Tuesday, April 29, 2014

"Were There Really Such Women...known as "Shield-Maidens?"

On the History Channel's mini-series "The Vikings", because of the blend of bringing in real history with the various relationships we encounter as we view each episode...many questions begin to arise from the various fans of this remarkable series.....

 One question that has arisen: "Were there really..."Shield-Maidens"?

 "Shield-Maidens" is a phrase that derives from the writings of Norse mythology. John Skylitzes records women fighting alongside Vikings known as Varangian Vikings against Bulgarians in 971 A.D.
 Real notoriety for "Shield-Maidens" seem to make its presence in history through the writings of Saxo Grammaticus (Saxo the Literate), a Danish historian of the medieval era who wrote of a battle known as: The Battle of Braveller or The Battle of Bravalla. 
 The Battle of Braveller is an epic Norse saga of legendary renown. It is written to have taken place sometime in the mid 8th century A.D. and is one of the oldest written documents of the countries Estonia and Latvia, both located in northern Europe.
 The battle has been retold, revised, and written by various authors, yet Saxo Grammaticus writes in great detail of what possibly happened. In his writings, which consists of 16 books, he describes this battle using both a mixture of Norse Mythology and Medieval history.
 It was basically a battle between the King of Sweden  and a sector of Sweden ...vs.... the King of Denmark and another sector of Sweden. Eventually the King of Sweden won the battle, and it is written that 300 "Shield-Maidens" held their ground during a crucial part of this epic battle. One "Shield-Maiden" of the battle named Hetha, was written to have survived the battle and was rewarded with a portion of Denmark...to rule. Later writings indicate she ran into problems because some of her own warriors rebelled...simply because of the thought of having a woman as ruler or chieftain.
 To this day there has been much debate among historians...whether this battle actually took place...or was it just another tale in Norse mythology...most likely...a little bit of both.

 Saxo Grammaticus wrote of other "Shield-Maidens" as well including Sela...a woman warrior and accomplished pirate of the period, and along with Hetha, there was Visna and Veldog...all "Shield-Maidens" who fought at the Battle of Braveller.

 "Shield-Maidens have been described as women who have suffered deeply and bear grudges for the injustices they had personally encountered...on their families and their people. The only satisfaction for a "Shield-Maiden" for such atrocities...was bloodshed.
 One thing of notice in the chronicles of history, it does seem to convey the thought Viking women may have experienced more rights and personal freedoms...than those of the rest of Europe in that time frame.

 In Norse mythology, there is a term known as "Valkyrie". It is a host of female figures who decide which soldiers would die in a particular battle...and who would live. The ones chosen to die in battle would be escorted by these female figures to Valhalla...the celebration hall made possible by the god Odin...and would be in festive array for eternity. Often times if a Viking warrior viewed a Raven, a Swan, or perhaps even a Horse...it was sometimes interpreted as a sign...they were about to die in battle.
 In recent times, discoveries have been made of ancient tapestries from the medieval period that depict the stories and tales of ferocious female warriors who hunted in packs...and slain men in battle. Most of what has been discovered is highly fictional in nature...simply because of the almost supernatural females portrayed on the tapestries.
 One other problem in regards to "Shield-Maidens" was the burial process among Vikings. Women were not buried with swords or armor like the male warriors, but were found with weaving and spinning instruments...along with other items that were used in the home.

 And now....Lagertha...and the "Tales of Ragnar".......

Ok...here is how the tale goes:

 Lagertha made her entrance as a warrior..a "Shield-Maiden"... when a Swithian chieftain invaded Norway around 840 A.D. Ragnar came to fight the Swedes, and many local women dressed up like men and went to Ragnar's camp to join in battle against the Swedish invasion.
 Ragnar then met Lagertha...and began to court her...although he did it from a distance. Lagertha pretends to act interested, Ragnar "took the bait"...and arrived at her home to seek her hand. When he arrived, he was attacked by a bear ad a great hound...which guarded her home. It is written Ragnar killed the bear with his spear and choked the great hound with his bare hands...and won the hand...of Lagertha....or so the romantic tale goes.

 "Shield-Maidens"?...don't really know. What I do know...Lagertha is a great character to have on The Vikings series on the History Channel...and it wouldn't have near the impact the series has...without her!

Monday, April 28, 2014

"Christians....Like Everything Else in Life..There are Real Ones...and Fake Ones"

For myself, becoming a Christian is like so many other things in life...it's a process. From the "outside looking in", Christianity and the Sacred Writings are impossible to do at times, and other times seem almost contradictory as to how we as Christians are to apply these almost "strange teachings" to our everyday lives.

 Christians...are "good people" right? So, does that mean "good people" go to Heaven? What do the Scriptures actually say about "good people"?
 In the Gospels, the rich young ruler came to Jesus...in Luke 18 for example. In my opinion, this guy was trying to "play Jesus"...calling Him Rabbi, kneeling, and saying he had kept all the Commandments. Jesus seemed to pick up on it right away...first asking him the question... "Why do You call me good?...There is only One who is good?"  Love it!!! Don't play with a player...Jesus is straight up and picked this dude's intentions up...right from the start! Then...right when the guy thought he had met the requirements Jesus  kind of "baited him" to get through to Heaven's Gates...Jesus drives it home...(paraphrased).."Wow... you are good!...If you give all your possessions away...you are in my man!" OUCH!...Can't do that!
 What is the point of this whole story about the rich young ruler? We can never do enough good to earn a free ticket through the gates...even if Saint Peter is right there...giving us a "high 5".
 We are selfish because of the evil nature that is in our hearts...since "The Fall". We need to have a re-birth...new hearts...and there are no merits to reach that status. We simply have to say...no matter how good we may think we are..we are still selfish and evil...even on a "good day"...It's His Blood..spilled at the Cross...that is our redemption...a new heart ...created by Him and through Him...that gives us acceptance through Heaven's Gates!

 Another fallacy: Everything changes...everyone recognizes...Jesus is in my heart! Please!! I think we as Americans drenched in a western culture ...think receiving Jesus has a kind of "Walt Disney Effect"...birdies landing on our shoulders, playful bunnies hopping around us, and "Bambi" running up to us...so happy to see us. 
 Receiving Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior is definitely the way to go...yet, that doesn't mean our lives are made into a "bed of roses". What it does mean this life still has obstacles...but now our dependence on Him for our  survival makes it possible for us to endure...with joy! I have read and seen with my own eyes...children die from sickness, people's lives are cut short because of an accident, financial struggles, or watching loved ones perish due to age or illness... we are still able to have strength through Him to endure...with our  hearts not bitter...rather rejoicing in Him that there is a purpose in all this...no matter how crazy it gets. Of course..."The Dream"...perfect family...plenty of money...no serious issues...and everyone passes at a ripe old age with no surprises, wouldn't that be the way it is suppose to go. No, we all face our share of tragedies...some more than others...yet...the joy...the hope remains...He is there...to see us through it all.
 How?...by learning more about Him...in prayer...in His Word...and drawing from His love...even in the most hideous of circumstances. He gives us an insight on life...when no insight seems even possible. And in death, whether by accident or in stand for what you believe...He gives us an understanding as to the "why's" these things happen. 
 And for those of us who escape such fates, is it not even more a drive to be thankful for how He has blessed us? For example...sure you may have a child who is acting rebellious or hard to handle at the moment...yet seriously...taking a moment to be thankful for having this child...and after you have surrendered your heart to that...allow the Holy Spirit to work...both in your heart and in the heart of your child!

 And here is a good one: "Sincerity". If I come to God and say..."Please help me with this situation." If you are sincere...it's cool right?
 Not always. Why?
Because you are asking God for help with whatever is at stake at the moment...yet...you are not willing to change or do what He requires you to do...because you can't change...and even more specific...you will not change!
 We can't do that...if we gave our hearts and lives to...Him...then through the Holy Spirit...He has the authority to change whatever He wants to...in our lives...without a bunch of "static". 
 In other words, you cannot pray for "so and so" to accept you and your "guidance"...even though you are constantly hammering on them, pointing out their faults, or telling them their worthless...unless they amend to "your way of thinking". If you won't surrender to His way of thinking...why do you expect those around you to surrender to "your way of thinking"? You can't do that...no matter how sincere you might plead...in your prayers and beliefs. 
 We are in this together...and we must understand and respect the thoughts of others...even it does not agree with us. 
 Sincerity...with an openness to recognize we all need His Grace and Mercy...is what brings the Power...to change our situations...our relationships.

 Finally...one more...Judging! This one really gets me. Christians seem to have a thought that says what is acceptable...and what is not. Honestly...it is sometimes sooo sick! 
 We condemn a woman who has been a prostitute...but it's ok to think you are better than her...because of morals. Really? Your own family does not like to be around you, your own kids want nothing to do with you...but you are ok...because you go to church every Sunday.
 Or, I am a good man...sure I watch porno films...sure I womanize...but I have been faithful to my wife...even though my heart really wants...that prostitute!!
 Really??? And who is more honest here...you...or the prostitute??
 Here is a Gleaning... from Matthew 7:1-5

 " Don't even start...Don't start hammering on those around you...criticizing and jumpin' all over them because of their failures...and why they are failures...pointing out their faults! ( Truth be told...they could not hide them like you can). 
 Trust me...there will be a day you will be judged...according to your standards!! Is that the way you want treated?

 You do realize a person who loves to spend their time criticizing others...has a kind of boomerang effect. I mean..think about this...How easy is it...to smudge "mud" on someone else's face...and be totally oblivious to the entire mud pile...that covers you! 
 Or...do you really have the audacity to say: " Hey, there is a little mud on your face...let me point it out to you (and others)...when your entire body is drenched...in mud? You are so fake!
 First, get yourself hosed off, then wash up, and get rid of all that mud...on YOU. And, when you approach others, be humble and simply HELP them...clean-up."

PRAYER: Lord Jesus...I know I am a sinner...even if I "look good" on the outside... You see me on the inside. Forgive me, I know I need You. Change me...allow my heart to be transformed...to  a heart like Yours. I don't want to be a fake anymore...I want the real me...to shine from the real...You that lives in me. Come in to my heart...and I give You the opportunity to live inside of me. I really want...You! Amen"

Thursday, April 24, 2014

"Belittling Another...Does it Hurt?"

I have noticed lately how devastating words that we say have such an effect on one another...their long term effect, the initial reactions,...and the results of belittling another....

 In the Sacred Scripture it reads: "Death and Life...are in the power of the tongue." Proverbs 18:21.
 That alone is mind boggling to me...the words we say to one another either bring beauty and strength...or they bring destruction and death. The crazy part...these occurrences often happen in our..everyday conversations.

 The Scriptures also offers another insight...Proverbs 14:1. It reads: "A wise woman builds her home...while a foolish one tears it down...with her own hands!"
 This verse is also thought provoking as it brings across the idea of how we are able to "destroy our very own"...through the "Power of Belittling." ( Although this verse uses a woman as an example...both males and females  are "equally yoked" in being condescending toward others.)

 Ok..what exactly is belittling? The Oxford Dictionary describes Belittling as: " making sure a person feels unimportant...". It includes the ability to "dismiss someone...in both thought or action". 
 In the world of Personality Disorders, numerous psychologists claim people who choose to belittle someone are more than likely suffering from low self esteem themselves.  The key seems to lie in the fact people who use a belittling technique on others are doing so because they are not only miserable themselves... but take it a step further and want those they are in contact with to be miserable as well. 
 The purpose of speaking to others in a condescending matter is to leave the recipient of the verbal barrage in a state of being alone, in an almost despair, and any personal expression on life they might have is met with a reaction of..."you are dismissed...your thoughts...your ideas...and your views on life...because I want you to be miserable and feel the rejection I have."

 It's a killer. It can take a young person's hopes, dreams, aspirations, and the strength to "take the chance"...and smash them "against the rocks". Sometimes, the words of someone who has belittled you...lives within them...an entire lifetime.

 In the New Testament, Saint Paul addresses the power of belittling and the effects it has on others...with a fair warning that we need to think before we speak, examine the motives of our heart, and turn from this form of communication within our own arenas of life...whether  it be with our family, our friends, or people we associate with in our everyday lives. 
 We have all faced the hurts of being made to feel less important, yet as Christians who say "Jesus lives in my heart"...we must address low self esteem issues in our own lives, choose not to lash out at others ( even in the most self deceptive matters ), and accept and encourage one another...to follow their dreams with support, offer suggestions and advice, and believe in them...and understand their lives...from their point of view.

  Belittling can be so subtle at times...like: "I am watching your progress...and see
how God is opening your eyes to show you what is best."...or "Oh my dear, you are thinking so much better today." Although these type of statements appear sincere and innocent...what are they really saying?
 The progress in someone's life is being met with...your approval?...and if they continue to follow what you say...they will not have to feel the threat of being dismissed, feeling worthless or abandoned...again?
 Or... "Now you are thinking...the way I want you to...all those silly ideas you have...must be dismissed....I will "help God" in guiding you."

 In Romans, the 14th chapter Paul addresses how the various sects of society at that time had given their hearts to Christ Jesus...both Jewish and those of Gentile origins.
 Paul actually refers to an Old Testament Scripture found in Isaiah 45:23...yet does not quote it literally...and uses this verse to compliment the Lord Jesus.
 Paul seems to bring across the idea that we as Christians are in this life together, and He accepts and has  sworn allegiance to us...by the power of His own Name. I think God's desire is for each one of us to discover who we really are and allow those unique and personal abilities and gifts He has deposited in each one of us...to develop and mature within us...and for those who support and really love the people God has given us...to be a strength...and see others succeed...even it means far more than we ourselves have or dared even imagined.

                                    A Gleaning from Romans 14:10-12

 " So, let me ask you...where does the whole situation end up...when you criticize or make rash judgments...on the very people you say you love...or the ones you refer to...as your friends? Do you actually think looking down on others, speaking to someone in a condescending matter, or treating those close to you...with a heart of contempt...is the way to go? You feel ignored, bitter over things that have happened to you, so you make statements that cause others to feel miserable... simply because you are miserable?
 In the end...when you say things like that...it is you who is left looking silly...and often times much worse. 
 Let me ask you this then: when each one of us will stand before Him...and God our Father looks at our lives...particularly how we have treated one another...should He use the "same rules of life" you have used...especially on treating others?
 In the Sacred Scriptures, God Himself made it clear long ago...making an oath to His very Self...saying: "As I live, every knee will bow in acknowledgement that I am the Lord...and I really do know  how you are to treat one another...and because it is the right way to treat one another, and those who choose this right behavior embrace a heart of gratitude and burst out with a Song of Joy and Praise...coming from their hearts. They will bow before Me...out of love in their hearts...for they now have tasted the compassion I have for them.
 When you find yourself wrongly criticizing others and being condescending toward people you "don't approve of"...do you think this might be brought up when You kneel before Me....desiring mercy and not criticism, or wanting acceptance...and not rejection?
 Read it for yourself...from the ancient writings of the prophet Isaiah..."As I live and breathe" says the Lord, "Every knee will bow before Me...everyone will give an account of himself...and in this judgment...only the true motives of your heart...will prevail...because "I AM". My ways can never be changed or altered."

 I think before we "belittle" someone, whether it be friend or family...maybe you ought to give yourself a little time to... think it through first.....just sayin'.

 In the heart of authors,
                           of poets,
                               of painters,
                                   and musicians,
is a creativity that desires these expressive gifts
to influence and encourage the hearts and minds
of others. People who take the chance in life and
exercise their gifts...refuse to be threatened or forced 
adapt to a certain style...they forge ahead...
and do it anyway.

 Besides, belittling others only opens the door for Resentment to enter in your heart. Carrie Fisher, the "Star Wars" actress once said: " Resentment...it is like drinking poison, while waiting for the other person ...to die."

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Vikings....History Channel...."Shield Wall!"

" I think that I wanted to put the character into a contemporary situation. In other words, I don't ever think about history as being something separate and long ago."

 " I'm conscious of the fact that I'm basing the story on historical realities....and I'm very conscious of that. I'm not interested in fantasy...."
                                                       Michael Hurst (author of "The Vikings")


 Michael Hurst is a producer of the "Vikings" that blends history with drama. It has fictional portrayals that represent the real past...of history. His input into this particularly fascinating series is unique...for he blends the real history of civilization in relation to lives of the Vikings with the relationships that create a most interesting thought and plot.
 I am continually intrigued for the uniqueness of this series. 

And...for season 3, which begins filming on June 2nd, 2014...a season including an attack on Paris...and the reality of Christ Jesus is what can be in store for all of us who are "Viking fans"! 

  "The Vikings" series is filmed in County Wicklour, Ireland...at the Ashford Studios just outside of Dublin. Other places like Sweden and Norway were considered, yet because of expense and latest technology, Dublin was the destined place of this new series.
 World 2000 Entertainment actually produces this series and brings with them extensive experience with historical type TV dramas including "The Tudors" and "Camelot".
 Yet, for myself it is Michael Hurst and his writing skills and achievements to combine the real facts of past history with the possible thoughts of the fictional characters (although many of their names were of real people...in real history) that has captured the interest of many...throughout the world.

 In a recent interview with Michael Hurst, he shares and tries to explain the thoughts and motives of the creation and ongoing saga of this series aptly named: "The Vikings".
 Hurst explains his need for a central character that is strong, handsome, interesting, and intriguing... Ragnar Lothbrok (Lodbrok in some historical descriptions) became that figure.
 Ragnar was a real Viking leader who did have 2 wives, numerous sons, and did extraordinary things.
 Ragnar was the first recorded of the Viking (Norse culture) tribes to cross the open seas to raid England...and then to France. The first season of "The Viking" series focuses much on the family of Ragnar...both his wives and his children. Considered a "son of Odin", Ragnar is ambitious to travel and overcome obstacles he might face...in going west. In reality, the Vikings were a collection of various tribes that were farmers...and not just a bunch of "wildly crazed warriors". In one episode, Ragnar expresses his deep impression of the fertile soils of England.

 Ragnar and his Viking warriors first land in Northumbria, in northern England. It was a small kingdom in England and yet numerous battles evolve from the Vikings entering their land.
 The first season and particularly their landing in the Northumbria region introduces the conflict of the Viking pagan gods and Christianity. "Athelstan", the catholic monk who is captured and becomes a slave to Ragnar and his family, introduces an inner conflict within the mind and heart of Athelstan...and at one point somewhat embraces the Viking pagan beliefs...causing many "inner questions" to arise in his heart. To a Viking and their beliefs, Christianity was just a "new fad" of beliefs that foreign cultures had  recently exalted...in an attempt gain lands and control other peoples.
 There is also a somewhat detailed description of who the Vikings believed in and why they believed in their gods....Odin, Thor, Valhalla, etc. Of course, the character "Floki" brings their religious beliefs to light because of his personal dedication to the "Norse gods." 
 In one episode, Rollo, the brother of Ragnar agrees to be "baptized" in the Christian faith in return for a settlement of land and money with the English, and Floki expresses his displeasure to Rollo by saying to him: "You have upset...the gods!"

 Rollo, the brother of Ragnar in the series is a fascinating character in the series. He is a very talented and able warrior, and yet his allegiance seems to be often in question. At one point, Rollo turns against his brother Ragnar, joins the enemy, kills his friend, and then seeks forgiveness from his brother Ragnar for what he had done.

 According to Michael Hurst, he says one of the biggest responses to the series is the religious conflict that is in Athelstan...doubting his own faith in Christianity and all the decadence and evil motives that lurk within the Christian culture, and seems to welcome the direct and almost innocent belief of the Norse gods.
 Michael Hurst said "The Huffington Post" wrote: " The Viking series is the only show that takes religious beliefs seriously."

 The Viking series seems also to identify with the people of our world today. Ragnar's stability of his own marriage with Lagertha is now swept away by the seduction of Princess Aslaug, who brings in a whole new relationship for Ragnar...facing situations like divorce and remarriage we face today. With Ragnar's love for his children, he suggests the possibilities of 2 women living under the same roof, sharing their lives with Ragnar and raising his children. Princess Aslaug seems to have an almost "New Age" look on life and relationships, not necessarily bringing jealousy and hatred toward Lagertha, but rather seeing a purpose in both her life and the life of Lagertha. 
 Princess Aslaug has a sense of pride in her family bloodline, her own father being a Viking leader and yet with her own mother dieing at such an early age...the Princess grew up in life as as orphan.
 As for Lagertha, having a more traditional sense of the meaning of marriage, along with her talents as both a warrior and still having a love for Ragnar, allows us as viewers to almost feel the pain of a love/hate relationship with Ragnar.

 The Viking series in season 2 brings Ragnar's character to a more complex figure...his devoted friendship with Floki changing, his decisions as a leader coming more from his rationale of his mind, rather than love from his heart.
 Ragnar is faced on dealing with Rollo his brother, and forgiving him for turning on Ragnar and his community. He is faced with raising his children, and in the real historical documents found of Ragnar Lothbrok (Lodbrok), he definitely had a fear of his own children becoming more popular than he himself. As Bjorn (the son of Ragnar through Lagertha) grows into a strong young man with an almost driven purpose in life...Ragnar is met with the challenges of his ability to be a possible threat to Ragnar...even though Ragnar loves him deeply.

 And now the series furthers itself in regards to raids, going from the small kingdom of Northumbria in northern England to the large English kingdom of Wessex...with the wily King Ecbert.
 Overall, the Vikings series is able to bring real history to life, blending a cast of characters that not only represent real history as it happened, but identifies with many of the issues and trials in life we as people face today.
 And yet, in the midst of it all...is a tightly held set of beliefs..both from the side of the Norse gods and its followers like Floki, to the Christian beliefs...filled with treachery and selfish ambitions that cause people like Athelstan...to be challenged to the very core... of who or what he believes in.

 The Viking series is obviously well thought out...and causes it audience to...question their own lives, purposes, and motives of why they are today.

 As for Season 3...brace yourself...you might find yourself crying out..."Shield Wall"!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Judas Iscariot and Saint Peter....Different Endings to their Lives....

One is called the "Son of Hell"...the other...a Saint.....

 In Matthew 26:24, the Living Translation says it like this: " For I must die...just as was prophesied, but woe to the man whom I am betrayed. Far better for that one if he had never been born."

 In John 17:12, the "Prayer"...Jesus states: " During My time here...I have kept safe all in Your family...all of these You gave to Me. I guarded them so that not one would perish, except...the "Son of Hell", as the Scriptures foretold."

 Ok, most of the "Greek Geeks"...the ones who spend incredible amounts of time studying the Greek language and its translations into modern day languages, generally conclude that Matthew 26:24 should end with something like..." it would have been better for Judas Iscariot not to have been born...than to make a choice of this consequence."
 And in John 17:12...it becomes apparent Jesus knew the choice Judas Iscariot would make in reference to betraying Christ.

 This is heavy...the choice Judas Iscariot made. I don't think Judas was a "victim of fate"...that he simply was born to complete this betrayal. That opens a whole new "can of worms"...justifying the evil we hear and see in the world done by others...as an excuse...they had no choice but to be evil.
 I think Jesus was hoping all the way to the very last moment...Judas would not go through with it. And if he had chose not to...would Jesus had gone to the cross? Sure He would have...there were others that would have sold out on Him....Pharisees, zealots desiring Israel's freedom, perhaps even the Romans. He would have still gone to the Cross...and died for us...and fulfilled the Sacred Scriptures. After all...the one who really wanted this...was Satan...who hates anything that has to do with Christ and the love He has for His Father...and for us.

 That being said, betrayal...that is flat cold. And, Judas didn't betray just anyone...he betrayed the Author and the Finisher of our very faith. It would be like "selling out on the President of the U.S....or the Queen of England. Judas didn't just sell out on a friend or relative...which is bad in itself.... this guy sold out on the King...the King of Kings!

 The Oxford Dictionary defines "Betrayal" as: " One who  exposes one's country, group or person by treacherously giving information or a key person...to the enemy." It is a traitor, one subject to treason, the very Latin based word for "Betrayal" meaning to...hand over. In other words, these types of betrayal has the potential to...change the course of history.
  This betrayal Judas chose wasn't your "everyday stuff", like telling on your brother or sister for doing something wrong...this betrayal was of the highest of national security.

 Judas had been with Jesus and the "original 12" for over 3 years. He had shared with them, participated in numerous events, witnessed miracles, and listened to the words of the One who loved him. They even put Judas in charge of their treasury...and Jesus knew about His "dipping into the money". Jesus must have almost "puked" when Judas got some "press" in the Scripture by responding to Mary, the sister of Lazarus...when pouring the Nard (expensive perfume) on Jesus feet said: "Hey...we could sell that and give it to the poor!" Why?...because the Scriptures state Judas could care less about the poor.
 Yet, aren't we the same as Judas in regards to being selfish? Would you might have been at least tempted to rationalize your thoughts and "dipped into the treasury?" Or, how many times have you justified your actions...like speaking bad about someone or running someone down...so others would be...aware? yea...right.

 But, there are some things in life, regardless of our personal ups and downs...that require us to make a stand. POW's...refusing to give info...suffering and dying for their refusal to do so; or exposing someone...not because they are a threat...rather for our own selfish interest to destroy someone...that we might get ahead. Bottom line...there are just some things we just shouldn't do...because the decision to do so affects so many others. Even the most vulgar acts of human nature...must "draw a line".

 For myself...I think this is where Judas was at. His decision to betray Christ Jesus... is like betraying the country you love...you just can't...it's wrong. It goes way beyond our individual lives, whether you are in sin, whether you might be a follower of Him...or perhaps not, whether you are man...woman...gay...straight... a prostitute or a loving mother..it doesn't matter. You just don't sell out...the consequences for that decision...and how it impacts lives...are of the highest stakes.
 Fortunately...God was fully aware what was about to happen...and Jesus was "all over it" before the "Betrayal" actually took place.

 For as stated earlier...Jesus said "I have kept safe...the family"...and we are still protected today!
 "The Prayer" in John 17...is pretty cool....keeps us in mind of how much He loves us!

 Tim Keller, a remarkable American Christian apologist, wrote:

 "We have been saved from...
                the penalty of sin.

  We are being saved from...
                the power of sin.

 We will be saved from....
                the very presence of sin."

Now, as for Peter...denying Him....what type of impact did that have?....
Here is something interesting to me Peter had written in one of his letters: " Most important of all, continue to show...deep love for each other, for it is this very love you have for others...that makes up for many of our faults and sins." 1 Peter 4:8

 Do you think he remembered what Judas had done...and the consequence it brought?....

Thursday, April 17, 2014

"Judas Iscariot and Saint Peter Both Bailed"...on Holy Week...yet...Totally Different Endings"...part 2

Ok...here is a big one concerning Judas Iscariot. There is a verse in Scripture that Jesus said that has been the target of discussion for centuries....

3 different Gospels write of this statement made by Jesus...and from reading it in English with no research...it appears Jesus really is...contradicting Himself. I need to share with you what these verses are saying. 
 Matthew 26:14  (Gleaning format) " It's one of you...the very 12 I have chosen...to follow Me. And yet, here we are, all together right now...eating the same bread...from the same bowl!
 In one sense, the Son of Man is about to enter a world of nothing but treachery...well marked in the Scriptures.So, why would I be surprised?
 Yet, in another sense, the very disciple I have chosen...is about to "give Me up"...and betray Me!
 And you know what? It is better for this man to have not been born...then to make a choice like this."

Mark 14:20-21 (Gleaning format) " It's one of you...one of the very 12 that is eating with Me...right now...eating the same meal, sharing the same bread, and dipping from the same bowl. The Son of Man is about to die...just as the ancient Scriptures have proclaimed. Yet the one who has made his choice...to betray Me...it would have been better for him not to be born...than to make a choice such as this.

John 13:21-26 (Gleaning format)  " After Jesus had said these things...it became obvious He was disturbed...perhaps even agitated...and for certain extremely troubled. "It's true." He remarked..."one of you...will betray Me." The disciples then looked around at one another...wondering who in the world would do such a thing. Then, one of the disciples whom Jesus deeply trusted, happen to be reclining next to Him. He wanted to draw close to Jesus...comfort Him in any way he could (noticing how troubled Jesus had become). Peter made eye contact with the disciple next to Jesus and motioned for him to ask Jesus...whom He was referring to. So, this disciple spoke and said to Jesus "Who is it Lord?" Jesus answered: " It's the one I am about to give this piece of bread to...as I now dip it into the bowl." And, He then did so, and handed it to...Judas Iscariot."

So, a few questions arise from these portions of Scripture. Was Judas Iscariot a "victim of fate"? Why didn't the disciples just grab him and tie him down? Was Jesus hoping Judas would not give in to the temptation he fought...and not betray Christ? What was it Judas Iscariot was hoping to gain out of all this?...the 30 pieces of silver...equivalent in those times to what a person would pay if one of their oxen would have gored a neighbor's slave...and killed him?

And...I thought Jesus desire for all people was "that none would be lost." Now, the mystery continues..... 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"Judas Iscariot and Saint Peter Both "Bailed"...on Holy Week...yet...Totally Different Endings"...part one

When you hear the name "Judas Iscariot", a person's reaction is not very positive....for some it is a sad name to hear, others almost react in anger, and yet others...really don't know what to think of this guy.......

 I read where one guy indicated the very pronunciation of his first name has "sealed the fate of the Jewish nation"....his betrayal of the Christ and the fact the first syllable in his first name "Ju"...is a constant mental identification of what the "Jews" did to Christ. I myself do not adhere to that, for I think we are all responsible....I'm just sayin'.

 In the Scriptures, Judas doesn't have a whole lot going for him in reference to positive or good things he might have done. In fact, there are only 2 people in the entire Scriptures who were referred to as the "Son of Perdition"...the Antichrist...and Judas Iscariot... this can't be good.
 It is also the only recorded Scripture that specifically states Satan entered a person...as he did into Judas on the evening he chose to betray Jesus.
 And if that wasn't enough, Jesus makes a comment along the lines of:"...it would have been better for him...if he had never been born."...referring to...Judas Iscariot.
  Not what you might call a good resume in honoring Christ.......

 So, Judas Iscariot...why did Jesus choose him to be one of the "Original 12" in the first place? Why would a person want to trust someone...whom He very well knew would "stab him in the back"...at the right moment? 
 I guess I will first look at what the Sacred Scriptures actually say...about Judas Iscariot.

 It seems to me Judas never really got what Jesus was really after...the surrender of our hearts to His way of life. Judas was with Him for over 3 years, saw and perhaps even participated in miracles, watched the 5000 being fed, and heard the message of the Sermon on the Mount. Yet, the Scriptures never seem to confirm whether Judas really accepted Christ as His Savior and even more important...His Lord.

 Yet, when it comes to Peter...his story is much different. Although he denied Christ 3 different times on the night of the trial, Peter seemed to have a much closer relationship with Christ Jesus...than that of Judas. Throughout the Gospels Jesus is consistently encouraging Peter...the Scriptures give no indication Judas had a relationship with Christ like that. You never read of Judas asking questions like Peter did when he was with Jesus, you never read of Judas participation or reactions to things that Jesus did...like Peter, in fact, you really don't know much at all of how Judas really felt about Christ Jesus.

Yet, in John 6:70 Jesus makes this clear: "I have chosen and am responsible for all 12 of you...yet one of you...is a devil." It is also thought in some circles that in John 17:12, Jesus mentions how He has protected the 12 as His Father had wished and that not one would be lost...except the son of perdition" is a direct reference to...Judas Iscariot.
 On the other hand, Peter, when astounded upon hearing how the Lord Jesus was telling the disciples how He was to die, said...(paraphrased) "No way we will let that happen!" Jesus then looked at Peter and said: " Get behind me Satan, you are trying to get in my way...your thoughts are a reaction of human nature...I am here to obey the very nature...of God."


 Judas Iscariot's reaction to one event that is recorded in the Scripture...seems to indicate what Judas was really like. It was a setting that is rather incredible. 

 It was 6 days before Passover...the very week we now call "Holy Week", shortly before Palm Sunday. There had been a dinner arranged in honor of Jesus at the home of Lazarus...whom Jesus had recently raised from the dead. Martha and Mary (sisters of Lazarus) were preparing dinner and Martha was serving...when suddenly Mary does something a "little crazy"... she anoints Jesus feet with a very expensive perfume.
 In that day and time, the washing of feet was not totally uncustomary, it was done for many who would enter a home after having travelled, and the style of eating a meal was not in chairs, but often reclined...like in almost a cot or bed...or sometimes a nice rug over the floor. Anyway, Mary breaks open this 12 oz. jar of "Nard" (instead of water)...which was a precious spice from India that was sweet and red and had a gladiola scent. It was said to be worth about a year's wages.

 Now..enter Judas Iscariot. At this dinner, it appears the 12 disciples had also been invited to the dinner...and when Mary bathed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair in this "Nard"...Judas came "unglued".  By the way, women of that culture never revealed their hair in such a matter, yet with Mary acting in an almost reckless abandon...really gave this gesture a very dramatic effect....now Judas Iscariot.
 Judas had something to say about all this going on and makes " the Daily Scripture Headlines"! Judas responds: "Hey...that perfume is expensive! We could have sold this...and given the money to the poor!" Then in John 12:6...the true motive of Judas reaction is written: "...Judas did not care about the poor...he was a thief...and since he was the treasurer of Jesus and His disciples, Judas was known to have taken some of the money for himself...on various occasions...in other words ...he stole it."

 Not a good way to be remembered in the Scriptures...right?

More to come....