Sunday, March 23, 2014

"Pain and Glory"...hard to comprehend at times" part 2

Continuing on with thoughts of pains and adversities in this life and the glorious hope of  an afterlife...with Him, it becomes somewhat apparent to me that any situations in our present day  life, good or bad, are not capable of producing hope...or hopelessness in our lives. Rather,it's  ourselves, through our thoughts and attitudes, our rationale and deductions, our faith and understanding, that create a hope...or for some... a hopelessness.....

 As a Christian, my faith in God requires...even demands at times...for me to dig and tap into the real meaning of God's Grace being acknowledged in my life. This is particularly true when adversity strikes in it's various forms, and I really don't know what God is doing in my own life or in the lives of those around me. I catch myself praying "God's Will be done" or the famous "If it be they Will", when in reality I don't have a clue what God's Will is for me or for those around me.
 When a child is struck with a horrible disease, a friend has an accident and dies leaving behind a wife and 2 small children, a person who has been horribly abused, or a wife or husband has been found cheating on the other, are tough scenarios we all seem to face in life. The thing is, it happens to everyone....believers of the Christian faith as well as those who reject and deny Jesus as the True Messiah. 
 What makes these times of distress almost sickening to me is the "Christian rationale" given to explain these things that happen: sin in our lives, God punishing us, or we are not really committed to Him. 
 Personally, I don't "buy" it, yet here is what I have found to be most helpful during these times: Get real and confront Him. And you know what, I think He likes that approach as well. Yet here's the thing...first I must give Him a chance to explain how life is...the good and the bad...and to trust Him...that when it is all said and makes a little more sense. 
 Often we as Christians grasp this "Walt Disney" thought that because we have made the decision to give Christ our very hearts and lives....the life of suffering, hurts, or even unexplained tragedies will not come near us...because we have Jesus in our hearts. The birds softly lands on our shoulders and sings in beautiful harmony , a little deer speak to us, the flowers are jubilant with joy, and the sun shines...everyday...just like in the movies. Yet, we all know this is not true.

 So, who is this God we serve that allows suffering in its various be a part of our daily lives?...and more importantly...why? 

 Bible historians are not conclusive as to who wrote Psalm 1. Many of the Psalms are written by King David, who faced numerous difficult circumstances...some brought on by himself....yet some he did not. 
 Here in Psalm 1, there is definite instructions on how to deal with life...particularly when adversity strikes.........

                                         "A Gleaning from Psalm 1"

  " Here is how God establishes His blessings into your lives. The first thing to do is not to listen to all the suggestions and advice of those...who DON'T know Him. How these "haters" came up with their advice I am not really sure: maybe they thought God abandoned them when the first sign of adversity was near them, maybe they thought suffering and adversity were no longer a part of lives who had given their hearts to Him, or maybe they really were not real friends with God in the first place...who really knows! At any got to look at where these people are getting their information.

 Here is a better idea!

 To receive the blessings of God...that by the way being true blessings God has intended for you to have, you must first get acquainted and find comfort in knowing God is true...and faithful to each of us. Your comfort will develop as you adhere to His Commands, and you will come to the realization what He has true, and the plans He has for me...are good plans.
 You will also come to realize that circumstances that happen in life...even the unexplained, does not have enough power or ability to turn us from Him. Instead, it drives dig deeper and grasp hold of His Mighty Commands and gain a trust in the words He has spoken.
 When we make our decision to do trust His Mighty Commands,  not lose respect as to who God is, and not let the influence of others be the deciding factor on which "road" we choose to will be like a strong fruit tree whose roots are planted deeply in a riverbank...and because of this...produces luscious fruit...every harvest season! It does not matter how much heat it has had to endure, or how dry the season has been, or what threats of disease that it has had to overcome, or how strong the winds have been...testing the heaviest of it's branches or how solid the roots of the tree are secured. Instead, the leaves of the tree do not die, but are green and full of life, and brings with it the rewards and the hardest questions life may present us.

  Yet, make no mistake...for those who think Christ is nothing more than an "old wive's tale" or ancient mythology, their experiences are quite different.
 When the first sign of suffering or adversity strikes...these people simply fall apart. They seem to blame it on a God they do not even know, and as a result any suffering is a result of God being a failure.
 In fact, they set themselves up...for the day they stand before this loving God...and expect God to apologize for the words He has spoken...that He has refused to stand up to the adversity they have faced. The truth is....they have simply run out of excuses with our loving God.


Take your hope in this: God...chooses the life and challenges you may face...and is fully, I mean fully...acquainted with what suffering you may face. Yet, what He looks for?...that your in Him!
 As for those who tell you it is "stupid..and hopeless" to put any trust in this One you refer to as God...because of your circumstances...or say...look at what the "cards of life has dealt you"! Simply remember...they are wrong...and what they tell you leads to ruin...and destruction!"

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