Friday, April 4, 2014

" A Bird with a Broken Leg"......

It seems to me life itself is a series of keeping everything real, accepting one another, and seeing how God has a part in our everyday lives....

 Ed Sheeran, a young English singer/songwriter from England, has certainly gained  popularity for his voice and style of songs in recent times, wrote a song called "Little Bird".
 There happened to be a young girl from Porterstown, Ireland...15 years old, who really liked the pop song Sheeran had composed and sang himself.
 No big deal...happens all the time...young girls getting caught up in various types of romantic pop songs...right?
 Yet, on April 1st, 2014...Tuesday... something a little different happened. This young 15 year old girl... died.

 The song "Little Bird" is actually explained by Sheeran on Youtube, giving details as to how the song originated and the events that surrounded it.
 For myself, it is a type of youthful romantic song that often comes from that age group, and for the young girl from Porterstown, Ireland just reaching her 15th year...with her entire adult life about to unfold...the "Little Bird" song she enjoyed...seemed quite fitting.

 Yet...there was a problem....

 The young girl from Ireland, Triona Priestly... had cystic fibrosis. For some having this horrible disease, they are able to function through life and live to 35 to 40 years of age. This is a  remarkable improvement in combating this malady...the average lifespan in the 80's was only 14 years ...if you had been diagnosed with this evil  and life-ending disease.
 Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease resulting from "faulty genes", and creates a thick sticky substance that builds up in one's lungs and blocks the airways, allowing bacteria to grow easily. From there, it attacks other parts of your body including your liver, pancreas, and intestines.

  Part of the lyrics to the song "Little Bird" is the phrase..."If we take this bird in...with it's broken leg, we could nurse it...she said"...

 I never read where Triona Priestly complained about her life threatening disease, or blamed God for the terrible malady she had inherited.
 Instead, right up to the end...she kept her hopes and dreams in tact...and never gave up it seems on the thought of being like this bird..."with it's broken leg, so she might be nursed."

 Sometimes life just doesn't make sense, and we tend to question why: why did this happen to Triona, why did God not "nurse her", or why did God....let her die?
 As I live my life, I come to realize I can not answer any of those "why" questions, yet, here is what I have come to discover. Whether it is combating a fatal disease, fighting for freedom for others, or simply giving your life so others will is the ones that never give up...the ones that keep their hopes up in the midst of the most unpleasant circumstances they find themselves in...the ones that believe there is a "better day coming", these are the people I will forever my own heart.

 In the Scriptures there is a story about a man named Jonathon. Jonathon was the eldest son of King Saul, the first king of ancient Israel. Jonathon was also a dear friend to the future King of Israel....soon to be King David.
 Jonathon was intelligent, courageous in battle, and if his father Saul had not disqualified himself as king of Israel, it was Jonathon who would have been appointed to the throne...instead of David.
 Yet, in the end....Jonathon was killed along with his father Saul and his brothers in battle... never giving up on his deep friendship with David....even though Jonathon's events with adversity...would cost him his very life.
 In II Samuel, David writes a type of poem entitled: "How the Mighty have Fallen".
The following statements are mirrored from this poem by David:

 " A gazelle is slain...a Mighty One has fallen! Don't speak of the "why's" this has happened, or  rationalize what might have been done differently.
    Rather, take this moment...and allow this courageous one's find a place in your own heart. For her very end, she never gave up on "her broken leg being nursed."
    And now...she is faster than the eagle...and stronger than a lion! For today...a warrior has fallen!"

 Shortly before Triona passed away, she received a phone was Ed Sheeran. He sang to her the song "Little Bird" she began to drift off into sleep...for the last time.

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