Friday, March 21, 2014

"Pain and Glory"...hard to comprehend at times..."

It seems to me as each day proceeds forward in life, people around me are fighting off bouts with Depression...anti-depressant pills seem to be almost like candy these days, Worry is personified in the faces of many, Loneliness is staggering with so many divorces, and the "Doom and Gloom" outlooks on life....all these various scenarios circling around  like tornadoes about to drop from the skies and strike...causing devastations wherever its trails are left. 
 It's kind of weird to me...we live in a society where the comforts in life are at an all-time high...there is no generation in history that has experienced an easier way of life (recognizing their are certain societies that face extreme hardships).
  Yet, many live in pain...and all kinds of pain...

 Saint Paul in his letter to the Romans puts some emphasis on these almost "epidemic" pains and sorrows many seem to face...and he lived almost 2000 years ago.
 In Romans chapter 8, Paul begins to remind the believers in Christ Jesus in Rome the importance of having the Holy Spirit in our lives and how He is very much aware of the pains we face in everyday life. Paul explains how many have suffered various pains and disappointments and how troubles escalate in life at certain times....and Paul includes himself!
  Yet, Paul also writes we are not to get things mixed up. Our "Hope in God" is not to be judged by our present circumstances or how we feel. Our "Hope in God" is remaining focused and continuing to learn what the characteristics of God really are, reminding us how He loves us more than anyone else ever could.

 We are taught to put a personal trust and faith in God, and by doing so we will get to Heaven. Yet, I am coming to realize it is hope...our hope in Him, both to our Eternal home as well as in life in the present, that saves us from all what we face at present as well as in the world to come.
 Discouragement, those times of Dryness that arise, and Frustrations in life that rear it's ugly head...all of us face these elements. Yet, the key is not to allow these things to overwhelm, defeat, and capture matter who or what has caused us disappointments.
 Even King David expresses this type of thought in Psalms 42:11 writing: "My thoughts...all of my inner self...why have I chosen to make myself so miserable? Why has Discouragement and Frustration suddenly become my "best friends"?
 My in Him! I am a friend of God Himself...the One and only True God. I do trust Him!...He has been faithful...and will continue to be faithful. that is what true friendship really is...He has taught me that...time and time again.
 This thought alone gives me plenty of reason to express my joy and knowing Him as my friend. You are my ever-present help...and because of this...You are my God!" (a Gleaning format)

 Gonna need a Part 2 for this....

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