Sunday, November 16, 2014

Why we need His Word in our Hearts...Psalm 119: 137-143

About 1000 years before Christ Jesus was born in Bethlehem, there was an ancient passage in the Scripture written by Solomon, the king of Israel. King Solomon had been responsible for the building of the Temple in Jerusalem, and completed the project during his reign. The Temple had been a vision of his father King David, a place for the Lord God of Israel to make His Presence known to His people....

  The Book of Psalms is a collection of writings that are full of  experiences of God's faithfulness to both His Promises and to the people who trust in His Promises. Words like "the way" or "His path" have the same meaning in Hebrew, and are usually connected to words like "our hearts" and "to follow". The various combination of these words are often written in this matter in the Sacred Scripture: " the way or path we choose in life are often based on decisions we have made in our hearts (including our desires)... to follow after His Instructions". The stories and experiences in life we read in Psalms are often directly related to the condition of peoples hearts and the results of their decisions. If we choose "the way of good", blessings follow our decisions...if we choose "the way of evil",  the consequences of those decisions follow us as well.

 Psalms 119 is a Psalm that demands every part of us....our hearts, our minds, our wills, our emotions...He simply wants to be an influence in all of our daily thoughts in life.

                                                    A Gleaning from Psalm 119: 137-143

" Lord...the right always...Your Way! You are the only One who is just, upright, and totally righteous. All of Your instructions and insights that concern our lives here on earth...are fair, right, and a clear expression of Your Will being demonstrated in our very lives.
 The instructions that You have generously given to us and teach us on how to live...are trustworthy commands in every word and letter, and provides a path for us to follow that enables us to be You!
  Who are my real enemies in life? What causes my heart to arise in a righteous anger? Is it not those who choose to purposely ignore Your commands...neglecting their wise counsel in decisions they make?
 Your Words of Instruction are beautifully pure, thoroughly tested and completely proven throughout the history of mankind. Your commands are purer than the finest of gold and because of Your faithfulness to each of Your commands, I embrace all of your commands with all of my heart.

 As for me, by myself I am insignificant, I am lowly, and am considered a nobody....some even look at me and despise me. Yet, my life is not dependent on my own ability to succeed, rather, I am committed to one embrace and adhere to Your commands. I refuse to neglect or despise any...of Your commands.
 Your instructions...are always the right instructions...and the right ones to follow. The teachings we receive from Your instructions...are eternally true.
 In those times in my life when Trouble and deep Distress have a plan to capture me and attempt to fill my heart with fear....Your instructions rise above the hardest of circumstances I face in life...and find delight in my heart. I have kept Your instructions which I received...deep in the depths of my heart...and it is through Your instructions...I find the path to Freedom!"

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