Today marks the 40th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision to legalize abortion. It has been a hot topic over the last 4 decades, and accusations from both sides have had it's effects....deaths not only to unborn children but deaths to those who operate abortion clinics......
Before the Roe vs. Wade abortion law, stats are unreliable as to the amount of abortions that occurred prior to 1973. Yet, here are some stats we do know since 1973:
1. Throughout the world there are 126,000 abortions done daily, amounting to 46 million per year world wide.
2. 78% of abortions are performed in developing nations, while 22 % are performed in developed nations.
3. 26 million abortions throughout the world are done where abortion is legal; 20 million abortions take place where abortions are prohibited by law.
In the U. S....
1. 3700 abortions are performed daily, with a record 1.37 million abortions in 1996.
2. 32% of U.S. abortions are women 20 to 24 years of age; teenagers 20%, and 1.2 % with girls under 15 years of age. 18.4 % are carried out on married women, 9.4% are divorced women, and 64% are with women who are "not officially married".
3. Abortions account for 1% from rape or incest, 6% potential health issues, while 93 % have abortions for elective social reasons.
4. 52% of U.S. abortions take place in the 9th week or prior, 25% in the 9th or 10th week of pregnancy, 12 % in the 11th or 12th week, 6% in the 13th to 15th week, 4% n the 16th to 20th week, and 1 % after the 20th week.
5. Abortion cost can run between the $500 to $750 range if performed in the first trimester, and $1000 to $3000 for those in the 2nd trimester.
NBC News Report...
Just a couple of days ago, NBC issued this report concerning abortions within the states:
1. Last year, 2012, 19 states enacted a total of 43 provisions limiting access to abortions.
2. Eric Ferrero, spokesman for Planned Parenthood, said; " The laws that have been passed, in the last couple of years especially, really make women walk through a gauntlet to get abortions...throughout the country."
3. 8 states now require women to have ultrasounds.
4. 3 states require abortion providers to have admitting privileges to a local hospital.
5. The state of Louisiana banned abortions after 20 weeks.
6. Utah tripled the mandatory waiting period to 72 hours.
7. Montana ballot mandates parent notification for abortions performed on minors under the age of 16.
8. 4 states, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arkansas, and Mississippi, have only one abortion clinic in their respective state.
a) As of mid-January of this year, the lone clinic in Jackson, Mississippi, may not comply to the new state law requiring abortion providers to have local hospital privileges. If the clinic is shut down, Mississippi would be the 1st state where getting an abortion was virtually impossible.
9. Abortions have leveled off to approximately 15 per 1000 women.
10. Public support have remained stable and are even growing. A Wall Street Journal Poll concluded 70 % do not want the Roe vs. Wade act overturned, and 54% think abortions should always be legal.
As I read and give attention to the subject of abortions, there are many fine people that have sacrificed their time and lives in support of the unborn child.
At the same time, there are others who have a genuine concern for the welfare and care for potential mothers.
So...what does all this mean?.....
Before the Roe vs. Wade abortion law, stats are unreliable as to the amount of abortions that occurred prior to 1973. Yet, here are some stats we do know since 1973:
1. Throughout the world there are 126,000 abortions done daily, amounting to 46 million per year world wide.
2. 78% of abortions are performed in developing nations, while 22 % are performed in developed nations.
3. 26 million abortions throughout the world are done where abortion is legal; 20 million abortions take place where abortions are prohibited by law.
In the U. S....
1. 3700 abortions are performed daily, with a record 1.37 million abortions in 1996.
2. 32% of U.S. abortions are women 20 to 24 years of age; teenagers 20%, and 1.2 % with girls under 15 years of age. 18.4 % are carried out on married women, 9.4% are divorced women, and 64% are with women who are "not officially married".
3. Abortions account for 1% from rape or incest, 6% potential health issues, while 93 % have abortions for elective social reasons.
4. 52% of U.S. abortions take place in the 9th week or prior, 25% in the 9th or 10th week of pregnancy, 12 % in the 11th or 12th week, 6% in the 13th to 15th week, 4% n the 16th to 20th week, and 1 % after the 20th week.
5. Abortion cost can run between the $500 to $750 range if performed in the first trimester, and $1000 to $3000 for those in the 2nd trimester.
NBC News Report...
Just a couple of days ago, NBC issued this report concerning abortions within the states:
1. Last year, 2012, 19 states enacted a total of 43 provisions limiting access to abortions.
2. Eric Ferrero, spokesman for Planned Parenthood, said; " The laws that have been passed, in the last couple of years especially, really make women walk through a gauntlet to get abortions...throughout the country."
3. 8 states now require women to have ultrasounds.
4. 3 states require abortion providers to have admitting privileges to a local hospital.
5. The state of Louisiana banned abortions after 20 weeks.
6. Utah tripled the mandatory waiting period to 72 hours.
7. Montana ballot mandates parent notification for abortions performed on minors under the age of 16.
8. 4 states, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arkansas, and Mississippi, have only one abortion clinic in their respective state.
a) As of mid-January of this year, the lone clinic in Jackson, Mississippi, may not comply to the new state law requiring abortion providers to have local hospital privileges. If the clinic is shut down, Mississippi would be the 1st state where getting an abortion was virtually impossible.
9. Abortions have leveled off to approximately 15 per 1000 women.
10. Public support have remained stable and are even growing. A Wall Street Journal Poll concluded 70 % do not want the Roe vs. Wade act overturned, and 54% think abortions should always be legal.
As I read and give attention to the subject of abortions, there are many fine people that have sacrificed their time and lives in support of the unborn child.
At the same time, there are others who have a genuine concern for the welfare and care for potential mothers.
So...what does all this mean?.....
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