Thursday, March 13, 2014

Who were these "Vikings" Ragnar...and Floki?"

The History channel has once again captured the hearts of many through it's unique and interesting T.V. series "The Vikings". Many, like myself on the "edge of our seats" awaiting the next episode...

 Who were these people? Did they really exist? I understand the characters in the T.V. series are fictional....but are they representing a culture...that really was?

 The Vikings...just the name itself makes you think of a warlike people that would cut your heart out...with an ax. Gotta look into this this stuff!

 First, as the TV series depicts, the Vikings were indeed a real culture that were not known as a unified group. In fact, collectively speaking, they would not even refer to themselves as "Vikings". The Vikings described in actual historical documents were a patchwork of chieftain-led clans within various villages throughout Scandinavia that often fought...against one another.
 It is thought the Vikings were a culture of pagan plunderers who hated other religions (including Christianity), and maintained a "closed book" when it came to religious change.
 This in itself might be a little misleading...more on that later....

 So, what actually is Scandinavia...or the area known as the "Norse Region"? 

 The Norse Region was an area in Northern Europe that supported a variety of Germanic tribes like the Goths, Celtic, and other tribes of the pre-Roman era.
 In English today, the term Scandinavia is a word used to identify the countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Some historians conclude Finland and Iceland should be included when referring to Scandinavia from some of the ancient writings passed down through history.
 Viking culture seemed to make its mark in historical writings from 700 AD to around 1000 AD. The Viking culture is fascinating...and goes beyond the "ax welding bearded warrior with 2 horns on a helmet". In fact, history suggests the real Vikings may not even worn these horned helmets. 
 Although well known for being plunderers and raiders...for example, we have 4 basic seasons of the year...Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter...right? Well, the Vikings had another season..."Raiding Season". Yet, the real Vikings did other things as well. They actually traded with other cultures, explored and settled in vast areas of Europe, Asia, and the North Atlantic Islands.
 Based on the historical evidence of this unique culture, they had to be excellent as woodcutters and their ability to make the most ornate objects from wood...particularly oak...because the oak identified with the god Odin in Viking mythology.

 The Longboats!...the "Ferrari" of their day!

 What a magnificent piece of work! The Longboat or Longship was well known for being graceful, having a shallow hull that allowed this type of ship to have speed. The Viking Longship could navigate in water as little as 3 feet in depth, easy to make beach landings, and yet travel through oceans and seas.
 And there were different "models" to choose from!...depending on what your needs were. 

The Knarr....approximately 54 feet in length, would often make voyages over the North Atlantic carrying livestock and goods to areas like Greenland. This type of Longship would carry a crew of around 30 and depended on the sails for their voyage, using oars only when needed.

The Karvi... a much smaller type vessel used to transport people and supplies with the ability to navigate in extremely shallow waters, this too was a merchant type ship.

 The Drekkar, the Snekkja, and the Skeid...Ok, if you saw these ships coming toward you...definite trouble! Why? These were the famed Viking Warships, carrying 18 pairs of oars with the Viking shields hanging on the sides of these Longships...they were coming...because it was "Raiding Season". 

 The Viking interesting group of people...with a unique history. And they too were a religious culture. "Floki" in the TV series is regarded as a very religious individual...strictly adherent to the Viking beliefs. What was their beliefs?...Who exactly is Odin?..and Thor? How about Loki?

 Did you know the Vikings liked to ski? Although Russian history takes credit for the invention of skiing, the Vikings even had a god for skiing..."ULLR".

 More to come..... 

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