Saturday, January 5, 2013

"The Parable...of Potatoes"

I read somewhere that Jesus had 36 parables He gave that are recorded in the Scripture...I'm not for sure on that...I never counted them.
 Nevertheless, Jesus did use parables to illustrate a particular meaning to our lives or to show us a better look at life.

 Here then is a type of parable...a parable of a son...who simply loves his Dad....

          "The Parable of the Potatoes"

 One day a farmer, who was now getting up there in years, decided to write a letter to his son, who was out of state for a time...on a job assignment...and would be gone from home for a while longer...perhaps even a few more months.
 The "old farmer" wrote to his son saying: " Son, I don't think I will be able to plant any potatoes this year...I just don't have the strength in me to dig those holes. I know if you were here, we could do it...I'm sorry son...maybe we can get them in next year."

 When the son received the letter, the son sent an immediate reply. In his reply, the son wrote: " Dad, don't even think about digging any holes for those potatoes. You see, in that field is where I hid the money."

 Because of the father's age, there was a kindly neighbor who lived not too far from the old farmer, an older lady who would "lend a hand" to any one ... especially being helpful to those around her...and besides...she loved to "hear" what was going on in the lives around her...and would spread the "latest gossip" to anyone who would lend an ear.
 One day she stopped by and retrieved the mail for the old farmer...whose mail box was "clear down at the end of the lane". She would knock on his door and go in and give him his mail...and would even open his mail (with his approval of course) and read some of his mail for him.
 When she came upon the son's letter, she opened it. After reading the part about the money being buried in the field where the potatoes were to be planted....she wasn't sure what to do.
 So, she did not read the letter to the farmer from his son, but stashed it in her purse and left...pondering what she should do next.
 After some thought, she thought it best if she turned the letter in to the local police force in the village.
 The police, upon reading the son's letter, decided it best to go to the farmer's field and start searching for this "money that was buried there". The local police combed the field thoroughly, digging and digging and digging...but never found any money buried in the field.

 There was really nothing anyone could evidence...nothing that appeared any law had been the police left the old farmer's place.

 The next day, the kindly neighbor lady brought the old farmer his mail once again, and there was another letter from the farmer's son. This time, the lady upon opening the the old farmer the letter without any hesitation...she wasn't about to get herself in that situation again.
 The letter read: "There Dad, now you can go ahead and plant your potatoes...that's the best I can do...till I get there! I love you...Your son"

 Moral of the Parable: "Don't believe everything you read" (unless of course you are reading my

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