Thursday, November 20, 2014

The story of the song: "You'll Never Walk Alone"

In 1945, Rodgers and Hammerstein produced a musical entitled "The Carousel". During the 1940's and 50's Rodgers and Hammerstein produced a number of Broadway Musicals which became extremely popular during this period, some of these musicals included "Oklahoma!", "South Pacific", "The King and I", and "The Sound of Music". The musical "Cinderella" was put on via a national television broadcast.

 Broadway musicals at this time consisted of approximately 40 professional theaters with 500 seats or more in what is known as the "Theater District" and the "Lincoln Center" along Broadway, located in  New York City in the neighborhood of Manhattan, usually extending from 40th street to 54th street and from 6th avenue to 8th avenue...including Times Square.

 The musical and story that created the song "You'll Never Walk Alone" is from the musical "The Carousel". It is about a girl named Nettie Fowler, who is a cousin to a female protagonist (main character) named Julie Jordan.
 In this musical, Nettie Fowler sings the song "You'll Never Walk Alone" to encourage Julie. The reason behind this is in the musical Julie's husband, a Billy Bigelow had killed himself to avoid being captured by police in an unsuccessful robbery attempt.

 This song is later reprised in the musical to encourage a girl in a graduating class named Louise...who is the daughter of Billy and Julie. 
 Billy Bigelow, who had been the one who killed himself during a robbery, has now been granted a chance to return to Earth for one day to redeem himself. During this graduation ceremony which his daughter Louise was a part of, this saddened daughter is quietly motivated and encouraged by his father Billy to join in singing of this song "You'll Never Walk Alone".

 Although the Christian theological thought is in question (lol), there is no doubt as to the "power" this song radiates to those who face the element of fear in their lives.
 Numerous recording artists have performed this song including Judy Garland, Doris Day, Perry Como, Frank Sinatra, Barbara Streisand, Patti LaBelle, Louis Armstrong, and Elvis name a few.
 From 1964 through 2010, Jerry Lewis concluded his yearly "Jerry Lewis MDA (muscular dystrophy assn.) television "telethon"...with this song.

 The performance by Andre Rieu and his orchestra and singers was played in Maastricht, in the southeastern country of The Netherlands in 2013. Maastricht is a very old city with evidence of it's origin dating back to the days of the Roman Empire in the 1st century.
 What will forever stand out in the minds of those familiar with Netherland is the place where Anne Frank and her family hid for 2 years during WWII when Nazi Germany occupied The Netherlands. In 1944, Anne Frank and her family were discovered by the German forces and Anne along with her family were taken to the concentration camps and she died there at the young age of 15 from typhoid fever. Yet, Anne wrote a diary of her experiences during this horrific time and now her diary has been read by millions, entitled "The Diary of Anne Frank". 
 The city of Amsterdam in The Netherlands, where her family had been home to the"Anne Frank House", a museum which is visited by many today.

  Sometimes music has a way of getting to the heart...and I think "You'll Never Walk Alone" contains that power.

                                          The words to: "You'll Never Walk Alone"

"When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm, there's a Golden Sky
And the sweet, silver song of the lark. 

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown.

Walk on, Walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.

Walk on, Walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk ....alone."

Quotes from Anne Frank's..."The Diary of Anne Frank"

 "Whoever is happy...will make others happy too."
"Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction."
"I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains."
"I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be carry them out."
"I a crazy time."

 Anne Frank is thought to have passed away sometime in March or even early April of 1945. The musical "Carousel" opened on Broadway on April 19th, 1945, and The Netherlands were freed from Nazi occupation in May of the same year...1945.

 The musical "Carousel" ran for 890 consecutive performances on Broadway...until 1950.

We too must hold to our ideals...and "Walk On"......

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