Saturday, April 19, 2014

Judas Iscariot and Saint Peter....Different Endings to their Lives....

One is called the "Son of Hell"...the other...a Saint.....

 In Matthew 26:24, the Living Translation says it like this: " For I must die...just as was prophesied, but woe to the man whom I am betrayed. Far better for that one if he had never been born."

 In John 17:12, the "Prayer"...Jesus states: " During My time here...I have kept safe all in Your family...all of these You gave to Me. I guarded them so that not one would perish, except...the "Son of Hell", as the Scriptures foretold."

 Ok, most of the "Greek Geeks"...the ones who spend incredible amounts of time studying the Greek language and its translations into modern day languages, generally conclude that Matthew 26:24 should end with something like..." it would have been better for Judas Iscariot not to have been born...than to make a choice of this consequence."
 And in John becomes apparent Jesus knew the choice Judas Iscariot would make in reference to betraying Christ.

 This is heavy...the choice Judas Iscariot made. I don't think Judas was a "victim of fate"...that he simply was born to complete this betrayal. That opens a whole new "can of worms"...justifying the evil we hear and see in the world done by an excuse...they had no choice but to be evil.
 I think Jesus was hoping all the way to the very last moment...Judas would not go through with it. And if he had chose not to...would Jesus had gone to the cross? Sure He would have...there were others that would have sold out on Him....Pharisees, zealots desiring Israel's freedom, perhaps even the Romans. He would have still gone to the Cross...and died for us...and fulfilled the Sacred Scriptures. After all...the one who really wanted this...was Satan...who hates anything that has to do with Christ and the love He has for His Father...and for us.

 That being said, betrayal...that is flat cold. And, Judas didn't betray just anyone...he betrayed the Author and the Finisher of our very faith. It would be like "selling out on the President of the U.S....or the Queen of England. Judas didn't just sell out on a friend or relative...which is bad in itself.... this guy sold out on the King...the King of Kings!

 The Oxford Dictionary defines "Betrayal" as: " One who  exposes one's country, group or person by treacherously giving information or a key the enemy." It is a traitor, one subject to treason, the very Latin based word for "Betrayal" meaning to...hand over. In other words, these types of betrayal has the potential to...change the course of history.
  This betrayal Judas chose wasn't your "everyday stuff", like telling on your brother or sister for doing something wrong...this betrayal was of the highest of national security.

 Judas had been with Jesus and the "original 12" for over 3 years. He had shared with them, participated in numerous events, witnessed miracles, and listened to the words of the One who loved him. They even put Judas in charge of their treasury...and Jesus knew about His "dipping into the money". Jesus must have almost "puked" when Judas got some "press" in the Scripture by responding to Mary, the sister of Lazarus...when pouring the Nard (expensive perfume) on Jesus feet said: "Hey...we could sell that and give it to the poor!" Why?...because the Scriptures state Judas could care less about the poor.
 Yet, aren't we the same as Judas in regards to being selfish? Would you might have been at least tempted to rationalize your thoughts and "dipped into the treasury?" Or, how many times have you justified your speaking bad about someone or running someone others would be...aware? yea...right.

 But, there are some things in life, regardless of our personal ups and downs...that require us to make a stand. POW's...refusing to give info...suffering and dying for their refusal to do so; or exposing someone...not because they are a threat...rather for our own selfish interest to destroy someone...that we might get ahead. Bottom line...there are just some things we just shouldn't do...because the decision to do so affects so many others. Even the most vulgar acts of human nature...must "draw a line".

 For myself...I think this is where Judas was at. His decision to betray Christ Jesus... is like betraying the country you just can''s wrong. It goes way beyond our individual lives, whether you are in sin, whether you might be a follower of Him...or perhaps not, whether you are a prostitute or a loving doesn't matter. You just don't sell out...the consequences for that decision...and how it impacts lives...are of the highest stakes.
 Fortunately...God was fully aware what was about to happen...and Jesus was "all over it" before the "Betrayal" actually took place.

 For as stated earlier...Jesus said "I have kept safe...the family"...and we are still protected today!
 "The Prayer" in John pretty cool....keeps us in mind of how much He loves us!

 Tim Keller, a remarkable American Christian apologist, wrote:

 "We have been saved from...
                the penalty of sin.

  We are being saved from...
                the power of sin.

 We will be saved from....
                the very presence of sin."

Now, as for Peter...denying Him....what type of impact did that have?....
Here is something interesting to me Peter had written in one of his letters: " Most important of all, continue to show...deep love for each other, for it is this very love you have for others...that makes up for many of our faults and sins." 1 Peter 4:8

 Do you think he remembered what Judas had done...and the consequence it brought?....

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