Thursday, November 6, 2014

"Can a Song...change our outlook on everyday life?"...The Power of Music

Music has been a part of mankind since the beginning of time...yet even today our understanding of it's power has never been fully understood...

 The truth has played a part in all periods of history, and in every culture. The power of music is not only a means of expressing what lies within our very hearts, it connects outwardly those very deep emotions deep within.
 Music has been a part of mankind for a variety of reasons. In the Old Testament, King Jehoshaphat led the Israelites into battle...with songs of praises, King David knew of the power of music and praise, and one of my favorite from the Scriptures in the New Testament...the Song of Mary or The Magnifcat, expressing the joy of her pregnancy of...the Lord Jesus.
 Music has the power to offer Hope, or express pain or regret, and share love in its various forms that lives in hearts. Music is a form of communication that tells our stories and by doing so connects us with one another, bringing out the feelings of our hearts that no other form of communication is able to do. Language is not a barrier for music, nor culture, and time cannot contain it from one generation to the next.
 Music can grow within us and "paint a landscape" of who we are, blending the past, the present, and the future of what our hearts and lives experience. 

 Yet...make no is a necessity we all need in life, an effective tool in our ability to communicate with one another. Psychology has determined music and our memories...are life-time companions, and one simple song can change our mood from one of emptiness and without one that gives direction and the courage to forge ahead.
 Music does have it's own "set of rules":
1) Music does influence us yet understands the need of quiet...therefore music does not demand itself to be heard continuously.
2) Music can weave itself into our daily routines in life whether we are pursuing peace and quiet, bathing, needing encouragement, exercising, studying, or being a strength to those around you.
3) Music can stir our memories or cause us to look at life from other perspectives. Music can cause things to be made clearer and change our decisions.
4) Music can cause an entire nation to "become one", yet can heal the heart of an individual left all alone.
5) Music has the power to cause people to rise up against injustice or give us the strength to overcome the greatest of challenges.

 Yet, another aspect of can influence how we think...on any issue in life. Paul McCartney of "The Beatles" said: " Often you find your musicians do more bloody good than a government can." I have found there is an element of truth in his statement.
 Music can have a "Dark Side" in October 1984, a 19 year old shot himself in the head listening to a song that introduced suicide as an answer to facing life with all its problems. This young teenager was found with the song on "repeat"...playing over and over and finding it's way into this young man's head.
   Music is intended to give God glory, full of creativity and power to change it's patterns from one period of history to the generation to the day to the next, much like the wind. Church and Christian music have witnessed this marvel...going from Gregorian chants, to Psalm hymnals, to songs from a personal perspective, to the present day contemporary music. Christian music has given people a sense of purpose, a power to change hearts, and a Peace that pierces through any circumstances life may have challenged them.

 Music in the Scriptures has given direction for the betterment of mankind: {The following Scriptures are in a Gleaning Format}
1. Music has the power to encourage...even when there is no explanation or understanding in sight...when hurt and confusion is all around:
 " Let the words spoken by the Lord Jesus, our Messiah find His home in our minds and hearts...filling us completely. May His words of truth...His song of truth produce a melody in our hearts that enable us to share, to teach, and to instruct and encourage one another... and by doing so cultivating grateful hearts. May His words cause our hearts to sing hymns, to sing psalms, and to sing spiritual songs that produce a music allowing His grace to enter our hearts." Colossians 3:16

2. Music has the power for us to worship:
" The king then organized the Levites at the Temple and formed them into an orchestral group...using the instruments of King David including the cymbals, zithers, and harps...all in accordance with the directions of King David who received his instructions from the prophets Gad and Nathan...who received their instructions directly from the Lord. The Levites formed this orchestra of David and the priests of the Temple took up the trumpets. " II Chronicles 29:25-26.

3. Music enhances the power in praise:
" Celebrate! Sing from a heart of thanksgiving! Sing praises!...and yes...use an instrument(s) to enrich your song to Him!" Psalm 147:7

4. Music encourages us to rejoice:
" Rejoice in the Lord always...everyday! Let others know you are here to help them...because the Lord is so good to you. Rejoice in Him...for He is about to get us...and that alone should cause your voice to sing!" Philippians 4:4

5. Music has the power to relieve the heaviness in our hearts:
" His song in our hearts gives comfort in the times of sorrow, His song can replace the heaviest of sorrows, and His song is able to take away our tears and replace them with the strength of His joy. There is a time the ashes in our lives are replaced by His beauty...generating from a song in our hearts that heals the broken heart." Isaiah 61:3

6. Music encourages us to seek after Him through consecrations we see in others.
" Give thanks to the Lord...publicly! Sing and shout praises to the Lord...let your heartfelt thanks to the Lord be made we see for ourselves His Mighty works and miracles demonstrated in our lives and in the lives of others, causing all His people to be thankful." Psalm 111:1

7.  Music helps us to preserve "The Faith" established in our lives:
" On the glorious splendor of Your majesty, I compose songs of Your wonder, and in these songs I meditate." Psalm 145: 4

8. Music gives us our purpose in life: " He gave me a new song...coming from my heart and now from my lips...a Song of Him. Let these songs cause others to hear of His Glory...and His they too will want to know how they can put their trust, confidence, and honor to the Living God." Psalm 40:3

 Music touches the hearts of various points of their lives. The great German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer who met his unfortunate death near the end of World War II, commented on music in this way: " Music...will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy...alive in you."
 The great music composer Johann Sebastian Bach, described music in this matter: " Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God...and the permissible delights of the soul."
 J.K. Rowling, author of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" has this statement: "Ah, music", he said, wiping his eyes, "a magic beyond all we do here!"
 Hans Christian Andersen, the Danish author of various books and popular fairy tales of the 1800's wrote: " Where words fail, music speaks."
 Young authors of today also speak of music: Hannah Harrington who wrote "Saving June" writes: " He took his pain and turned it into something beautiful...into something that people can connect to, and that's what good music speaks to changes you."
 Nina LaCour who wrote "Hold Still" wrote about music in this way: " It was the moment I realized what music can do to people, how it can make you hurt and feel so good...all at once."

 What can one say about the power of music?  All I know is this: Keep music close to the closest of friends...for music can mend any human heart..and gives you the added move on. 
            Yep...that comment is an original...

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