Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Day to Remember...Psalm 118:21-24

There happens to be a Jewish legend...referred to as a legend because no one can prove it...yet to all who have experienced His love for us...know in their hearts...this legend is true...

 The story goes that during the building of The Temple in Jerusalem, the builders had cut 2 big stones to be placed in the base of one wall of The Temple, yet one of the stones was of the wrong shape and size for what they needed, so this stone was discarded and thrown to the side.
 Later, the builders were at the key point in building The Temple, they had come to where the two main walls of The Temple were to be connected, and a large stone was to be required...a chief cornerstone. As they considered the need for this important stone, they were reminded of the large stone they had rejected and discarded earlier. The workers found this stone, and it fit perfectly...and the main walls of The Temple could now be connected together. 
 As it reads in verse 23 of this chapter, "the stone the builders rejected is now the chief cornerstone of The Temple."

 Verses 21 through 24 of this Psalm relays an important message to us today. It explains the work God is doing in our lives. He is like that large stone that was initially discarded and tossed aside...and has now become the Chief Cornerstone in our lives....much like The Temple and the chief cornerstone in ancient days. This special and perfectly shaped stone also reminds us...this is God's doing, and His alone, for He has provided us with a stone that was to be discarded and thrown out, only to become the very Chief Cornerstone of the entire Temple itself. Therefore in verse 24 these words remind us...This Day is to be remembered...for it is the entire Hope of Mankind...a day to remember what the Lord alone has done.

 For the Jewish serves to remind them of His faithfulness in building The Temple...and the Lord is honored through the yearly Feasts. Yet, for a's meaning has the power to penetrate the hardest of hearts. Christ Jesus came and became one of an area known as Galilee, growing up in a village called Nazareth, where the common saying of that day was "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" He never fit the pattern of what many were looking reference to the coming Messiah, yet just as the stone that was rejected by the builders of The Temple...He became the very Messiah that has saved our very lives...and is alive today...sitting at the right hand of His Father...who is now...because of Christ Jesus love for us...has made His Father... our Father!
 Therefore...remember this day! The day when He became our "Chief Cornerstone"...the Cornerstone of our very hearts...and He lives within our very!

 This Psalm is written in a hymn form. It is meant to be sung on joyous occasions. In the ancient times of the completion of the construction of The Temple, simply imagine this: Large processions being led to The Temple, processions that continue inside The Temple, and offerings given to the Lord God of Israel for His miraculous power demonstrated to His people. As choruses and songs with heartfelt chants are being honored to the Lord God of Israel...this small nation of Israel became a "chief cornerstone" among all nations. His people simply rejoice and are exceedingly glad...for this is the Lord's own doing, and is marvelous in their eyes.

                                             A Gleaning from Psalm 118: 21-24

" I must confess...and give to You my heartfelt thanks...for You have me! And...You have not only heard me...but You have answered the petitions of my heart! You simply Savior (Salvation)...and able to deliver me from the darkest situations in my life!
 Let this be all! The stone the builders rejected and now the very "Chief Cornerstone" in my life! This is a miracle only He can do...totally His doing! He leaves this work that only He could do (the work of the cross) to save and transform me...becoming the Chief Cornerstone in my own life! I am left in a state of amazement...and my eyes sparkle and yet tearful...for He has done this great thing for me. Let all who know of His work...break out and be festive...full of joy coming from your heart.

 Let this day belong to the Lord...for He has caused this! Our God is our only way of Salvation...a God that has set us free and given to us..a full life with Him!"

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