Monday, April 28, 2014

"Christians....Like Everything Else in Life..There are Real Ones...and Fake Ones"

For myself, becoming a Christian is like so many other things in's a process. From the "outside looking in", Christianity and the Sacred Writings are impossible to do at times, and other times seem almost contradictory as to how we as Christians are to apply these almost "strange teachings" to our everyday lives.

 Christians...are "good people" right? So, does that mean "good people" go to Heaven? What do the Scriptures actually say about "good people"?
 In the Gospels, the rich young ruler came to Luke 18 for example. In my opinion, this guy was trying to "play Jesus"...calling Him Rabbi, kneeling, and saying he had kept all the Commandments. Jesus seemed to pick up on it right away...first asking him the question... "Why do You call me good?...There is only One who is good?"  Love it!!! Don't play with a player...Jesus is straight up and picked this dude's intentions up...right from the start! Then...right when the guy thought he had met the requirements Jesus  kind of "baited him" to get through to Heaven's Gates...Jesus drives it home...(paraphrased).."Wow... you are good!...If you give all your possessions are in my man!" OUCH!...Can't do that!
 What is the point of this whole story about the rich young ruler? We can never do enough good to earn a free ticket through the gates...even if Saint Peter is right us a "high 5".
 We are selfish because of the evil nature that is in our hearts...since "The Fall". We need to have a hearts...and there are no merits to reach that status. We simply have to matter how good we may think we are..we are still selfish and evil...even on a "good day"...It's His Blood..spilled at the Cross...that is our redemption...a new heart ...created by Him and through Him...that gives us acceptance through Heaven's Gates!

 Another fallacy: Everything changes...everyone recognizes...Jesus is in my heart! Please!! I think we as Americans drenched in a western culture ...think receiving Jesus has a kind of "Walt Disney Effect"...birdies landing on our shoulders, playful bunnies hopping around us, and "Bambi" running up to happy to see us.!
 Receiving Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior is definitely the way to go...yet, that doesn't mean our lives are made into a "bed of roses". What it does mean this life still has obstacles...but now our dependence on Him for our  survival makes it possible for us to endure...with joy! I have read and seen with my own eyes...children die from sickness, people's lives are cut short because of an accident, financial struggles, or watching loved ones perish due to age or illness... we are still able to have strength through Him to endure...with our  hearts not bitter...rather rejoicing in Him that there is a purpose in all matter how crazy it gets. Of course..."The Dream"...perfect family...plenty of serious issues...and everyone passes at a ripe old age with no surprises, wouldn't that be the way it is suppose to go. No, we all face our share of tragedies...some more than others...yet...the joy...the hope remains...He is see us through it all.
 How? learning more about His Word...and drawing from His love...even in the most hideous of circumstances. He gives us an insight on life...when no insight seems even possible. And in death, whether by accident or in stand for what you believe...He gives us an understanding as to the "why's" these things happen. 
 And for those of us who escape such fates, is it not even more a drive to be thankful for how He has blessed us? For example...sure you may have a child who is acting rebellious or hard to handle at the moment...yet seriously...taking a moment to be thankful for having this child...and after you have surrendered your heart to that...allow the Holy Spirit to work...both in your heart and in the heart of your child!

 And here is a good one: "Sincerity". If I come to God and say..."Please help me with this situation." If you are's cool right?
 Not always. Why?
Because you are asking God for help with whatever is at stake at the are not willing to change or do what He requires you to do...because you can't change...and even more will not change!
 We can't do that...if we gave our hearts and lives to...Him...then through the Holy Spirit...He has the authority to change whatever He wants our lives...without a bunch of "static". 
 In other words, you cannot pray for "so and so" to accept you and your "guidance"...even though you are constantly hammering on them, pointing out their faults, or telling them their worthless...unless they amend to "your way of thinking". If you won't surrender to His way of thinking...why do you expect those around you to surrender to "your way of thinking"? You can't do matter how sincere you might your prayers and beliefs. 
 We are in this together...and we must understand and respect the thoughts of others...even it does not agree with us. 
 Sincerity...with an openness to recognize we all need His Grace and what brings the change our situations...our relationships. more...Judging! This one really gets me. Christians seem to have a thought that says what is acceptable...and what is not. is sometimes sooo sick! 
 We condemn a woman who has been a prostitute...but it's ok to think you are better than her...because of morals. Really? Your own family does not like to be around you, your own kids want nothing to do with you...but you are ok...because you go to church every Sunday.
 Or, I am a good man...sure I watch porno films...sure I womanize...but I have been faithful to my wife...even though my heart really wants...that prostitute!!
 Really??? And who is more honest the prostitute??
 Here is a Gleaning... from Matthew 7:1-5

 " Don't even start...Don't start hammering on those around you...criticizing and jumpin' all over them because of their failures...and why they are failures...pointing out their faults! ( Truth be told...they could not hide them like you can). 
 Trust me...there will be a day you will be judged...according to your standards!! Is that the way you want treated?

 You do realize a person who loves to spend their time criticizing others...has a kind of boomerang effect. I mean..think about this...How easy is smudge "mud" on someone else's face...and be totally oblivious to the entire mud pile...that covers you! you really have the audacity to say: " Hey, there is a little mud on your face...let me point it out to you (and others)...when your entire body is mud? You are so fake!
 First, get yourself hosed off, then wash up, and get rid of all that mud...on YOU. And, when you approach others, be humble and simply HELP them...clean-up."

PRAYER: Lord Jesus...I know I am a sinner...even if I "look good" on the outside... You see me on the inside. Forgive me, I know I need You. Change me...allow my heart to be  a heart like Yours. I don't want to be a fake anymore...I want the real shine from the real...You that lives in me. Come in to my heart...and I give You the opportunity to live inside of me. I really want...You! Amen"

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