Tuesday, March 4, 2014

When you are afraid....

The Sacred Scriptures indicate we are to put our trust in Him...and He gave us "Instructions" on how to do that...encouraging our faith in Him and trusting in His Wisdom, not leaving us to ourselves or to only depend on our own human logic.....

 In chapter 1 of Joshua, God announced some declarations to Joshua upon the entrance into the "Promised Land." First, in verse 5 God makes it clear that He is with Joshua...no matter what happens.
 Fear can be a very real and crippling emotion. We as Christians are not meant to be in a state where we seem to  always be dreading the future. It is not wrong to face the fact we are afraid at times of situations we are about to face, yet being afraid should not allow fear to dominate and control our lives.
 Here in the Book of Joshua, God encourages Joshua not to be afraid...and not to allow fear to take control of his life.

 Why did Joshua need courage?

 Perhaps it is because he had seen the rebellion in God's own people toward Moses...and now Moses is dead. Joshua has now been appointed to lead this very same people.
 Perhaps Joshua knew from a military perspective it was going to take a cohesiveness among the people if they were going to have a chance to overcome the adversities that awaited them as they were about to enter...The Promised Land.

So, how did God reassure Joshua? First, God began to direct Joshua's attention..to Him...the Lord God of Israel. He seemed to encourage Joshua not to focus on circumstances...focus on Him!
 Courage begins...in our state of mind. Courage allows us to meet danger, oppositions, or general challenges of life with a calmness, a fearlessness, and with a firmness. Courage may not excuse the fact you are afraid, yet courage does enable you to overcome being afraid with confidence...a confidence in Him.

 In Joshua 1:7 God confirms the power of His Instructions with a promise for success. If they would follow after the Commands given to them through Moses...they would live...and His Instructions would have all the benefits for their personal welfare.
 In verse 9 is probably one of the most awesome verses in the entire Bible. Here is what I find interesting about this verse. First, in the Hebrew bible , the Book of Joshua is referred to as a Book of Instruction...and joyfully so!
 Here it seems... is what Joshua and the people of Israel were really facing. I really don't think it was the simple fact they had enemies awaiting them as they entered the Promised Land...like the Canaanites. I think the real fear stemmed from the thought... the gods of Canaan were greater than the Lord God of Israel, and as a result their upcoming battles would be in a losing effort.

 Now...here is where it really gets good....

 To reassure Joshua this type of thing would not happen, God does something to Joshua that is pretty "mind blowing". He gives to Joshua His personal promise they would take the land...and signs the deal with His personal name "Yahweh". This is big.... God Himself is giving to Joshua not only a great command from this Great God, but extends Himself with the use of His Personal Name...a friendship sort of speak being offered...a "personal handshake" coming directly to Joshua from the God of the Universe.!
 In verse 10 it reads: "Joshua then commanded the officers of Israel to go through the entire camp and tell everyone that in 3 days...we are crossing the Jordan...and entering the land..."Yahweh" has given us."

 Man...this is good stuff! I wish the History Channel would do a mini-series on Joshua entering the Promised Land...like in a Viking series format...would that be cool or what!

                         A Gleaning from Joshua 1:5-9

 " Joshua, it is important for you to understand this: I will always be with you...all the days of your life. I was with Moses, and now the very same God Moses has put his trust in...is with you! No one will ever defeat you!
 Did I ever leave Moses? Did I ever forsake him? Neither will I ever leave, forsake or abandon you! Got it?

 Right now, I want you to determine in your own heart and mind...to have confidence...to have confidence in Me! If you can do this, you will find yourself strong and courageous. And, this strength and courage you emulate will transcend to the people...and together you shall conquer the land that was promised to your ancestors.
 Your only requirement is to have your trust and confidence in Me...you need to trust Me, and strength and courage will serve you well! Keep the "Letters of Instructions" I gave to Moses...close to your own heart, take time to read and follow the Instructions closely and carefully...for these very Instructions carry the plans for your success...in whatever choices you are about to make.
 In fact, speak of these Instructions to the people, let these words flow from your lips...ponder and meditate on these words of Instructions...keep them in both your heart and mind...embrace these Instructions...with every bit of strength you have!
 By doing so...the land you are about to enter...is already yours!

 So, take this to heart. I issue this command to you...Joshua! Be strong...and be brave! Banish any fear or doubt that may try and creep in among you.
 And here is what I Am is about to do...so that you might remember this day. I seal these Instructions with My own personal name...My name is...Yahweh! I Am...your Yahweh! Know this: wherever you choose to go: I Am with you!
 I seal these Instructions with My personal name this very day....Yahweh." 

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