Thursday, April 17, 2014

"Judas Iscariot and Saint Peter Both Bailed"...on Holy Week...yet...Totally Different Endings"...part 2 is a big one concerning Judas Iscariot. There is a verse in Scripture that Jesus said that has been the target of discussion for centuries....

3 different Gospels write of this statement made by Jesus...and from reading it in English with no appears Jesus really is...contradicting Himself. I need to share with you what these verses are saying. 
 Matthew 26:14  (Gleaning format) " It's one of you...the very 12 I have follow Me. And yet, here we are, all together right now...eating the same bread...from the same bowl!
 In one sense, the Son of Man is about to enter a world of nothing but treachery...well marked in the Scriptures.So, why would I be surprised?
 Yet, in another sense, the very disciple I have about to "give Me up"...and betray Me!
 And you know what? It is better for this man to have not been born...then to make a choice like this."

Mark 14:20-21 (Gleaning format) " It's one of of the very 12 that is eating with Me...right now...eating the same meal, sharing the same bread, and dipping from the same bowl. The Son of Man is about to die...just as the ancient Scriptures have proclaimed. Yet the one who has made his betray would have been better for him not to be born...than to make a choice such as this.

John 13:21-26 (Gleaning format)  " After Jesus had said these became obvious He was disturbed...perhaps even agitated...and for certain extremely troubled. "It's true." He remarked..."one of you...will betray Me." The disciples then looked around at one another...wondering who in the world would do such a thing. Then, one of the disciples whom Jesus deeply trusted, happen to be reclining next to Him. He wanted to draw close to Jesus...comfort Him in any way he could (noticing how troubled Jesus had become). Peter made eye contact with the disciple next to Jesus and motioned for him to ask Jesus...whom He was referring to. So, this disciple spoke and said to Jesus "Who is it Lord?" Jesus answered: " It's the one I am about to give this piece of bread I now dip it into the bowl." And, He then did so, and handed it to...Judas Iscariot."

So, a few questions arise from these portions of Scripture. Was Judas Iscariot a "victim of fate"? Why didn't the disciples just grab him and tie him down? Was Jesus hoping Judas would not give in to the temptation he fought...and not betray Christ? What was it Judas Iscariot was hoping to gain out of all this?...the 30 pieces of silver...equivalent in those times to what a person would pay if one of their oxen would have gored a neighbor's slave...and killed him?

And...I thought Jesus desire for all people was "that none would be lost." Now, the mystery continues..... 

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