Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Belittling Another...Does it Hurt?"

I have noticed lately how devastating words that we say have such an effect on one another...their long term effect, the initial reactions,...and the results of belittling another....

 In the Sacred Scripture it reads: "Death and Life...are in the power of the tongue." Proverbs 18:21.
 That alone is mind boggling to me...the words we say to one another either bring beauty and strength...or they bring destruction and death. The crazy part...these occurrences often happen in our..everyday conversations.

 The Scriptures also offers another insight...Proverbs 14:1. It reads: "A wise woman builds her home...while a foolish one tears it down...with her own hands!"
 This verse is also thought provoking as it brings across the idea of how we are able to "destroy our very own"...through the "Power of Belittling." ( Although this verse uses a woman as an example...both males and females  are "equally yoked" in being condescending toward others.)

 Ok..what exactly is belittling? The Oxford Dictionary describes Belittling as: " making sure a person feels unimportant...". It includes the ability to "dismiss both thought or action". 
 In the world of Personality Disorders, numerous psychologists claim people who choose to belittle someone are more than likely suffering from low self esteem themselves.  The key seems to lie in the fact people who use a belittling technique on others are doing so because they are not only miserable themselves... but take it a step further and want those they are in contact with to be miserable as well. 
 The purpose of speaking to others in a condescending matter is to leave the recipient of the verbal barrage in a state of being alone, in an almost despair, and any personal expression on life they might have is met with a reaction of..."you are dismissed...your thoughts...your ideas...and your views on life...because I want you to be miserable and feel the rejection I have."

 It's a killer. It can take a young person's hopes, dreams, aspirations, and the strength to "take the chance"...and smash them "against the rocks". Sometimes, the words of someone who has belittled you...lives within entire lifetime.

 In the New Testament, Saint Paul addresses the power of belittling and the effects it has on others...with a fair warning that we need to think before we speak, examine the motives of our heart, and turn from this form of communication within our own arenas of life...whether  it be with our family, our friends, or people we associate with in our everyday lives. 
 We have all faced the hurts of being made to feel less important, yet as Christians who say "Jesus lives in my heart"...we must address low self esteem issues in our own lives, choose not to lash out at others ( even in the most self deceptive matters ), and accept and encourage one follow their dreams with support, offer suggestions and advice, and believe in them...and understand their lives...from their point of view.

  Belittling can be so subtle at "I am watching your progress...and see
how God is opening your eyes to show you what is best."...or "Oh my dear, you are thinking so much better today." Although these type of statements appear sincere and innocent...what are they really saying?
 The progress in someone's life is being met with...your approval?...and if they continue to follow what you say...they will not have to feel the threat of being dismissed, feeling worthless or abandoned...again?
 Or... "Now you are thinking...the way I want you to...all those silly ideas you have...must be dismissed....I will "help God" in guiding you."

 In Romans, the 14th chapter Paul addresses how the various sects of society at that time had given their hearts to Christ Jesus...both Jewish and those of Gentile origins.
 Paul actually refers to an Old Testament Scripture found in Isaiah 45:23...yet does not quote it literally...and uses this verse to compliment the Lord Jesus.
 Paul seems to bring across the idea that we as Christians are in this life together, and He accepts and has  sworn allegiance to the power of His own Name. I think God's desire is for each one of us to discover who we really are and allow those unique and personal abilities and gifts He has deposited in each one of develop and mature within us...and for those who support and really love the people God has given be a strength...and see others succeed...even it means far more than we ourselves have or dared even imagined.

                                    A Gleaning from Romans 14:10-12

 " So, let me ask you...where does the whole situation end up...when you criticize or make rash judgments...on the very people you say you love...or the ones you refer your friends? Do you actually think looking down on others, speaking to someone in a condescending matter, or treating those close to you...with a heart of the way to go? You feel ignored, bitter over things that have happened to you, so you make statements that cause others to feel miserable... simply because you are miserable?
 In the end...when you say things like is you who is left looking silly...and often times much worse. 
 Let me ask you this then: when each one of us will stand before Him...and God our Father looks at our lives...particularly how we have treated one another...should He use the "same rules of life" you have used...especially on treating others?
 In the Sacred Scriptures, God Himself made it clear long ago...making an oath to His very Self...saying: "As I live, every knee will bow in acknowledgement that I am the Lord...and I really do know  how you are to treat one another...and because it is the right way to treat one another, and those who choose this right behavior embrace a heart of gratitude and burst out with a Song of Joy and Praise...coming from their hearts. They will bow before Me...out of love in their hearts...for they now have tasted the compassion I have for them.
 When you find yourself wrongly criticizing others and being condescending toward people you "don't approve of" you think this might be brought up when You kneel before Me....desiring mercy and not criticism, or wanting acceptance...and not rejection?
 Read it for yourself...from the ancient writings of the prophet Isaiah..."As I live and breathe" says the Lord, "Every knee will bow before Me...everyone will give an account of himself...and in this judgment...only the true motives of your heart...will prevail...because "I AM". My ways can never be changed or altered."

 I think before we "belittle" someone, whether it be friend or family...maybe you ought to give yourself a little time to... think it through first.....just sayin'.

 In the heart of authors,
                           of poets,
                               of painters,
                                   and musicians,
is a creativity that desires these expressive gifts
to influence and encourage the hearts and minds
of others. People who take the chance in life and
exercise their gifts...refuse to be threatened or forced 
adapt to a certain style...they forge ahead...
and do it anyway.

 Besides, belittling others only opens the door for Resentment to enter in your heart. Carrie Fisher, the "Star Wars" actress once said: " is like drinking poison, while waiting for the other person die."

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