Thursday, March 6, 2014

"Written Centuries Ago...Yet Not To Be Forgotten".....

There is a word in Hebrew called "Shema". It is equivalent to the English word "listen". Jewish tradition demands the Jewish nation give attention and to obey, or to "Shema" the Commands written in Deuteronomy 6: 4-7.....

 Jesus Himself taught us in St. John 14:15 : " If you love Me, then You will obey the words I have spoken to you."

  Most historians conclude Moses wrote the Book of Deuteronomy. In fact in Deuteronomy 3 it states: "Moses wrote down the Law...". Jesus seems to confirm this as well in both Matthew 19:7-8 and John 5: 46-47.
 The word Deuteronomy means "the Second Law". Again, the Hebrew writings seem to put it this way: "These are the Words contained in the Second Law." Others have referred to the Book of Deuteronomy as..."The Book of Covenant Life."
 Historians seem to date the writing of this book around 1406...1406 B.C. that is. The logic behind this is the fact it is estimated Israel had escaped slavery in the land of Egypt about 1446 B.C. The Israelites then entered the land of Canaan (the Promised Land) 40 years later. Moses himself died shortly before Israel's entrance into the Promised Land, as a result the date of the writing of the Book of Deuteronomy approximately 1406 B.C.  

 The thing about Deuteronomy is not meant to be read as a repeat of Laws already written or to simply acknowledge punishments that await those who disobey any of these Laws.
It was much deeper than that...

 Deuteronomy may have well been written to act as a guide for the people of Israel...a type of "Covenant Relationship" between the Lord God and to anyone who abides to His Mighty Commands.
 Here in Deuteronomy it shows how God is reaching out to give them guidance on how to love Him...and to love one another.
 Another Hebrew word used in the Book of Deuteronomy is "Shanon". Translators seem to offer 2 conclusions to the meaning of this word: 1) that these Mighty Commands given by the Lord through Moses might be "engraved" on material that is not easily worn away. 2) this word is meant for the people of Israel to repeat these Mighty Commands...much like a child who learns a chorus to a song...that remains embedded in their hearts for their entire lifetime. 

 So, how important is the Book of Deuteronomy to we as Christians today?

 Well, in the New Testament epistles, there are found over 100 references to the Book of Deuteronomy.
 Although our cultures have changed since Moses first began to write this book, it appears the words written in 1406 B.C....are vital for us 2014 A.D.

 In the Old Testament, God wanted His Commands to be close to the people of all times. He suggested to tie these Commands around their heads, their hands, their doors, and even their gates.
 Yet, as we have learned through reading of the Sacred Scriptures in its is our hearts the Lord really wants His Commands to be reference to our daily lives.
 And of course, both in the study of the well as in our own lives today...that is not always the case.
 In our culture today, we no longer tie His Great Commands around our heads or hands, or even hang them in various areas of our home... instead, we go to church, we read our Bibles, and we say our prayers.
 Yet, the same question seems to echo through the corridors of time: Have His Commands found their way into our hearts? Have we embraced these Commands as if we can not live...without them? Hmmm...

                                            A Gleaning from Deuteronomy 6: 4-7

 "Shema!" Listen close Israel!

 Jehovah, the Lord our God...stands alone! He is not only our God...He is the only True God!

 With this being known to you, it is of vital importance you put all your hearts  into this: to learn, to practice, and to love the Lord your God through all these Commands He has graciously given to us. This includes giving to Him your full attention: your minds, your hearts, and with all the strength He has provided for you.
 These Commandments which I give to you this day must first find a way into your minds and be established in your hearts. These Commands must be sharpened within you like a knife that is sharpened upon a whetting stone, able to cut and penetrate into your very hearts.
 "Shanon"! Speak these Commands and share these Commands with your children...over and over, like learning a nursery rhyme that remains in their lives...forever.
 Share these Commands in a way they will never deteriorate, but remain etched in your hearts throughout your entire lives. Give thought to these Mighty Commands in your very homes...amidst your daily routines and activities. Keep them ever present in your thoughts even when you go outside to take a walk or to enjoy the outdoors.
 And before you go to bed, give these very Commands your final thoughts as you go to sleep...and when you arise, allow these Commands to dominate your early morning thoughts."

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