriptural buff"...I can tell you from what I have studied thus far in both history and Scriptures...when you decide to pray these types of prayers...He will answer!..That's what He does...and He will do whatever it takes to get our attention.
  Changing heart, moral landscapes, having humble hearts, turning from our wicked ways, forgiving our sins, and healing our land....we as a people need to respond to His Calling as well ...and we need the influence of the "Paraclete", or through the Power of the Holy Spirit to see the wonderment of people turning to Him. I've read where the Holy Spirit will create those special moments when one gives their lives to Christ, yet the circumstances or the surroundings may not always be pleasant. To God be the Glory!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Preparation for our New Year....2013 A.D.

As I prepare for the New Year, 2013 A.D., I look at 2 items of preparation for this grand event at midnight on December 31st, 2012 A.D....

 First, each year in America we observe as a nation a day referred to as: "The National Day of Prayer". It is officially held on the first Thursday in the month of May. In 2012, it was held on May 3rd.
 The day itself has been designated by the United States Congress, and it is a day when all the people of this nation are asked to "turn to God in prayer and in meditation". Each year, the day comes with a proclamation from the President of the United States, encouraging all Americans to make some pray on this day. It is officially sanctioned by both the President and the United States Congress.

 The modern law of this official day was formalized in 1952, although the "National Day of Prayer" has historical origins dating to a mandate proclaimed by the 1st President of the United States, the honorable George Washington.
 The National Day of Prayer itself has not always been observed without being challenged. In April of 2011, the group " Freedom from Religion Foundation", made an unsuccessful attempt to have this day of observance...completely dismissed. Instead, their proposal was completely dismissed, being voted down by an unanimous vote.

 In today's society here in America, the National Day of Prayer has become an inter-faith day of prayer. The National Day of Prayer is celebrated by many Americans of various faiths: Muslims, Hindus, the Jewish faith, Sikhs, and various denominations within the Christian faith. It is a day that one might see a Baptist holding hand with a member of the Roman Catholic faith. The day is geared for all to cry out to their God...or gods...according to whom a person has chosen to serve.

 On May 1st of 2012, President Obama made this official "National Day of Prayer" proclamation:
 " Prayer has always been a part of the American story, and today countless Americans rely on prayer for comfort, direction, and strength, praying not only for themselves, but for their communities, their country, and the world.

 On this National Day of Prayer, we give thanks for our democracy that respects the beliefs and protects the religious freedom of all people to pray, worship, or abstain to the dictates of their conscience. Let us pray for all the citizens of our great Nation, particularly those who are sick, mourning, or without hope, and ask God for the sustenance to meet the challenges we face as a Nation. May we embrace the responsibility we have to each other, and rely on the better angels of our nature in service to one another. Let us be humble in our convictions, and courageous in our virtue. Let us pray for those suffering around the world, and let us be open to opportunities to ease that suffering.

 Let us also pray tribute to the men and women of our Armed Forces who have answered our country's call to serve with honor in the pursuit of peace. Our grateful Nation is humbled by the sacrifices made to protect and defend our security and freedom. Let us pray for continued strength and safety of our service members and their families. While we pause to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending liberty, let us remember and lend our voices to the principles for which they fought...unity, human dignity, and the pursuit of justice.

NOW, THEREFORE I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 3rd, 2012 as a National Day of Prayer. I invite all citizens of our Nation, as their own faith directs them, to join me in giving thanks for the many blessings we enjoy, and I call upon individuals of all faiths to pray for guidance, grace, and protection for our great Nation as we address the challenges of our time.

 IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, and of the independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-sixth.  BARACK OBAMA"

 Note: the term "better angels of our nature" is a phrase that stems from the words of President Abraham Lincoln, spoken in his first inaugural address in 1861.
 The story goes that President Lincoln had written a rough draft of what he had intended to say at his first address, and handed it to a William Seward, at that time the Secretary of State. Seward recommended Lincoln conclude with conciliatory words, and "scratched in" a few sentences for Lincoln to consider.
 Seward had gotten the phrase "better angel" from a novel written by the great English literary Charles Dickens in his novel "Barnaby Rudge" written in 1841. There is no evidence Lincoln read Dickens....but Seward certainly did.
 Seward had written the words "better angel", and then replaced it with "guardian angel of the Nation". Lincoln, upon reading the suggestions...looked at Seward and said: "better angels of our nature".
 Shakespeare had also used the words "better angel" in his writing of "Othello"...and it is certain Lincoln had read the writings of Shakespeare.

 And there was yet another prayer of national magnitude...given on May 3rd, 2012.....


Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Freedom...comes with Preparation"

One thing that occurs to order to follow after Freedom...His Freedom... I must have some "groundwork", a foundation in my own life so I am in a position to search for "His Freedom" and  allow this freedom to find its purpose in my life.
 There are a couple of important Scriptures I have found for my own life...if I am serious to follow after... His Freedom...the freedom He has given to me and to all that would respond to His call: "Follow Me!"

 One is in Matthew 11:25-30, where things have been happening! There are some "situations" that have developed...because His Call to Freedom is gaining strength:

1. The "Good News" is getting out: people around the area are talking about Jesus healing the sick, causing the blind to have sight, forgiving people who are bound in adulterers, and He has friendships with people you would not think of as a "church-goin' Christian" collectors!

2. John the Baptizer was now in prison...and sends his own disciples to Jesus...John just wants to hear it one more time....before He goes. Jesus sends the message back to John: "John...there is not one thing you have done that was in vain...the lame walk, the blind see, and the Good News is being the poor!...".

3. Jesus in this chapter in Matthew is in the city of Capernaum. The people in Capernaum had found success in life and were very proud of their accomplishments. There was a phrase said in Capernaum: "The city that reaches up to Heaven itself."
 When Jesus arrived, He didn't "buy in to their song and dance" on how good they were or how successful their city had become. In fact, many in Capernaum had no interest in Jesus or why He was even there.
 So, Jesus, upon hearing about how the Jewish community had been "holding up their end" by obeying the Law...the hundreds and hundreds of them that they were now "enslaved" to follow, replies to them: " You would be better off to have lived in Tyre and Sidon ( 2 cities who were destroyed at least twice...and they had been part of the promise when the Israelites entered the "Promised Land"), for they never had...who you have before you now! (Note: Tyre and Sidon had become what Capernaum was in Jesus day: a wealthy area that had become proud and cruel).

4. In these verses Jesus spoke about "yokes"...and the yoke He has for us that is light. Jesus had been a carpenter...and probably had some familiarity with the "art of yoke making". The key to designing a yoke had to fit properly...on the oxen who are fitted into a yoke. If the yoke did not fit right on the oxen, their necks could get extremely sore, and their skin become very irritated.
 Here Jesus is saying...following the Lord was never meant to be a heavy load, nor were you ever meant to have a yoke that did not fit (like trying to follow hundreds of religious laws  to try to get God "on your side"). Instead, Christ Jesus says: " My yoke is easy...and the Way to Freedom is found here. It's a simple and light yoke, made available by the One  who really cares...about each one of us!

                                         A Gleaning from Matthew 11: 25-30

 " Jesus then took a moment while speaking to some of the people gathered around Him in the city of Capernaum, and spoke directly to His Father and said: " Father, I just wanted to give You honor and praise right now, for You are the True Lord...of both heaven...and Lord of the earth. (Note: do you think He knew Satan was probably listening to each word he spoke).
 I acknowledge Your hand upon Me, and I am joyful right now...because You have hidden all that I am...and all that I am doing...from those who consider themselves "wise, clever, educated, blending those thoughts with a know-it-all attitude". Instead, You are showing who I am...and all that I am hearts that are child-like, to "ordinary" folk, to those who have been labeled "unskilled, uneducated, and utterly common".
 Yes Father...that is just the way You work!...filled with Your grace...and all Your good pleasures!

 Then Jesus redirected His thoughts to the people around Him, and now His own heart had begun to soften, and He spoke to them in a more tender tone saying: " My Father has entrusted everything in life...including everything that concerns Me!
 We have a close and intimate Father/Son relationship. We are close...and there is no one that knows Me better...than My Father, nor is there anyone that knows My Father...better than Me!
 And here is something else you need to know...this relationship I have with My not exclusive! He's too Big!! keep it between us...only. I wish to bring you into the type of relationship I have...with the Father. This is the true freedom! I will be assist you anyway I can...the Father...longs to know you!

 Then, Jesus looked into the eyes of those who were listening and said: "Are you tired? Has all this religion...all these laws to follow...all this boring lifestyle...burned you out...completely?
 Do this! Follow Me...I know the way to your freedom!...your life will come "alive" again! My way to freedom will ease all those heavy burdens you carry and you will begin to experience something new in your life...His Rest! You will be refreshed...and the relief alone...will reach down to your very souls!

 Come with Me...take " My Yoke of Freedom", and you will find your lives the "Rhythms of His Grace". I am gentle, humble of heart, and you will find joy in your search for freedom. The yoke I give will need it for the journey...and it will fit perfectly...and bring much relief from the stress in life that you will sometimes have to face.
 Come..enter the "Way of Freedom"...for I am Freedom...your freedom...and the yoke we share is wholesome, good, comfortable, gracious, pleasant, and...sets you free!"

Friday, December 28, 2012

Jesus Spoke of Freedom!

In the Gospel of Saint John, we read of Jesus speaking to His "favorites"...the Jewish leaders...probably the scribes, the Pharisees, and perhaps a few Sadducees. Both Jesus and John the Baptizer had taken some pretty good "verbal shots" at "these guys" and their phony lifestyles...acting so religious and yet having hearts that had no intention of loving the Lord.
 In John 8, Jesus brings up the fact He will be returning to His Father...and where He is going they could not least not at that moment in time.
 From those statements Jesus made, the Jewish leaders than asked Jesus if He was planning on committing suicide...(nice...I bet that went over "big" in their conversation with Christ).
 Later, Jesus spoke about true freedom, and of course the Jewish leaders responded to Him by saying:"Hey...don't You know...we are the sons of Abraham!...we know all about freedom!"
 Jesus basically told them...they couldn't begin to have, see, or understand freedom... because they were so full of themselves.

 The kind of freedom Jesus was talking about was the freedom and go "after the lions". Each day He wants us to have the ability to enjoy life, regardless of circumstances, and real freedom has the power to set others free!... it's's authentic..kind of like having your favorite wine at an evening meal...real freedom really tastes good...for all!
Here are 7 questions in regards to freedom you may want to ask yourself:

1. Are you able to pursue a dream...that is destined to fail...without Divine Intervention? Welcome to Freedom!
2. Are you able to be driven to seek out better answers to life...or to ask more questions about life? Welcome to Freedom!
3. Do you have a purpose in life that will have passion...more depth than just the concern of making it safely at death? Welcome to Freedom!
4. Are you able to see beyond...the problems you face...and trust there are solutions? Welcome to Freedom!
5. Does the everyday life we now live...have a future that God has "carved out" specifically for you?...taking you well past the mundane? Welcome to Freedom!
6. Does the future you seek have any risks?...or are you staying in the "comfort zone"? If you come upon a "Red Sea" in your you think there is a way to...crossover? Welcome to Freedom!
7. Does your lips ever marvel at some of the freedoms He has already enabled you to have...Do you say in your prayers: "Look, He has done it again!" Welcome to Freedom!

 Jesus spoke of freedom...numerous times. In John is a Gleaning for you to consider:

 " So, if the One who has called you...and given you a drink of His Freedom...that is to say He has liberated you...then you are...truly free! This Freedom is genuine...a Freedom that is unique...a Freedom designed by God that only you can fulfill...and share with others...and this Freedom you now have...came with a great price!"

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Freedom for All! A Gleaning from Romans 8:18-21

When Saint Paul speaks of present troubles and pain, one can rest assured he is speaking from personal experience. He knew about verbal abuse, physical abuse, and the feeling of being left abandoned.
 When the earth and all it's inhabitants...humans...plant life...and animals received "the Curse", everyone lost course of the original purpose God had intended. Nature really had no choice in the matter...God had put man in charge of everything. As a result, both plant life and animals were now subject to sickness and death. It would be like someone coming along and cutting an entire forest down...the inhabitants within the forest...could no longer live there.
 Yet there was One...One who loved man...loved animals...and loved the entire earth, and had made the decision long ago...I will go and restore this...because I love them dearly...even if it cost very life.
          And it did...the saddest part of all...we made sure of it....

                  A Gleaning from Romans 8:18-21

 " For you see, I just do not think it is a good idea to compare...weighing out the trials and sufferings you presently face...vs....the glory of what is to come; the day He returns for us and our "real lives" begins...the lives God had originally in mind. Don't let yourselves get caught up with the thought: "Is following Him really worth it?"
 For let me offer this into your thoughts: all of creation has a kind of waiting and eager expectation...the time when God's true people will enjoy the benefits of following Him. In the meantime, let this be known...we are not alone. Creation has also been "held back" from His True Glory...all waiting for Christ Jesus to come and make things right...for one...and for all!
 For creation itself...and all of nature as well, has been in a state of confusion, a state of frailty, sensing condemnation and frustration from what the Enemy has done to this place we call earth.
 Yet, God's creation still has a hope beating within them, a day where Freedom will make its grand entrance...and all the corruption and decay resulting from "the Curse"...will be gone! Creation will rejoice in the New Freedom...once and for all...provided entirely by God's own Son...who came and became one of us...took the Curse...and freed all those scared to death...of Death...all resulting from one motive...because He loves us!"

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I Declare the year 2013 to be the :"Cry of Freedom!"

As I contemplate what is my utmost desire for the coming year, 2013...I think I would have to choose....Freedom! The freedom I speak of is one where I awake without the pressures of life coming down upon me. I certainly realize we all have times where our personal freedoms are tested...yet it is my desire to be as free as I possibly can. The reason I think this is simple: I don't what to spend so much of my focus in everyday life...on me. I want to find freedom to just be there...for others....

 Freedom is defined as having the power to act, to speak, or to think as one would care to express without hindrance or restraint. One definition goes as far as to say: to be in a mindset of knowing you are free...even when found in confinement or under physical restraint.

As I gather my New Year's Resolutions together, I think I will call this: "The Year of Freedom". As of right now, I have 10 different Scriptures to look at in support of this resolution...or should I call it: "My New Year's Revolution".....(hey...I was in the hippie movement in the late 60's..."Revolution"...I loved that word then...and I love that word now!)

 Saint Paul spoke of freedom...the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. He specifically identifies that because of our hope in Christ Jesus, we are enabled with the power to be bold in our daily lives...bold in the sense of being confident that we have been given the power... to actually please God!
 Through our acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ into our own individual hearts, we now have with this invitation One who accompanies Christ Himself...His name is the Holy Spirit. What then makes our lives unique to many and pleasing to God is the fact we do not attempt to please the God we serve by following a set of rules.
 This One we call the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus declared Himself was necessary for us to meet, now enlightens our hearts on how to follow the Master and learn the proper ways in pleasing God.

 One of the first lessons I have incurred from the Holy Spirit is that my love for God is required to go beyond any set of rules that help us to understand His lifestyle. 
 Moses, when coming down from the mountain to the people of Israel, had to cover his face with a veil, so the people would not see the glory of God that shown from his face. It was too strong...and would perhaps hurt or even kill them if their eyes beheld the glory of God. The veil allowed time for His glory to fade from the face of Moses. The reason this had to be done this way is the very fact God's glory cannot be seen through the eyes of those attempting to please God by obeying His laws. His glory does not come...through the laws.
 In this passage of Scripture, Paul explains God's glory can only fade from us when we attempt to obey and love Him by following rules. On the other hand, God's glory can actually increase in our own lives when we invite the Lord Jesus into our hearts and allow the One who accompanies Him, the Holy Spirit to make the adjustments needed in our lives by the power of changing our hearts...something the law is incapable of. 

                          A Gleaning from ll Corinthians 3:12-17

 "This new way...of coming to meet and know the Living God...allows us to be empowered with such a has the power to excite us, and there is nothing that can hold us back from developing and deepening our friendship with Almighty God, for now we can walk in our daily lives in a way we had never done before.
 Because of this new found freedom, we are not like Moses, who had to cover his face so the people of Israel would not gaze upon His magnificent splendor, and put their own lives in jeopardy.
 You see, during the time of Moses, the glory of God was forced to fade...because the people's minds and hearts had grown hard, their thoughts were callous, and they really had no power to understand Him.
 This veil, that kept the glory of God from entering individual lives, could only be removed one one man. And that man, the One who became one of us, is God's very own Son...the Lord Jesus Christ.

 Yet, even to this day, those who attempt to know the Lord God through the following of a set of laws, just as in the days of Moses, must still have their own hearts covered with this veil, for you can not have the glory of God enter your own lives based on your own merits...that is to obey a set of laws.
 Instead, when any one of you make a decision to invite the Lord Jesus Christ into your own individual heart, and allow Him to take the lead in your everyday lives, the Holy Spirit lives within our hearts as well and gives us the vital directions we need in our lives. As this amazing transformation begins to take place within you, the very glory of Almighty God enters your hearts and begins to increase (rather than fade as in the days of the law), and directs your lives. Here is why: the Lord Himself is a Spirit, and His Spirit...the Holy Spirit now has home in your heart...and it is then you will begin to experience the liberty and the freedom of knowing your friend...not just a God you "read on paper".

OK...Jesus came...Now What??

Christmas 2012....has come and is passed. The world is still here, tax hikes are looming around the corner, and 2013 is at our "doorstep".
 I happen to be reading about "the power of embracing one another". We do that stuff alot during Christmas time, and for those of us who are not what one might call "huggers", it can be kind of a "stressful" (lol) season in our lives.
 Actually, research claims hugging is a healthy helps our immune system, can help cure depression, reduce stress, aids in sleep, and can rejuvinate our very souls.
 It is also duly noted that "embracing one another" is totally organic, naturally a sweet thing to do, and there are no after pesticide poisonings (hmmm? gotta think about that one lol), no preservatives, no artificial flavors (wait...I think there is such a thing as a "fake" hug), no batteries that will wear out, no check-ups, no monthly payments due when you offer someone a hug (now...that's an idea!), and you don't have to take out insurance to embrace another.
 Anyway...Christmas is we still need to hug? (lol) Ok...moving on....

 After the Christ-child was the manger...was there anything noted that happen after His birth? Yes, in fact there were numerous things...culminating with the murders of innocent babies in the mad efforts of "King" Herod to kill the Christ-child.
 Yet, we also find a rather spectacular event occurred that is recorded in the Gospel of Saint Luke...

 It was 40 days after His birth, Mary and Joseph as dictacted in Mosaic Law, was to present Jesus at the Temple. Actually, it was a ritual purification ceremony for Mary after childbirth.

                     A Gleaning from the Gospel of Luke 2:25-38

 " At this moment in history, during the time Jesus was still an infant, there was a man named Simeon who lived in Jerusalem.
 Simeon was noted as a good man, and had the kind of heart the Lord loved. Simeon knew the Sacred Scriptures, he had a good relationship with the Lord, and like many in Israel...was looking for the Messiah. Many in Israel had felt by this time God had abandoned them, yet Simeon remained faithful. He was still of the opinion with a prayerful expectancy God was coming to aid and rescue Israel ( from all foreign oppression like that of the Roman Empire), and continued to observe with a careful and cautious reverence the Laws of Moses.
 It was on this particular day the Holy Spirit came upon Simeon, and spoke to his heart. The Holy Spirit informed him that he would not die...without his very own eyes having the honor of seeing for himself....The Messiah!
 So, the day came when Mary and Joseph were to bring the baby Jesus to the Temple as was required in the Law of Moses. On that very same day, the Holy Spirit prompted go to the Temple as well. The Holy Spirit had shown him he would see the Messiah there...before he died. Simeon followed the lead of the Holy Spirit and entered the Temple. When Mary and Joseph came into the Temple to present Jesus before the Lord...Simeon was already there!
 When Simeon's eyes saw the baby Jesus, he took Jesus into his arms and gave God praise with a heart of gratefulenss, saying: "Lord, I am your servant, and you have given me the honor to see the Christ-child! It is only now I can leave this life in Your Peace, for You have done it once again!...You have been faithful to me! For with my very own eyes I now see our Salvation has come, in fact, all people can now see for themselves...both of the faith of the Israelites as well of those of all nations! Truly, He is the Glory of Your people...the people You have ordained...the very nation of...Israel!

 When Mary and Joseph heard the words of Simeon, they were both surprised and speechless...simply at what Simeon had spoken! The couple simply marveled at what was happening, and then Simeon blessed the couple. Simeon then turned his attention directly to Mary and said: "This child you now have is destined to cause both failure for the people of Israel, and for their recovery. This infant that is being dedicated today in the Temple is a warning the people of Israel who choose to reject Him. For this is true, He will become a man misunderstood and contradicted, and many will oppose Him. You Mary, will go through personal suffering...and at times it will feel like someone has taken a dagger and stabbed you in your very heart. Yet, this rejection your young Son will face will force an honesty of those around you, and God will reveal the thoughts and purposes of many hearts. He will make it perfectly clear what their thoughts and motives really are."

 Yet, this day was far from over for Mary, Joseph, and their Son Jesus. For in the Temple was another...her name being Anna...and she was a prophetess....of the Lord!

 Anna was of the tribe of Asher of the nation of Israel, and she was the daughter of a man named Phanuel. Anna on this day was of a very old age.
 Anna's life had not gone without personal tragedy, for only after 7 years into her marriage, her husband had passed, and she had remained a widow to this very day...the day the Christ-child had come to the Temple...for Anna was now 84 years of age.
 Since the time of her husband's death, Anna had given her life to honor God by serving in the Temple. She did not go outside the Temple enclosure, remained steady, worshipping the Lord both day and into the night...accompanied with fasting and prayer.
 Anna was there when Jesus was presented to the Lord in the Temple, and when her eyes gazed upon Him, she gave an offering of thanks and praise to the great God of Israel....for she knew God much like Simeon...and had become acquainted with His mercy.
 Anna upon seeing Him, would now let others know who passed by...that the Christ-child was here...the Messiah has come...and He is Alive! The Messiah of Israel has come to live among us, and it is a time to be ready...for Jerusalem's long awaited moment...the announcement of FREEDOM...has arrived."

 For many of us today...the "Cry of Anna" is still heard. ours 2012 A.D. Traditonally, those of us in liturgical churches recognize the day that Simeon and Anna experienced as one of the 12 "Great Feasts" days. It is acknowledged on February 2nd, and is called "Hypaponte" (Greek meaning Meeting Day), Candlemas, Feast of the Purification of the Virgin, Meeting of the Lord, or as the Roman Catholic church observes, the "Feast of the Presentation of the Lord".

 Robert Herrick, the English poet of the early 1600's wrote this poem in observance to what this day proclaims: " Down with rosemary, and so Down with the bays and the mistletoe; Down with the holly, ivy, all, wherewith ye dress'd the Christmas Hall."

 In the U.K., Candlemas has become a weather forecast as well: "If Candlemas Day is clear and bright, winter will have another bite! If Candlemas Day brings cloud and rain, winter is gone and will not come again."

 Christ Jesus...even in His infant stage...began to "draw the lines"....


"Say it ain't so......"

In 1980, the British rock band "Queen" came out with their great hit "Another One Bites the Dust"....

 Oh could you?...Not Hostess...not "Twinkies"....It just "ain't right!

 This week it has been announced the Hostess Company is beginning their liquidating procedures..."game over"....the "Twinkie" is officially ...retired.
 I was hoping some other company would find a way to get the rights to manufacturing the "Twinkie"...but as of now...the outlook appears bleak. I mean...where is a company like... Taco Bell during this American crisis?...Couldn't they put a Twinkie in a taco and call it a "Twako" or something?
 But, this isn't the first time America has faced a crisis of this magnitude. There are others...."crying" from the "darkness".....O America...they are calling:

1. With Hostess closing its doors, the chocolate "Hostess Cupcake"...a 2 pack of rich making it's final tour.

2. Chef Boyardee Meatball Stew: this great "stew in a can" was a main staple to many a child being raised in the heartland of America...yes, we still have Ravioli...and now overstuffed Ravioli...even Chili Mac and Macaroni are now available. But, Meatball no longer part of buying "10 cans for $10" any more....."the picture on the can"...looked sooo good!

3. Heinz "purple" Ketchup: This was great stuff....made kids to look at grape jelly with a much more positive outlook.

4. Crystal Pepsi: This clear, caffeine drink came out in 1992...and was gone in 1993. I was a "little creepy" looking.

5. Kellogg's C-3PO Cereal: During the Star Wars craze, this was cool! It kind of looked like Cheerios except the cereal was shaped in the number 8. "Available cereal is not!"....Yoda

6. Hi-C came out in the individual cartons a drink called "Ecto-Cooler". Many of us never did figure out what exactly it was.

7. Ho-Ho's: this cylinder frosted creme-filled cake with the pinwheel design on the ends (kind of like Little Debbie's Swiss Rolls)...was a major "blow" to all walks of American back to its origin in 1920.

8. Keebler's "Tato Skins": A potato chip...although how much of it came from a potato....only the Keebler elves know....

9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cereal: When it first came out in the 90's, it was "the crunchy sweetened ninja nets...with ninja turtle marshmallows!"

10. Hostess "Wonder Bread": I always thought the Wonder Bread delivery trucks were really cool!

11. The beloved "Twinkie": An American longer to be found. When I was in school, a typical "packed from home" lunch in the heartland consist of the following: a bologna sandwich, a bag of chips, and a Twinkie!!...oh yea, an apple...but we usually brought that home to "save for later"....right? We bought a milk from the cost 10 cents.

 As it reads in the book of Ecclesiastes 3, there is a "right time" for everything....I just can not mentally accept...the "Twinkie" gone!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Jesus...He received an "Embalming Kit"...for His Birthday

We often hear about the 3 Wise men bringing their gifts to the baby Jesus....

 I don't want to be a  "party-pooper" on this fine Christmas morning...but the truth be told....

1. The Scriptures do not say there were 3....wise men.
2. These "3 kings" were actually "Magi"...they were learned astrologers.
3. They did not arrive on Christmas night...they came when Mary and Joseph were living in a house...probably coming to see Jesus before He reached the age of 2 years old.
4. Most likely there were probably 10 to 12 Magi, all carrying 3 different type, myrrh, and frankincense. This meant to get to Bethlehem they had to travel through country with thieves and robbers (probably similar to the "Old West" here in the 'States). So, with their personal entourage for could have been looking at a few hundred men...or more.
5. This is another reason Herod wanted the baby Jesus hunted down and slain....this massive group that came to worship Him....only confirmed in Herod's own mind...his days "were numbered".

 It was an "embalming kit" because:

1. Gold: a valuable and highly sought after precious metal for coinage, for jewelry, and other arts...long sought after before history had ever began to be recorded.
 Funerals at the time of Christ here on earth...could be quite expensive: You had to pay for "mourners" to weep for you, long processions, funeral dinners,sleeping arrangements,  grave sites or tombs (not found so easily in the desert regions, and it was a minimum 3 day event...depending how far relatives had to get to the funeral).  The gift of gold would be obviously helpful to take care of all these things needed.

2. Frankincense: also called "olibanum". This is an aromatic resin from the Boswellia tree...a scraggly plant found mostly on the Somalian coast ( you remember Somalia...the "Somalian Pirates"...the guys who thought they could loot a U.S. Navy Destroyer vessel by ordering it to surrender). Frankincense was used in Jesus day to help give a good scent in the air...over a body that had began to decay.

3. Myrrh: this too was an aromatic resin, coming from a small thorny tree species of the flowering plant "Commiphora".This particular species grows well in the dry stony soil of Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen.
Basically, this tree is "wounded" by piercing its bark and the tree "bleeds" a thick resin, later hardening, and then changing colors.
 The Egyptians use myrrh as part of their embalming of "mummies".

 From the beginning...He knew....and loved us...and still does today!

Happy Birthday Lord Jesus...and thank-you...for coming to us, for becoming "one of us", and for dying...for all of us! And thank you for not forgetting us....and You are coming get us! Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ!

The One who is called "Faithful"...the One who breaks through...our despair"

The fact remains...the One we call "Faithful" just that! He has been Faithful...through the Ages...and He remains "Faithful" the end!

 "The Faithful One" has the break through our despair....

 The thing that causes the Sacred Scriptures to come alive to the fact it is filled with people who in the "natural schemes of life" are just like any one of us....selfish, lookin' out for #1 (me), and totally violating His Commands.
 Look at David...the man the Scriptures say: "the one that was after God's own heart". He is also the guy that had a person purposely killed so he could have his wife (Bathsheba).
 The apostle Peter, whom the Roman Catholic Church has built its whole foundation on in the city of Rome itself...on the night prior to the Crucifixion...hangin' with Jesus for approximately 3 years, having developed a close friendship with Him...denied he ever even knew the guy when asked that evening...and he denied Him not once, not twice, but 3 times...publicly...before all those in attendance.
 Saint Paul, prior to his conversion to the Lordship of Christ Jesus in his own life...the writer of 2/3 of the New Testament... was having people who claimed they believed in Jesus...he had them drug out of their homes, sold into slavery, or had them killed. His former name was "Saul"...for those who lived in that day he was known as "Saul the Butcher"...and it wasn't because he was in the meat business. His basic philosophy for a time was "the only good a dead Christian." He was there and totally supported the group that had Stephen stoned.
 And then there is Jacob...who God later changed his name to..."Israel". This guy was of those that might tell you one thing...but do another. His own sons, after hearing about how this village and its leader had taken their sister Dinah forcibly, made an agreement with them to get their sister back, even encouraged them to join the ranks of their own Hebrew faith....the males in the village voluntarily became circumcised, and on the 3rd day after circumcision, when the physical pain was at its height, the 2 brothers of Dinah came in and slaughtered the entire male population of the village. And who were these 2 brothers...Simeon and Levi...2 of the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel...the very descendants of Abraham himself. 

 So, what made these guys make a decision whether to be a part of "God's chosen"?...after all they were murderers, adulterers, liars, and out for themselves.  Nor did some of these guys become believers  in Christ Jesus who we had never heard of...rather...the Christian church today is built around...the lives and testimonies of these guys...King David, the Apostle Peter, Saint Paul, and whatever happened to the tribes of Simeon and the tribes of Levi of the nation of Israel....Levi...the priesthood lineage of the Jewish faith!

 My opinion? became a matter of the heart...they were just like you and I. I think when you give yourself a "minute", and inventory how you are dealing with the affairs of everyday life...on your come to a point and admit to yourself: "Hey, I really don't care...I don't care about others...and honestly...I don't care about myself." And yes, you may look good "on paper" to the poor, being nice, or just having a good and successful appearance... yet, when the "rubber meets the road" as the saying goes, when you find yourself in those times... alone...sitting by is there you find out...who you really are.
 For some, they grab some "happy pills", others may reach for a "pain killer" that come in a liquid form, and still others grab a remote and start "surfin' the channels" or perhaps jump on a computer and start a game. It is also in those moments...if you have "the guts" to do so...that you allow your heart to cry out and say: "Ok God...I am willing to give You the chance You have asked of me. I am obviously a failure...without You. If You are who You say are...then I will at this moment....take You at Your Word,so, I ask You to come into my own own heart, and I will submit myself to You...and to the Authority and the Power of Your Son...the One they call...the Christ. my what made some of these "guys" different....they had "the guts"...they took "the chance"... and it caused their hearts to change...from hard and selfish soft and tender hearts....with the following results....they gave their lives to the honor of...Jesus Christ.
 For did not happen overnite...but the fact of the matter did happen!

 In Isaiah 57:15, it reads: "This is a message from the One who lives...beyond the cliffs. The Holy One would say these words: " Though I live in high and lofty places, My Heart reaches down and touches those who are humble, recognizing and admitting their wrongs...for it is then, when one is in that frame of mind...I can restore how they they is at that precise moment I can put within them a new spirit..."
 And again, In the New Testament, in the Book of Acts, chapter 2 and verse 37: " Now when the people heard the words Peter had spoken...for these words had cut through and pierced their hard hearts, they asked of Peter and the others with him: " What shall we do now?..."

 For David, he writes in Psalms 51: 1-3: " He is Generous...with His love, He is the True Giver...of His Grace, and He is His mercy. Because of Your infinite compassion, my own guilt, my own sins, and even the stains left from my is You...and only You that can make me clean once more. For when I walk in Your integrity, when I am able to walk in Your is all because of...You. I realize my own rebellion against You, and the sinful results it has caused...for in myself I see the wickedness of my own life...haunting me both in the evening and when I awake."

 For Peter, he wrote to believers in Christ everywhere. In I Peter, he opens up with these words: " I am Peter, and yes, I am one of the "Original", a messenger for Christ Jesus Himself. I am currently on Christ Jesus...the True Messiah...and am contacting all those who live in exile...because of your follow Him. I am first instructed to let you know this: "He has not misplaced any of you, or have any of you been forgotten..."

 For Paul, he wrote of having love...yes that's for one another. In 1 Corinthians 13, he begins by saying this: " If I speak with human eloquence, able to speak in numerous languages of the earth, or even in the language of the angels...and yet do not love others...I am nothing more than a loud, clanging, and annoying cymbal...the creaky sound of a rusty old gate..."

 Now, as for Simeon and Levi, the Sacred Scriptures do not write of their repentance for the trick and murders of those in that village...perhaps they had reason to do so...but there was no mercy, they never even considered consulting the Lord as to what action He would have wanted them to take when these men captured their sister Dinah, they just chose to take things into their own hands......
 In Genesis 49: 5-7 it reads: " Simeon and Levi are two of a kind...always ready to the "drop of a hat". I don't want to hear about their own plans and feuds they have gotten themselves into. They kill..from pure rage, they cripple animals...for no reason, they hurt others...just for "sport". And, because of their own choices in life they have made, they have opened themselves to God's curse upon them...instead of His Blessings. They will suffer from God's own wrath...because of their violent acts of cruelty. Their descendants...will be confetti...throughout Israel."
 The tribe of Simeon...never received the Blessing of Moses when they entered the Promised Land, and these violent acts of Levi eventually caught up...with those of the Levitical priesthood...their final sacrifice?....the Lamb of God...who takes away the sins of the world.

 We all have choices in life....

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Time...a time of the "Dawn of Redeeming Grace"

 Dawn of Redeeming will find this phrase in the 3rd verse of "Silent Night". It's a beautiful way to word...what Christmas is all about.

 In 1967, there was a musical entitled: "Hair". In this musical was an opening phrase that said: "This is  Dawning of the Age of Aquarius".
 The "hippie movement" was in full force in the States, and words that were being "thrown around" candy canes at Christmas time.
 In 1969, a popular musical group called the "5th Dimension" put a song out...that went all the way to #1...called "The Age of Aquarius". One stanza I remember went:
     " When the moon is in the 7th house,
        And Jupiter aligns with Mars,
        Then Peace will guide the planets
        And Love will steer the stars...."

 Really?  Jupiter was a god of thunder...Mars was a god of war...and Peace and Love...was it suppose to come from all of us sitting around in a circle and passing around a "doobie"?
 I don't think so...the "hippie movement" passed....and man has continued to seek what the heart of man has always cried out for...Peace an Love and all men.
 Don't we say that at Christmas time? 

 I think "Silent Night" reminds us of some startling realities:
1. Christ was born in Bethlehem...the "Dawn of the New Testament "and its declaration of the Messiah.
2. Through the acceptance of the Christ-child...we now have been given a gift...the "Dawn of Redemption"...we can now truly love Him!
3. We also now receive the "Dawn of Grace"...the beauty of the up His own come and save...and love us.
4. We can now experience the "Dawn of Reconciliation"...sin no longer separates us from God the Father...because of the Christ-child!

 The prophet Isaiah...the "Ghost of Scriptures Past"...reminds us of the cause that required God to sacrifice His own Son...for each of us:

                              A Gleaning from Isaiah 1:13-20

 " The time has come..."to give it up." I don't want to hear or see all your little "worship charades". more trivial religious games!
 I don't know how I can speak any clearer...I am spelling it out...letter by letter! All the "sacrifices" you do...are utterly worthless! The incense you choose for's disgusting!
 All these celebration days, special days and honor Me?'s ridiculous! In fact, it's sinful! Why? Because it is all a hoax....your hearts are far from Me.
 Honestly, I am sick and wore-out from hearing all your "empty words" excitement in your interest in what you just read get through it....and then say to yourself: "There...I read it...I hope He is happy."  Are you kidding Me?...Are you kidding yourself? I would rather you say..."this stuff is boring...and doesn't make any sense to me". At least then I could handle it...your own hearts being honest...for once.
 Let me ask you this: "What good is all this doing you...if you go right on sinning?...if your heart is void of Peace...of Love...of Joy? It doesn't matter to Me how pretty you can recite a verse of Scripture, it doesn't matter how nice a prayer you...dictate, and I don't care how much Scripture you can quote.
 Here is the real proof...look at your own hands... they are drenched in the blood of innocent victims!
 Here is what you need to do: Face up to what bothers you...about Me. Face up and do not fear Me...not like that! Admit you have sin in your life...and trust Me...I can fix all that...within you! You got My Word...I will listen what you have to say.
 You have got to learn a new way... a way of trust...of trusting Me. Then, I will show you how to do the right will learn and educate yourselves on the meaning of: True Justice! The time is here for you to relieve those...who are oppressed...from the heavy burdens of life. The time is defend the cause of the show real care to those who are fatherless. This is the time to stand up with the widows, the single Moms...fight for their rights!...their rights to live...and enjoy life...not bent down...beneath the loads of life that it has brought them.
 Listen I invite you to come...come and let's discuss this in much more detail. The blood on your hands are a deep red...a scarlet...but I can make your hands clean once more...they will be white...whiter than the new fallen snow!
 If you can humble yourselves, come to Me, listen to what I have to say, and follow after My instructions, I promise only the best...will be reserved..for you!
 But if you continue on the road you are on now...the road called by many: "The Road of the Rebellious and Stubborn heart" Me on this as will die like a dog. You will be gone before anyone even notices...and what is worse...nobody will care."

 In a a feed trough...filled with hay...was a child...wrapped in swaddling clothes...and on His Shoulers were these words: Amazing Counselor, Strong and Almighty God, Eternal Father,...and the Prince of Peace!

What did the Shepherds do?...with the Christmas Eve Instructions?

After the shepherds that were in a field...guarding some sheep...had experienced the "visit from angels...from Heaven itself"....they looked at one another and discussed what had just happened to them.....

 Ok...maybe I am wrong...but if I had just been listening to an angel speak to me from heaven...with this "blaze" so bright I could hardly see; then a whole army of angels confirmed what the angel had told me by singing (and you know their singing had to be "out of this world" sort of speak) praises to God Himself...I probably would have concluded..."Ok...I have just been "launched by God Himself" to a new career!!... to carry out these "Supreme Orders" set-up a mass communication center that will enable me to carry these instructions....letting everyone know...everywhere...the Messiah lives!..He has come!...right here in the town of Bethlehem!.....
                             Yet...what did these shepherds do...after seeing for themselves the a swaddling clothes...everything just like the angel had said? The shepherds did 2 things that were noted:
 1. They returned to their field...and continued their watch....guarding the sheep which they had been entrusted....and
2. "Let loose" with some "serious praise" to the Lord...thanking Him for the privilege of witnessing the greatest the history of mankind.

 The shepherds didn't even "call off from work", they did not ask to "go home early", and they certainly didn't just quit...and expect God to open "new doors" for get the Good News out. No...they went back to work...and allowed work out the Plan...that was now officially underway..."All Go!"..were the orders..."Evil"...was about to be visited!!....

                    A Gleaning from Luke 2: 15-20

 " Then, all these angels of the God-of-the-angel-Armies...they withdrew from the shepherds...returning to their posts in heaven.
 As for the shepherds....they now took some time to talk all this over...the things they had just been the "chosen participants of"...witnessing a spectacular event...that will be discussed through the corridors of history!
 The shepherds concluded among themselves: "Let's do this! Let's go to Bethlehem!...Let's see with our very own eyes!...what the God of all Heaven...has us!! (you got to wonder if they were laughing hard...simply the thought of God revealing an event of this a bunch of "low-class" shepherds, at least from their society viewpoint in that day...and now...the Greatest Message of to have its "launching point" a field with a bunch of sheep...with a few shepherds watching over them....)

 So..the shepherds left... running down the hills...getting to find the one who was to be born....and called "The Messiah"!
 The shepherds searched...and sure enough...they found Him! Everything the angel of the Lord had spoken...was now being seen...through these shepherds eyes!
 There...they were! Mary and Joseph...and in a stable; and in this stable...wrapped in swaddling clothes...laying right in a bunch of fresh a manger...a feed was Him...the baby Jesus! Every word the angel of the Lord had spoken...was true!

 After the shepherds had witnessed with their very own eyes...the birth of the Christ-child, the shepherds spoke up to all present at the stable...and explained to them what had happened: the visit of the angel...what the angel had spoken...the dazzling brightness...the gathering of many more angels...the glorious singing...the shepherds explained to them what they had just experienced...

 Meanwhile, Mary sat and listened intently to the words of the shepherds, taking every word in "with a sensitivity to the events that were happening in her young life"... the "stable scene"...what the angel had previously spoken to her...her cousin Elizabeth...the birthing of John (the Baptist)...Mary guarded all these thoughts...and kept them safe within her heart...thinking over and over...wondering what all this meant...pondering all these things that had happened to all of them in the past year...

 And the shepherds?...what happened to the shepherds you might ask?...they pretty much did what the angels from Heaven had done earlier. They returned to their field and continued to watch over their sheep...and "let loose some serious praise" to the Lord...thanking Him for the privilege of being a part of the greatest moment of all mankind!"                                                                                                                    

And yes...the shepherds did exactly what had been instructed of them....the Message...was out!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Eve Instructions.....

Jesus, the One who is God's Son....His Only Son...came into a world...much like ours today. It was a world full of conflict and full of poverty....a world where many religions had been around...for many centuries.
 There were good people...and there were bad people; there were good causes to fight for...and there were others who supported rights and beliefs that caused questions to arise. There were crimes....women and children mistreated... and neglect of the elderly. There were murders...there was rape...there were injustices similar to what we hear today......

 So...what did God plan to change our world and all this pain....this suffering...this loneliness and rejection we all experience in life?....He could have sent one of His garrisons of His Warrior Angels...and wipe out mankind...start the whole thing over. He could have corrected all those doing shame and wrong...doing things His Commands tells us not to do. He could have established His Kingdom on earth, declared war on Evil, and began a Crusade that would eliminate anyone who opposed Him.
  There were so many things He could have done...differently....but this was His Plan...and it is still in tact today. The announcement of His Plan...was to be passed on by a few shepherds...watching some sheep in a field...during the night. This announcement has now been given to us....and just like the shepherds...who received the "original message", we are to announce this message to those we are in contact with....and let God go on...with this Plan of His......

                          A Gleaning from Saint Luke 2:8-14

 " In the area of Bethlehem...near the town of the great City of David....Jerusalem....the city where God's Heart lives!...were some shepherds....

 These shepherds were living at the time under the "open skies", and were guarding a large field, taking turns by shifts....keeping guard over some....sheep.
 It's possible that the sheep the shepherds were guarding were intended for sacrifices....sacrifices to the Temple of Jerusalem...for Jerusalem...was only a few miles away.... and here s what happened one night.....

 The shepherds on duty during the night watch were "combing" the field, when all of a sudden there appeared an angel...and this angel had been sent these shepherds...on the orders from the...Lord of Heaven!
 As this angel of the Lord stood...among these shepherds on the night watch...there was this great a blaze...a brightness...and it was soon to be discovered this "light" was the very Glory of the Lord of Heaven Himself!
 These shepherds...were terrified!...This brightness was simply...incomprehensible!

 Yet the angel...the one the Lord had sent, reassured these shepherds by saying to them: "Do not be afraid, I have come to you with Good News...this Good News must be passed all people...throughout the entire world!"
 After this opening remark by the angel of the Lord, the angel continues...
"The Good News from the Lord is this: The Savior, The Lord,...Yes!...The Messiah!...has been born!...right the "heart of King David's home!" He has of you!
 Now listen, here is how you will be able to recognize Him; after you have searched a while, you will come across a "newborn"....wrapped in swaddling clothes....just like many newborns...but this will find lying in a...manger...a feed trough full of hay! It is then your very own eyes will behold Him...the True Messiah!"

 After the angel of the Lord had given these night shepherds these specific instructions...something happened again...but this time it wasn't so terrifying! For at that moment, after His Instructions had been delivered...this messenger...this angel of the Lord was suddenly a vast amount of other angels! a heavenly knighthood...a complete array of troops from Heaven itself! All these warrior type angels of the God-of-the-Angel-Armies were praising the very God of the Heavens...saying these words: "All Glory to God"...may the sounds and echoes of these very words reach the highest of His heavens! the very Home of the Great God Himself! All glory is given to the Lord of Heaven, and He has brought to the earth...His Peace...this very Bethlehem...The Prince of Peace now lives and has of you! May all those who seek His favor...welcome the Prince of Peace into their home...the home within their hearts." 

What Have We Become?

Over the decades of time, we as humans have been saturated with commercials from all sorts of  the media. There are billboards, radio jingles, ads on YouTube, fliers, newspapers, our cell phones, computers, and of course...TV commercials.
 I think the origin of all this media hype was a somewhat innocent public awareness being made for certain causes etc. For example, in 1938 the Christmas Seals launched an ad in the movie theatres to make the public aware of and join in the "fight" against tuberculosis. seemed it pretty much went "downhill"...don't get me wrong...some very creative and funny stuff has been circulated over time....but the awareness factor has become more of a..."cater to a certain brand" and we all have to buy that particular item with only that brand insignia on the item purchased.

 TV, radio, and now cell phones, computers and video games have taken "center stage" in many if not most of our lives. In yesteryear, there was a time when the general public would gather their families together in private settings and have "family discussions", or read together, or share about a certain book and its meaning to them, etc.
 Now, even reading itself is regarded more today as a "discipline", rather than a leisurely activity as in times past. And the "Replacement Factors"....Have we become a more intelligent...a more understanding....a more advanced people?....than those in the past?

 Today, between cell phone usage, computer entertainment, and TV, the average American spends a minimum 5 hours a day involved in these different activities.
 The Food and Drug Industry alone spends over 50 billion dollars each year supporting ads through these modern marvels,  and 75% of all TV ads are paid for by the top 100 largest corporations in the world.
 Yet, the question remains...have we really advanced? Yes there is little doubt of our modern technological advancements....but how about our moral and social conscience, the ability to encourage quality relationships, our daily communication with others...the things that make us who we are today... Have we progressed....or have we digressed?

 There are 6 Common Factors that many psychological reports have concluded; some many more than 6, others have much more expanded their description of these 6 factors that seem to  "plague" our society today.  Here are those 6 factors that we as humans have been affected by things such as TV, TV ads, cell phones, computer games, etc.:

1. People and their daily habits can literally change before your very eyes.

 Even toddlers who are too young to know or understand what they are hearing or watching, have had this profound effect on their lives: they become more lethargic as they grow in their childhood years, their academic skills become more of a challenge...and have actually been found to lower in relation to comprehension, understanding, etc., a "dullness" seems to come over their personality in time if they are exposed to increasing hours of electronic related equipment, and their social skills are numerous cases...severely.

2. TV ads, computer ads, and things like cell phone apps. can affect the attention span of people.

 This is particularly true with media ads through TV, computers, or cell phones. Each one of us have daily lifestyles that at times can seem mundane, when suddenly we are interrupted with 30 seconds of lightning-fast and loaded stimuli, and then we return to our normal daily lifestyles and routines.

3. These repeated electronic interruptions throughout our day has the power to possibly alter our dreams.

 There was a interesting study done that involved 50 people: 25 of these people were under the age of 25, and 25 of these people were 55 years of age or older. They were asked to write down any dreams they could remember over a 3 month period. When returning to composite their results, the only question asked to them was this: "What color were your dreams?" The results shown less than 4% of the 25 people under the age of 25 had "black and white" dreams, while over 30% of those 55 or older...had "black and white" dreams...dreams without color.
 The conclusion: Is it possible TV has left an impact on our lives....the older ones growing up with "black and white" TV's, while the younger ones have known "color TVs"? Hmmm?

4. People spend an excessive amount of time watching TV, on computers, cell phone use, or video games...(how about blogs?? lol) an "anti-dote" to things like loneliness, boredom, or rejection.

 Have you ever wondered why people get so wrapped up in soap operas, survival, or "reality" shows? Is it true that it could be their identity...a sense of belonging, particularly where a person's self-esteem has been damaged...can find refuge in "belonging" without the fear of rejection or ease the pain of loneliness by simply viewing the lives of those...on a "screen"? Hmmm?

5. Electronic "gazing" can make you fat.

 Enough said...I think there are only "gazillions" of articles on what happens physically when we sit for long periods of time...especially if our diets are given to the "vending machine" type foods. Did you know one of those sweet rolls out of a vending machine can be as much as 400 to 500 calories?...and it is NOT "0 trans fat" and stuff like that either!
 So, if you take a break from a computer, (with the average person suppose to consume approximately 2000 calories a day)...a coke (20 oz. bottle of course) and a sweet are looking at almost 700 calories...on that snack alone! If you had a breakfast sandwich, maybe a Big Mac for lunch...and you gotta have McDonald's fries...take a snack have by far arrived at 2000 calories....and it's only 3:30 in the afternoon....supper?...a few beers with friends...maybe some are probably pushin' 4000 calories...not a pretty picture...right?

6. Too much electronic "mesmerizing" can make one violent.

 An young adult today by the time he/she reaches the age of 18 years old, shall have witnessed by TV, computer, or cell....200,000 acts of violence and over 40,000 murder scenes (yea, I know most of them are fake...just for "show" doesn't matter). What do you think?...Can our brain comprehend all that and not allow it to affect our lives? Hmmm?

 My conclusion...if you believe there really is an anti-christ....he will not need to have a major warfare before he begins his tyranny....all he as to do is threaten to remove our computer, block TV programs, or take away cell phones...then...he's got us right where he wants us...and many will do exactly....what he asks...don't you think?
I do hope I'm wrong on that one....... 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What Kind of Impact does His Love have in our Everyday Lives?

In my short time of being a Christian, which means to me giving Jesus a wide-open invitation to come into my own heart and allow Him to be Lord of my life, I have been drawn to the conclusion the opposite of love is not hate, but rather indifference...when you simply no longer care what happens to someone else. The reason I do not think hate is the opposite of love is because love and hate have something in common....passion. Based on that premise, when you hate someone...there still remains that underlying current that you care about least that is what I think.

 Yet, in the Gospel of John, chapter 14 and verse 27 Jesus makes this statement: " I give you...Peace...My Peace. The Peace that I have for you is unlike any other peace you have ever known or experienced. The world cannot generate the kind of Peace I give can only come...from Me. So rest assured with this thought: I am not leaving you...I never will. You will never again have to feel the pain of being abandoned. And with that, you have nothing to worry, nor do you have to allow your hearts to be troubled concerning this matter...there is nothing to be AFRAID of."

 From that verse, I have come to recognize another factor concerning Christ Jesus and what is the opposite of His love for us...and that is fear....I must not allow fear to find its place in my own heart...for fear has a power all its own...and wants to cripple the love Christ Jesus has...for me and for anyone that has decided to take the chance and....follow Him.

 1st John is a key to understanding fear and it's place in our lives. Although it is not absolutely sure who wrote 1 John, the Gospel of John written by John the Apostle and 1 John has very striking and similar writing techniques, leading to the conclusion by numerous Bible historians the John the Apostle wrote 1 John as well.
 By the time of this writing of 1 John, John the of the Original...was a much older man. It is thought that this letter was written perhaps 50 to 50 years...after the Resurrection.
 Some historians think John was the youngest of the  12 "Original", and could very well have been the last of the still be alive.
 At this junction in his life, John had made his home in the city of Ephesus. Time had passed since the "early days", and some of the believers in the church had picked up and were believing things that were not accurate.
 One train of thought was that Christ Jesus had not really been a man when He was here on earth. He may have looked as a man...but He really wasn't.
 Other believers were "toying with the idea" that Jesus was "merely" a man...and that He really was not God. The rationale to this thought was: "How could God die?" The conclusion to all this was God was upon Him...until the Cross, then God made an "exit"...and then returned...later.

 The Apostle John makes it abundantly clear in this letter...Jesus Christ is God, He is One with God, He has always been One with God, and died for us voluntarily and rose from the grips of Death...that sin would be permanently removed from our own lives, and give us the freedom to have a relationship....with God.
 John dismissed the silly logic like: " The body is bad, but the spirit is good. True life is in the spirit. What we do with our earthly bodies...does not affect our spirits. So, it makes no difference how we choose to live now...we are in human bodies....when we die, and our bodies die and spirit lives...then we can be at one...with God." In other words, one can live for themselves now while here in earthly, physical bodies. Evil intentions and actions are not out of the question...after all, it is our spirit...that loves God.

 John makes it clear these thoughts are ludicrous...both wrong and very false! John says when Christ calls us to Himself, then our earthly bodies and lives should compliment His love that now is within each one of us.
 John wrote this encourage all believers.

A Gleaning from 1 John 4:17-18....

 " As we continue to grow in our friendship with Christ Jesus, the love we have now...that comes from Him...and has found home in our own being brought to a completion, finding with it a more permanent residence...each day within our daily earthly lives.
 And with His love now finding home within our very own hearts, Christ Jesus is able to lead our lives...helping us to build confidence and finding a maturity...all from knowing Him!
 It is then we can find our security knowing when someone mentions of the "Day of Judgment", we will not be a state of worry, becoming upset, or acknowledging wth a sense of apprehension in our own hearts...yes...that Day is fast approaching.
 Here then lies the look forward to His Coming...and not have any fear on the Day of Judgment: the secret being there is room for this type of fear to operate in our own hearts...because our own individual hearts are now saturated...with Him! We don't have to worry...we don't have to dread...we don't have to fear any type of punishment. His love now living in us expels every trace of terror!
 Fear is like having a crippling disease, and brings with it a fearful life...a fear of death...a fear of judgment...and a fear of punishment.
 If these type of thoughts still remain at home, within the chambers of our own hearts, then we must make time and examine ourselves, and recognize the fact His love has not yet taken form in our we know it. We have not allowed ourselves to experience His fact, we don't know the first thing on how to love....yet!"