Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Do we really have to be everyone?...

In the first 3 chapters of Ephesians, Saint Paul writes to the believers residing there confirming the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ with the Father, the Lord God Himself...and how because of Christ's deep love for each of us, we too are now invited to a deep and personal relationship with the Father as well...just like Jesus.
 In chapter 4 of Ephesians, Paul changes his emphasis from our relationship with God the Father to our relationships with one fellow believers.
 In verse 2 Saint Paul lists 4 qualities we should seek after, after we have given the Risen One reign in our hearts. These 4 qualities are:
 1. Walk in Humility...each of us are now equal in the sight of God, there is no such thing in the Kingdom of Heaven that dictates one Christian as more important than another.  To remain humble is to recognize each one of us are individually important.
 This concept that Paul expresses was a rather new concept at the time, compared to what had been generally accepted by society. This was particularly true among the Greeks. In fact, the Greek outlook on life was much different than those of the Jewish community.
 Greeks did not want to be humble. To a Greek, humility was a sign of weakness in human nature. There was a Greek phrase that went: " Don't be like a plant, who remains close to the ground, lingering close to the ground, attempting to hide from being trampled upon." Greeks felt being humble was a negative quality...and that belief still exists today.
 Paul brings humility into a new and deeper meaning in mind. Saint Paul writes a Christian should not have too great opinion of himself. Rather, a Christian needs to see himself as he really keeping his eyes on the Messiah, and adapting to the teachings and the lifestyle He has set by example...before us. When we as Christians see the humility and love He has given to us, we see with our own eyes how weak and selfish we are...when man is left to he really is.
 Then as a Christian we see the value of His humility and His love, we will begin to understand the value of respecting others.
 It must be added that a Christian is to think well of himself...because he belongs to Christ Jesus, and not be simply condemning ourselves as "bad people". The Messiah has rescued us..from the sin of human He wants us to think about ourselves less..and begin to think about others...more.

2. The 2nd quality Saint Paul mentions be Gentle. Paul seems to be driving this point.....we are to be gentle in a consistent a well-trained horse. The horse is a powerful animal, yet when trained is able to remain in perfect self control. Gentleness is not to worry when someone hurts them or a wrong has been done...rather to respond with His love when someone lashes out against a Christian...winning him over with the love of Christ.

3. The 3rd quality is Patience...a practice that needs to exercised in everyday life. Patience is particularly valuable when things come against you and you want to give up. Patience also involves not to "strike back" when someone acts wrongfully toward you.

4. The 4th quality is: Tolerance: this also needing to practiced in our everyday lives. This is the unique ability Christ gives to us by showing love to others who don't agree with our faith and way of life. Tolerance allows us us to be patient with the faults in others...simply because of the great tolerance Jesus gives to each of us. In fact, tolerance gives us the strength to love one another even when a wrong is us. This can mean sharing the love of Christ with those you may not even like.

 In Ephesians 4: 4-6, some say this may have been a hymn sung by the early church. Being "one with another" is extremely important to Saint Paul...the word "one" being mentioned 7 times. Because of His peace now living in us...we are to live in "Peace" with one another.

                                              A Gleaning from Ephesians 4: 1-3

 " Right now I am a prisoner...because of my faith in the Lord Jesus. Yet, my imprisonment should not hinder you from "getting out there" and living a life worthy of His Calling. Here then are some things to remember:

 1. Keep yourselves thoughtful of others and have some self-discipline in your daily walk with Christ Jesus.
 2. Be gentle...don't be selfish and think the whole world "circles around you".
 3. Be patient...don't go around pointing out everyone else's faults. Is that how Christ Jesus treats you?
 4. Be eager to walk daily in unity... a harmony...a togetherness that binds us Him. This is our true secret...having a bond of peace between us which originates from our relationship...with Him! 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

War...It is a part of being a.....Christian!

When Saint Paul sent this letter to Ephesus, over 60 years had passed...since the birth of Christ Jesus. Paul writes this from Rome...for he has found himself in prison once again....

 The city of Ephesus was in the Roman region of what is known as Asia. For a time, the leaders of Ephesus were of Greek origin, and they worshipped the goddess Diana (or Artemis), who was a goddess greatly admired for her sensual and sexual type of worship.
 There was a great trade business that evolved around the goddess Diana, for miniature models of the temple of Diana were a "hot commodity", and many who came to visit in Ephesus were sure not to leave without the purchase of the "model of the temple Diana" with them....that is, until Saint Paul arrived....Paul's declaration of the Lord Jesus and His work He had done at the Cross for each one of us, had a deep impact on the sales of the "Diana temples". Paul's preaching set off much confusion and trouble...trouble for anyone willing to commit their lives to the Lord Jesus...for in doing so a person was now proclaiming the goddess Diana as a false god.
 The goddess Diana went by the name Artemis as well...and her "goddess status" had been around for many centuries...being traced back to the land of Canaan when the Israelites made their way into the Promised Land.

 This letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians had 3 differences of notice that were not in his other letters:
 1. This letter does not give any "special or unique greeting", just the fact that Saint Paul by this time had indeed become an apostle.
 2. The Ephesian letter is not directed to any one person.
 3. The Ephesian letter does not focus on any particular or special problem...going on in Ephesus.

  Ephesians is a letter written to encourage the personal faith of the believers in Ephesus...

                              A Gleaning from Ephesus 6: 12-18

 "You need to get a hold of this: the daily struggles we face not about fighting or war like we are accustomed to...that being battles of flesh and blood...people vs. people.
 The war we are in is much more than what any physical death can bring upon us. We are in an "eternal death match"...this type of death goes way beyond the is an eternal death...that lasts forever.
 You see, we are against a kingdom known as Darkness, who are led by master spirits who lay claim to being rulers of the present world...the world we live in. These "rulers" of the Kingdom of Darkness" are led by the Rebellious One, the Evil One,  that being Satan, formerly known as Lucifer. Satan is totally against the Lord God Himself and anyyone who joins His ranks in the fight against the Kingdom of Darkness.
 This battle is for real...and it's for keeps as well...this is the "Ultimate Death Match".

 Yet our Commander-n-Chief has given us clear instructions as to what we as Christians, proud to be of service in the Lord's Army, are to do.
 Here then are His instructions:
 1. We are to be at full alert...having all combat attire on and ready.
 2. For our belts, we are to exalt His Truth, and fasten it securely around our waist.
 3. Our shoes should be the type that gives firm when we are in combat, we cannot be knocked to the side so easily. Equally important about combat boots, we are to have the ability to walk through the roughest of terrain, and offer His Peace to anyone who has been in hiding or have taken some hard blows.
 4. We are to work together as one unit, giving and receiving aid with our brothers and sisters in the same combat. Keep our shields up and  so they are able to cover us, and when the flaming arrows of the Evil One come in our direction, we can quench any arrow he might fire at us.
 5. Keep your helmet on at all need this...this helmet keeps you is your very salvation!
 6. Keep you sword sharp and ready at all times as well. This sword you are supplied with cuts down anyone and anything the kingdom of Darkness may attack you with...for the sword you brandish is the Very Words of our Commander-n-Chief, and nothing can oppose it...including the kingdom led by the Evil One.
 7. Stay in communication with "headquarters" at all times, and let our Commander know of the needs of the brothers and sisters around you. Stay true to what you learned in basic training, be persistent, be consistent, and remember...don't let your feelings get in the way.Follow the orders of our Commander-n-Chief, whether we feel like it...or not!
 8. And let your communication with our Commander come from your heart...and share your information with Him in the languages...the Evil One cannot comprehend! Use every variety of prayer you have been skilled in: prayers of Thanksgiving, prayers of Supplication, prayers for Direction, etc.....use the plentiful ammunition you have been given...don't worry about running out...our King has plenty more will never run out!

         Above all...keep your heads up!...when the Commander arrives...with His main army...the War is over!  In the meantime...let this be our battle cry: "He is Coming!"

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Could She have "Fooled Them All?"

I think human nature, at least in the "western train of thought",  likes to "pull for the underdog" as the phrase goes....

 The Middle Ages were a time of many tales...mainly due to Church suppression that did not support the education of the common man. Not being taught to to read, nor being allowed to read the Holy Scriptures unless there was a priest or other member of the Roman Church present, and the "serfdom economics of the times", left many to only pass along their stories and general knowledge by word of mouth...including the popular stories on the "lives of the saints" etc.
 There is one story that is denied by many, simply a legend, yet has that aura that makes you wonder" "Could this one be true?"

 Jean Pierier of Mailly, a Middle Age chronological historian, when writing from Metz in France...mentions an unusual event that had happened earlier in Roman Catholic church history. He writes of a pope...a "Pope Joan"...a female pope that had lived earlier.
 Martin of Troppau, a Dominican friar in the Middle Age era (1200-1300 A.D.), also writes of a ...female pope. This friar from Poland elaborates a little more on this female pope that supposedly existed. The reason his writings "add some weight" this story is based on the fact he was the confessor and chaplain for Pope Alexander IV, Pope Urban IV, Pope Clement IV, Pope Gregory, Pope Innocent V, Pope Adrian V, and Pope John XXI. In his latter writings he adds one more...a Pope Joan. (The papacy of Pope changed hands frequently during the Middle Ages...23 times in the 9th century alone.).

 Most versions describe this female Pope as a very talented and well-educated woman...including a good understanding of the Holy Scriptures. She is said to have disguised herself as a man, and rose through the Church hierarchy...eventually elected Pope.
 Chronological writings also report that while she was mounting a horse  serving as Pope, she had not realized the nearness of birth, for she had become pregnant, and immediately gave birth to a son. Reports vary as to what happened after that, some saying she dies while giving birth, others write she was killed by an angry mob because of her female status, while others report she died later of natural causes.
 One thing is for sure...she was not acknowledged by any of her successors.

 In some of the earliest writings concerning a female Pope, one of the first Middle Age writers to attach a name to her was a Dominican friar named Etienne de Bourbon. He writes that her official name was "John Anglicus" or "John of Mainz" and here reign as Pope was traced to the 9th century, perhaps in the 850's between Pope Leo IV and Pope Benedict III.

 According to a 12th century chronicle, "John Anglicus", born at Mainz, was Pope for approximately 2 years, 7 months, and 4 days. She passed away in Rome, and the Papacy was vacant for approximately one month.
 It is said John was actually a girl and had been originally been brought to Athens to continue her education with the help of a monk...who had been her teacher...and lover.
 She is to have been reported to excel in her education, and was brought to Rome and taught liberal arts... and even known to have "great masters" of her day  attend her classes.

 After being elected into the papal office as Pope, she had become pregnant by her "secret monk lover". As she was mounting up to join a procession from St. Peter's to Lateran, a lane once named Via Sacra (the Sacred Way), it was at this time she gave birth.
 As a result of this occasion, Via Sacra has changed its name to the street known as  as "Shunned Street", the street now running from the Colosseum to St. Clement church. It has also been noted that after Joan's death, she was buried on this very street.

 After this event had occurred, the Popes when travelling in this area of Rome, were reported to turn aside from this street, because of what had happened when "Pope Joan" had given birth. Also, her name fails to appear on the lists of Holy Pontiffs.

 Later, in the trial of Jan Hus in the early 14th century, Hus being a forerunner of the Reformation Era and he himself being a Czech priest who wanted reform within the Holy Church (living prior to men like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Zwingli), spoke at his trial for heresy, that the Church does not necessarily need a Pope, and mentions the fact that during the time of "Pope Agnes", the Church got along quite well. So, was it possible Pope Joan's real name was...Agnes?
 What was interesting about the trial of Jan Hus was the fact his opponents argued there was not a time when the Church was without a Pope....but they did not dispute...there was a female Pope!

 Today, much of the stories of Pope Joan or Agnes have been dismissed as tales that were plentiful during the time of the Middle Ages. It has simply been regarded as "history that never happened".
 David Blondel, a 17th century Protestant historian, wrote the whole "Pope Joan" story was simply a satire directed against Pope John XI, who died in his early 20"s.
 A 16th century history named Panvino wrote the "Pope Joan" story could have originated from the tales of Pope John XII, who reportedly had numerous mistresses...including one named Joan. One thing seems to have been noted by historians in general, women had great influence on the reigning Popes...during the Middle Ages.
 So, the bottom line is...for the most part...the whole "Pope Joan" story is...a myth.

 Yet...not so fast...I still think there is an element of truth in all this...maybe there really was an Agnes...who became known to all as "Pope Joan".
 I mean, why do the Popes go around the street they now call the "Shunned Street"? Is there a statue of a mother and child...on this street today?
 And then you read of the stories from others, like the Irish priest named Marian Scotus spent 10 years  at the Abbey of Fulda...where he claims he was a fellow student with..."Pope Joan".

 Many historians do admit there seems to be some vague facts in the 850's A.D....a vagueness for approximately 2 years, 7 months, and 4 days.

  Do you think...Agnes could have fooled them all?


Friday, January 25, 2013

He is Coming!...just ask the 10 Virgins!

The parable of the 10 virgins...has been one of those "mystery parables", passed down through the ages. If nothing makes you wonder, simply because all 10 of these girls were virgins, dressed appropriately for the wedding reception, yet only 5 of them were allowed in. The other 5 were not allowed to enter because they ran out of oil...hmmm?
 Ok, here is what I have found to be a 1st century wedding when Christ Jesus was "one of us", walking the streets and country of Judah.
 A 1st century wedding would normally have a bridegroom with some of his close friends go to the bride's home. At her home, there were various ceremonies that took place, then, there would be a procession through the streets...after the bridegroom's home.
 Now, 10 virgins, perhaps chosen by the bride or had been assisting the bride, were now at the bridegroom's home, awaiting the the procession that was to end at the bridegroom's home. In this procession, everyone was expected to BYOT (Bring Your Own Torch). In fact, according to some of the Jewish custom I have read during that period in history, it was offensive not to bring the customary were kind of looked upon as a "party pooper", or worse, a rebel whose intent was to "crash the party". I think it would be like someone not dressing or wearing the type of attire one would wear for such occasion.
 As far as the torch, it could be a lamp with a small oil tank, lit with a wick or even a rag that had been soaked in oil, and would be resoaked periodically.

 The procession was an important part of wedding ceremonies because when everyone arrived at the groom's home, the festivities would formally get started...and could last several days! As this parable begins to unfold, the timing of the procession reaching the groom's home seems to take on primary importance.
 The procession takes place sometime after nightfall. but completing its course to the bridegroom's home basically implies the group could arrive at 9 pm, 10:30 pm, or even midnight or thereafter.
 We live in a day and age where we have "navigators", cell phones, and all kinds of electronic accessories that would let us know the precise time of the arrival of something like a wedding procession. Even during this 1st century, could there not have been runners to keep the 10 virgins updated as to the arrival of the procession?
 Yet, with that being said, this is what makes God be God. He is under NO one's radar. He is just God...and we cannot track Him. I mean, could you imagine going to "Best Buy" for example and purchasing a GPS that would track the return of the Lord Jesus...that would give everyone time to "change their ways" ...probably right before He would arrive (that's just human nature).
 Rather, when you are adorned with the title "Christian", it must come from a heart that has come to a point in their life where one realize you cannot live without Him living in your heart...regardless when He returns.
 Here are a couple of basics that need to be already anchored in our individual lives...before He arrives:
 1. We must have our hearts and lives committed to the saving faith of Christ Jesus. We must have already embraced the fact that His death, His burial, and His literal Resurrection from the dead was a very real occurrence, along with the acceptance of the Work He did for each one of us by going to the Cross. When we confess with our hearts we are totally sinners without the belief of "He Lives! living in our very hearts, then we have opened ourselves to receiving Him...regardless of when His return might be to get us!
2. Upon receiving Christ Jesus into our hearts and submitting completely to the conditions He has made for us, we are now given additional strength and power through the precious Holy Spirit...who aids us in allowing the Lord Jesus Christ to manifest Himself...through each one of our everyday lives! Titus 2:11-14 puts it this way:

 " For the very Grace of God, that being to give and forgive...has now gone public! Salvation is now everyone!
 We are now given the Life-given instruction that proclaims there is a better life meant for us, instead of just living a godless and sinful pleasure type of existence...a new life we have never experienced.
 Now, we have been given a choice to take on a God-filled and God-honoring lifestyle, and the really Good News! can start right now! As we grow and experience this new lifestyle God has made for us, it causes a deep hunger to develop within us that waits patiently for the Day!...the Day when our great God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ appears to us.
 See, the Lord Jesus gave our rescue and frees us from the Darkness, turning our mundane, "loser", and rebellious life into a life full of His goodness and purity, causing us to be a people He is proud of, one that is committed and enthusiastic in the joy...of knowing Him!"

 Ok, back to the 10 virgins awaiting the arrival of the procession to the bridegroom's home.
 There are 5 virgins who brought extra oil in case there might be a delay in the procession's arrival.
 It seems all 10 virgins have an excitement and enthusiasm as the procession makes their journey. Yet, as the night lingers on, 5 of the virgins did not bring extra oil to keep their lights burning......more to come!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

When You Feel Like You're "Losin' It"...

Psalm 94 is one of those Psalms no one is really sure who wrote it. It might have been David, or it could have been a psalmist right before the exile (when the Jewish people were taken to Babylon for 70 years as slaves).

 A couple things of note in this particular Psalm. The psalmist seems disturbed against the leaders of his time. The reason being is the psalmist declares these leaders promote wickedness and join with evil forces rather than choosing good.
 The other thing about this Psalm is he refers to God as LORD with 4 capital letters. Unlike English, this word is not to be translated Lord or Master, but rather in the Hebrew language it is translated "Always Alive". I think that is so cool!

                    A Gleaning from Psalm 94:16-19

 " Who will rise up and protect me from these cruel and wicked leaders?...these leaders who have sworn their allegiance to the "Ways of Iniquity"?

 Unless the "One who is Always Alive" had not been there and given me help, I would have been destined to the "Silence of the Graves"!
 Yet, when I cried to Him and said: " I am feet cannot hold me up any longer....there You were! You came and rescued me! And, You did not come alone! You brought with You your unfailing love for me...and then You grabbed me...and kept me steady!

 You stood by me and saw how my mind had given in to a multitude of anxious thoughts, how doubts and fears had tried to grip me, and how I had become so burdened with worry that I worked myself into a torment...totally beside myself. You calmed me, You gave me comfort, You gave me renewed hope...and I felt so secure with You. You then adorned me with Your strength and gave me the power to...want to live once more!

 The "One who is Always Alive".....has done it...yet again!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Personal Conclusions to: "I Want to Live"....

As I have watched the emergence of the Roe vs. Wade decision coming down on January 22nd, 1973, attempting to separate my inner emotions from fact, yet realizing there are facts and agenda that simply "crush your heart" and at the same time still trying to understand what purpose do abortions really have.

 Killing of the innocents is heart wrenching no matter where, how, when or why it's done. Whether it be  the gruesome abortion stories we read and have heard of, or children being murdered like at Sandy Hook elementary school, it is certainly man in a depraved state.
 With that being said, abortions can not go away as long as man lives his/her life in our sinful nature....that meaning without Jesus Christ being allowed entrance into individual hearts.

 Standing up for the rights of the innocent, like an unborn child being rejected because he/she doesn't fit into the lifestyle of the always the right thing to is our responsibility as Christians to do so. The alarming stat that grips my heart in reference to abortions that happen in the United States is the number #1 reason for an abortion...a child doesn't fit into a person's lifestyle (93%).

 There are many other repercussions from abortions including the psychological effect it has on women. What makes things more complicated is the fact 1.5 million couples who cannot have children and desire one. The "red tape" that childless couples go through and the expense is detrimental to offering alternate choices for  women who have become pregnant.

 The fact is abortions have been around for a long time...both illegal and legal. In Latin America, many countries forbid abortions, yet abortions are at 4 1/2 times greater than in the U.S., according to some sources.
 Surveys have shown that 54% of white evangelicals want the Roe vs. Wade act overturned. It is also notable that 76% of mainline white protestants, 65% of mainline black protestants, and 63 % of U.S. catholics do not want the Roe vs. Wade act overturned according to a U.S. poll.

 There are many different views on abortion...the fetus stage, when a heartbeat is first heard, is it ok if done in the first 40 days of pregnancy, is pain felt in the fetus state, or simply questioning the  reason why someone would want an abortion. 

 During the time Jesus was here on earth, the Roman Empire considered abortions an acceptable behavior in life. The Scriptures said this of Jesus:  "And what gave Jesus His power...the precious Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gave to Christ Jesus an ability...a go and do others, in particular healing all those who had been under the power or simply wore down with thoughts and lifestyles that originate from the Evil One...because God was with Him...and loved Him."  Acts 10:38

 Regardless of your thoughts on abortion, none of us can do enough good until we invite the Lord Jesus into our own hearts, and give the Holy Spirit the freedom to empower that we may " go and do good"...whether it be standing up for justice against the abuses of abortions...or helping a mother who received an abortion. The ability to change is receiving Him...the power to change...from the precious Holy Spirit.


I Want to Live!...40 Years Later...

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision to legalize abortion. It has been a hot topic over the last 4 decades, and accusations from both sides have had it's effects....deaths not only to unborn children but deaths to those who operate abortion clinics......

 Before the Roe vs. Wade abortion law, stats are unreliable as to the amount of abortions that occurred prior to 1973. Yet, here are some stats we do know since 1973:
1. Throughout the world there are 126,000 abortions done daily, amounting to 46 million per year world wide.
2. 78% of abortions are performed in developing nations, while 22 % are performed in developed nations.
3. 26 million abortions throughout the world are done where abortion is legal; 20 million abortions take place where abortions are prohibited by law.
                                                   In the U. S....
1. 3700 abortions are performed daily, with a record 1.37 million abortions in 1996.
2. 32% of U.S. abortions are women 20 to 24 years of age; teenagers 20%, and 1.2 % with girls under 15 years of age. 18.4 % are carried out on married women, 9.4% are divorced women, and 64% are with women who are "not officially married".
3. Abortions account for 1% from rape or incest, 6% potential health issues, while 93 % have abortions for elective social reasons.
4. 52% of U.S. abortions take place in the 9th week or prior, 25% in the 9th or 10th week of pregnancy, 12 % in the 11th or 12th week, 6% in the 13th to 15th week, 4% n the 16th to 20th week, and 1 % after the 20th week.
5. Abortion cost can run between the $500 to $750 range if performed in the first trimester, and $1000 to $3000 for those in the 2nd trimester.

                                                      NBC News Report...
Just a couple of days ago, NBC issued this report concerning abortions within the states:
1. Last year, 2012, 19 states enacted a total of 43 provisions limiting access to abortions.
2. Eric Ferrero, spokesman for Planned Parenthood, said; " The laws that have been passed, in the last couple of years especially, really make women walk through a gauntlet to get abortions...throughout the country."
3. 8 states now require women to have ultrasounds.
4. 3 states require abortion providers to have admitting privileges to a local hospital.
5. The state of Louisiana banned abortions after 20 weeks.
6. Utah tripled the mandatory waiting period to 72 hours.
7. Montana ballot mandates parent notification for abortions performed on minors under the age of 16.
8. 4 states, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arkansas, and Mississippi, have only one abortion clinic in their respective state.
  a) As of mid-January of this year, the lone clinic in Jackson, Mississippi, may not comply to the new state law requiring abortion providers to have local hospital privileges. If the clinic is shut down, Mississippi would be the 1st state where getting an abortion was virtually impossible.
9. Abortions have leveled off to approximately 15 per 1000 women.
10. Public support have remained stable and are even growing. A Wall Street Journal Poll concluded 70 % do not want the Roe vs. Wade act overturned, and 54% think abortions should always be legal.

 As I read and give attention to the subject of abortions, there are many fine people that have sacrificed their time and lives in support of the unborn child.
 At the same time, there are others who have a genuine concern for the welfare and care for potential mothers.

 So...what does all this mean?.....

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Right to Live!....

No one enjoys talking about abortion...yet it is an issue that many Christians deal with...some strongly against, some say it is needful, and others...just don't know.....

 In America, the last 40 years  the abortion issue has been centered on the Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wade in 1973. The very fact that abortion has become a legal option...has upset many.

 It's a rather tough subject for me too...the thought of an infant in a womb being killed or certainly one that grips the heart and soul.
 I have read for example how those who totally oppose abortion often rely on biblical quotations to support their beliefs, and I have equally read of those who support the abortion amendments as a concern for the welfare of the woman who had become pregnant.
 I think it is like so many things in life, it is important to understand and gather in all information so perhaps when you decide what is the right choice for yourself, you would do so with faith and conviction.

 For myself, it has to have some depth as to a decision of this magnitude is made. For example, numerous articles against abortion have used  verses of Scripture like in Psalm 139:13, where David speaks of God: "You shaped me first inside, then out, You formed me in my mother's womb." This verse would indicate we are very much alive...long before the day of birth.
 Yet, the Psalms also write of "Happy is the one who takes your babies, and smashes them against the rock."..Psalm 137:9.
 Two different Scriptures, two different settings, and yet both speak of while in the womb, another outside the womb.

 Abortion...Is it right? Is it wrong? Is it needful? So begins this journey...

  The earliest evidence of abortion dates back to 1760 B.C. Most ancient laws against abortions ...were linked to a woman who procures an abortion  against her husband's wishes.
 Many methods employed in early and even primitive cultures...were non-surgical. The use of physical activity was the most common technique used including: strenuous labor, climbing, paddling, diving, or even weightlifting.
 In the fame ancient Greek culture, stoics of that period believed the fetus to be plant like in nature, and not human until the moment of birth...when the newborn breathed air. As a result, abortions for the most part were perfectly acceptable.
 Another factor in numerous ancient cultures was the use of herbs used to induce abortive measures.
 Aristotle believed abortion in an early stage was not considered killing...his belief was an embryo would gain a human soul after 40 days if male, and 90 days if a female.
 Even some of our early church fathers, like Saint Augustine considered abortion a possible choice when done in an early stage.

 In the 1700's on into the early 1800's, the word abortion referred to a termination of pregnancy after "quickening", which is defined as when the fetus begins to make noticeable movements. The induced ending of a pregnancy before "quickening" did not really have a name...yet it was not because it was uncommon. Women during this time frame often took drugs, herbs, or other remedies (sitting over steam for example) to end unwanted pregnancies.
 In 1827, the state of Illinois passed a law stating the use of "abortion type drugs" was punishable with up to 3 years imprisonment. Other states soon followed Illinois's leading, yet the abortive drugs, commonly referred to as "female monthly pills", were still found common into the mid 1800's.

 Abortion became a much more serious crime offense between 1860 and 1880...but the origin of this movement was not from moral or religious issues.
 During this time period there was a newly established physicians trade organization, known as the American Medical Association that actually triggered abortion to be a more criminal offense. Doctors within the American Medical Association had decided that abortion practitioners were unwanted competition within their profession, and went about eliminating abortion practitioners through messages of the "evils of abortion". Even the Catholic Church, which had up to that point in history given acceptance to pregnancy terminations before "quickening", joined the American Medical Association condemning the practice.

 By1900, all states had established laws against abortion, yet the laws were rarely enforced, and women with money had little problem terminating a pregnancy if they so desired.
 By the late 1930's, abortion laws became more enforced, yet as a result of a reform movement to redo the abortion laws that had passed, actually proved successful in lifting abortion restrictions in states like California and New York...long before the Roe vs. Wade ruling.
 Numerous polls in recent times suggest Americans prefer women to be able to have abortions in the early stages of from government interference.

 So, are abortions ok?....does God allow it?... or is it murdering of the innocent?

                   Much more to look at.....

Finding Somethng You Miss...You!

As February approaches, we enter into what think of as a "transition month". It's kind of like you know things are about change, they just haven't happened yet.
 In the northern hemisphere, February is typically the 3rd month of winter, and in the southern hemisphere it is the 3rd month of the month of August.
 An Old English word for the month of February is "solmonath", meaning the "month of mud". In Finland, it has been described in a more poetic form called "helmikuu", meaning the "month of the pearl". The meaning behind this is when the snow begins to melt on the branches, it will form droplets, and as these droplets freeze again, they take on the appearance of a pearl...a pearl made of ice. Other northern European countries refer to February as the "month of ice", and it is also a month of "cutting down of trees".
 February has similarities with that of August from a spiritual or emotional outlook. It is a time when things are about to change...just like the seasons. I personally think one reason God made the seasons was to remind us ...things do change...and things do get better.

 One of my favorite musical male song artists is Josh Groban. He did a version of "You Raise Me Up" that simply rocks! Josh Groban was born in the Jewish faith but later converted to Christianity. His songs are the type that make you think about the words he is singing about, giving feeling and thought to each song. He sang a song about the month of February, in fact he entitled it "February's Song". In this song he does some soul searching with the objective seeming to be not to lose his own identity and the things he believes in as he journeys through life. I think that is what February can "bring to the table", a time to allow yourself to recommit to the values and standards of life that you hold dear, and reestablish yourself to doing what you do best...simply "you being you and/or me being me". I think Jesus believes in this too...being honest with we come before Him.
Here are some of the lyrics to "February's Song" by Josh Groban...looking for himself...

 "Where has that old friend gone?
   Tell him it won't be long, till he opens his eyes,
   Opens his eyes.

   Where is that simple day?
   Before colors broke into shades,
   And how did I ever fade...into this life...into this life.

   And I never want to let you down,
   Forgive me if I slipped away,
   And all I have known is lost and found,
   I promise you..I'll come back to you one day.

   Morning is waking up,
   Sometimes its more than enough,
   And all you need to in front of your front of your eyes.

   And I never want to let you down,
   Forgive me if I have slipped away...sometimes it is hard to find my ground
   'cause I keep falling as I try to get away from this crazy world...

   Where has that old friend gone...lost in a February Song,
   Tell him it won't be long...'till he opens his eyes...
   Opens his eyes..."

 As I watch the winds of February come, I think at least for me it is a time to set aside time for myself, to be patient with my own successes and failures, to reflect on what changes I might need to make to "stay true to self" and be submissive to Him. Finding the real me...that is what February brings "to the table", and as I open my eyes, and get some help from the Holy Spirit to sort some things out within me...I think I will have old friend.

 In the Sacred Scriptures, there are a few guys that wrote some things that help to advance in the search for oneself...and the purpose to why we do what we do:

  The prophet Jeremiah once wrote: " I know the thoughts and plans I have for you...and abandoning you is not one of them." says the Lord. "The plans I have for you are good ones...not evil or disastrous. The plans I have offer a solid future and a secure hope." Jeremiah 29:11

 The prophet Isaiah also gave some thought on this subject and wrote: " You don't have to live in fear...because there is nothing to fear. This is the time to let go of your discouragement...I am here." says the Lord..."to make you strong and help you through the most difficult have My Word on it..and My Right Hand is here as pull you up." Isaiah 41:10

 Saint Paul seems to entertain this train of thought: "Whenever you are in need, don't be afraid or hold back from coming to the Throne of Mercy...My kindness is here to greet you, and I am here to give you both appropriate and well-timed help...just when you need it." Hebrews 4:16

 Spring is coming...and Josh Groban does have a new CD coming out on February 5th called: " All that Echoes" life is good!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I Don't Know How Else to Tell You This: "You Are In A War!"

Here is the way it is: "When you make that decision...and that takes some "guts and courage", and say to a God that is not visible to the natural eye:" God, I am not making it in this life, and what I have read in Your is because I live and am dominated  by sin. Your Scriptures also say that if I would ask for Your forgiveness of sin in my life by receiving Christ Jesus, your Son into my own heart, and giving Him the freedom to completely change and influence my life, I would find the meaning to Life.

 When you get in that mindset, and your heart is hungry enough to want Him...the "war has just begun."
 When we become a "full-blown" Christian, our natural desires do not simply disappear. In fact, there are still going to be times our "old" way of dealing with daily life, the struggles, the relationships, etc., may still be the preferred choice, instead of what God's view is on a certain situation... it just "doesn't sit well"...I want to do it the way I like it, even though it has proved unsuccessful for me. It is easy to "think only of yourself" and still be a  is a war!...and it goes on inside of your heart...the core of your being!

 Yet...there is Someone...Someone who is right help us! His Name..."The Holy Spirit"!

 The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity....God the Father, God our Lord Jesus Christ...and God...the Holy Spirit... and He has been sent here to give us instruction on how we should think and live in our daily lives. Now, as I have come to know Him...He definitely is not into the "Master of your own Fate" stuff. He has pointed out to me clearly there is only One Master...and Fate is not it!
 The Holy Spirit is really good in showing us ways to please God...instead of constantly being in that "what's in it for me?" mode. He gives us fresh daily direction that enables us to operate in a freedom never before experienced...and it can get really "wild" at times.
 If you spend "anytime at all with Him" will soon discover what I am talking about...

                                          A Gleaning from Galatians 5:16-18

From Saint Paul:

 " So, here is my advice to you this day. Live freely, and be animated by the fresh words the Holy Spirit deposits in your own hearts...the stuff that makes you really be yourself. It's a freedom you can never experience any other enjoy life and find the max!
 Now, understand this as well...there is alot that goes on inside each one of us...every single day! Those cravings and desires you have from your old way of life...the sinful nature...those things just "don't abandon ship". The sinful nature won't simply give up...not without a fight!
 For your life now is in subjection to the Risen One...and God is aware of this, Jesus is already making room for Himself in your heart more each day, and the Holy Spirit is in tune with you...and knows exactly the things you will need for the are now a "free spirit"! about the "other guys?"... Self Interests, Natural Cravings, Selfish Pleasures, and the like...they are still around at times and will do all they can to lead you down a path called Evil... while Jesus is setting up His Kingdom within your heart and announces: "Those "guys"...gotta go!" I am tellin' you... It's a war!...and it is going on right inside! And no matter how "you slice it" is not always going to feel real comfortable...but it is worth it!

 You see, the Holy Spirit...and Sinful Nature...they are simply incompatible. Their advice to us leads us in opposite up...and one down.
 Remember this: your life now is not based any longer on how you life a certain way on one day and then living life a totally different way on another day.
 Rather, now through the Grace and Power of the Lord Jesus Christ, you have been set totally free...and the Holy Spirit is here to secure the freedom Christ Jesus has given you..through the Work He the Cross!
 As you begin to walk in that freedom...that comes directly from Him...and trust me The Father Himself is overjoyed! now have the ability through the power of the Holy overcome sinful compulsions and a law-dominated existence.
 There is another life...God has intended for us to have...just ask Him...the Holy Spirit...and then "buckle your seat belts" may be in for a ride.!"

Monday, January 14, 2013

Let there be...Light! interesting word that is used in a multitude of ways. God Himself is referred to as "Light", we are to walk as children in the "Light", and Jesus is our "Light" that has come.

 A dictionary definition describes light as: something that causes vision to be made possible. Light can come in a various amount of ways including: a candle light, daylight, an inner light, or light like one can see at the "break of dawn".
 Light in its Latin form is lucere, meaning to shine. Light in the Greek comes from the word leukos meaning white.

We as Christians are called to be "Lights"...Lights to a very cold and dark world. The question is: How?  What are we to do to be lights to others? Is it in our everyday lives, how we react when things go array, assisting others in their time of need, or just listening to someone or even join them in their time of grief?

 So often I think we can get this concept that we as Christians need to be this great and bright light, and when people finally say...ok, got the light, they give in and try to follow this light...yet often fail or give up in a while.
 I think the Light that we are to pass on to others...must come from our own relationship with Him, and allow the Holy Spirit to light the heart of others  which people see in our own hearts. I think the most long lasting way Christ Jesus finds His home in all of our hearts... is when we discover Him...for ourselves.
  Here is a Gleaning from Matthew 5:14-16,

 Here is another way to look at what Light is. First it is apparent we are here to be lights...light for others to see "The Light"....that being God the Father Himself. The Light that is living in us is able to bring light into a very dark and troubled world. The Light within us brings a vast array of beautiful colors to a very dull and empty "black and white" world.
 The Light within us is not of a secret society, one that is kept locked behind closed doors. Nor is The Light within us one that requires secret formulas or maps that would lead one to a "secret treasure" only few know about. In fact, this Light is to be well seen...for miles around...high on a hill, and easily accessible. This Light is in us and is to be passed on to others, that they too may enjoy the Work of Christ Jesus has done for them as well...the work at the Cross.
 The people we mingle with daily, at work, at the gym, and even in our own homes...they need to see the Light within you...within me. And how does this happen? Certainly we can share with others verbally about this Light who we now know in our own hearts and have a relationship with...yet I think for the most part the Light is best seen by others through our actions...the "mundane stuff" we do in daily life.
Look, someone over there is counting out their change...until pay day....could I give them a few bucks to help get them through? Or, there is someone who doesn't have a ride and needs one...could I take a little time and give them a lift to where they need to go? Perhaps another is having trouble finding a babysitter...well, I could tell them if they would not being "going to bed" with every person they meet...they wouldn't be in this problem...or do I help them find a good babysitter and let the Holy Spirit use the actions I take  and allow them to discover Him, and as a result give glory to Him.
 I think the moral choices we make, the generosities we share with others...must come from the Light within our own hearts. Then, when others are aware of how genuine this Light is...they too will begin to want to know the Father...a Father that loves them dearly,,, and they  will give honor and praise to Him...just like you and me."

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Pure in Heart....Is it possible?

Warren Wiersbe, the great American Pastor for the Moody church in Chicago once wrote: " When one is pure in heart, he/she sees God in 3 areas: 1. in His Creation 2. in daily life and circumstances 3. in His Word."

 In the Gospel of Saint Matthew, chapter 5, Jesus begins to teach His disciples and others around Him in what we refer to as "The Beatitudes"... or "How to find what really makes you happy in life...and never leave you."
 At this point in His life, Jesus had already been baptized by John, He had spent 40 days in the desert with "The Tempter", and He had moved.
 Jesus had been living in Nazareth and upon hearing of John being put in prison by Herod, moved to Caperaum. Capernaum was by Lake Galilee and was a fertile area for growing crops. Many people lived in the area such as Josephus, the great Jewish historian and he began writing his books while residing there.
 After moving to Capernaum, Jesus chose the "Original"...the 12 disciples, and began His love for the people, healing many of all kinds of diseases, demonic oppression, and sickness.

 One day Jesus went up the side of a mountain and began teaching the disciples and the crowd that had gathered to hear Him. This probably was not the first time He had done this sort of thing...yet on this was good...real good!

                                    A Gleaning from Matthew 5:8

Note: The word "pure" comes from the Greek word "katharos". This word is found 27 times in the New Testament and it means to be when Jesus was wrapped in cloth in the was clean cloth.
 The word "see"is from the Greek word " horao". It is used frequently in the New Testament (449 times) and it means to perceive, recognize, or to experience.

 "You can experience a cleanness within you...a pureness that gives you confidence to perceive the love God has for you. When you are humble before Him, and open your heart...there is a purity that begins to form in your life and you will experience and begin to recognize His favor and His grace that He distributes n your daily life.
 In fact, as you allow this metamorphosis take place in your own heart, you can see God in your very life...your everyday life...for you will begin to know Him and understand His ways!"

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Is It Too Late?....

In Dicken's "A Christmas Carol, after Scrooge had been with the "Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come", He awoke crying and begging for one more chance at life ...  on his bed clutching the sheets of his bed was then he realized...there was still hope...there was still time...

  The prophet Amos was from an area called "Tekoa"... about 12 miles south of Jerusalem. Amos was a shepherd and tended to fig trees. He was originally from Judah, but the Lord had sent him to Israel. By this time, the nation of Israel was split into two nations, the nation of Israel and the nation of Judah.
 We know little of the life of Amos, particularly his personal life. Did he have a family? How long did he live? Where did he speak the messages God gave to him? None of these questions have clear answers.
 He might have spoke God's Word in Samaria...simply because he mentions Samaria in his writings numerous times.

 It seems Amos spoke with 3 basic thoughts in mind: 1. There was only one God. 2. God is our judge...and we are responsible for our actions in life. 3. God is a God of mercy...Amos was a believer in " His mercy triumphs over His judgment."
 The nation of Israel was in a period during the life of Amos where their hearts were far from the Lord God. They actually "worshipped the Lord" but did not obey His laws. As a result, their worship was false...and Amos could not offer Israel hope if they continued on the way of life they chose.
 The "big sin" that seemed to stick out more than any other in regards to the nation of Israel was the fact they worshipped idols...and it was going on everywhere. They had built shrines in the hills and numerous cities had shrines dedicated to other gods whom Israel worshipped and paid tribute to.
 So, when they came to the Temple to give worship and honor to the was a "joke". In fact, the only reason Israel gave God any attention was to try and appease Him like the other gods they worshipped...that they might have "good things " happen to themselves. Israel had "no conscience" when it came to their daily lives and behaviors being offensive to the Lord God. They were taking advantage of one another in things like real estate...forcing some to become slaves to fact it was a very a common occurrence...but it was not acceptable in the...Sacred Scriptures.

 After Amos had given Israel numerous warnings of how bleak the future would be if they did not give their hearts to the Lord, he instills a statement of hope...even though the sins of Israel had "piled high".

                                        A Gleaning from Amos 5: 13-14

 " There is so much evil among you, true justice seems to be a lost cause. Evil is at epidemic proportions and your best bet right to "shut-up!" Any one with just a little intelligence knows when trouble is about to is a good time to become silent. By doing so, perhaps you can think through what has happened and come to your senses.
 Here then is the first thing that you should make a priority! If you really want to live a life that is rewarding...both to you and to the love you need to give to the dedicating your very hearts to Him, so you might start to turn "this thing around"... you need to stop doing what is wrong and start doing what is right. 

 You are all talk! You act like the God-of-the-Angel-Armies is your best friend...but You treat Him with the utmost disrespect! Let your daily lives begin to confirm your friendship with Him! Then, maybe the Lord God will be with you...and help all "your talk" has been claiming."

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Passion...must begin from the heart...

It is said: "People who live a life that contradicts what God has spoken through His Word, should not expect their prayers, their fasting, and their church attendance save them from God's judgment."

 Isaiah was a prophet that dealt with....religious people. Religious people are defined as people who say their prayers, remember the holy days, fast at certain times, attend church, and bring offerings to the Lord. The problem with these type of people both now and in Isaiah's day was: their hearts were far from Him. They had no passion in what they fact, they had no interest or intention about having any type of friendship with the Lord.

 It was the epic story of: religious hypocrisy simply means selective obedience. It was an example of mere religiosity vs. true spirituality.
 In the days of Isaiah, incense was offered to the Lord when the people were in the Temple, a sweet fragrance to the Lord God. But, when the incense was mixed with the hypocrisy of the people, the offering of sweet incense becomes a nauseating stench to the Lord that  culminates as an abomination to Him... all because their hearts were far from Him,  they simply had no interest or passion for Him.

 We are told how sin can hurt us...even destroy us if completed to its fullness. We are reminded to stay away from sexual sins, we are taught not to steal, we are encouraged not to be man or animals. Yet, perhaps the most dangerous sin of following the Lord only in outward form...doing things simply out of duty... keeping the Lord "happy" He will bless us! 
 How do you feel when someone tells you something you may want to hear...but they don't mean it. They are telling you this because they just want you to leave them they can go on doing whatever they want to do?
 Another thing, when people choose to live their lives by what they want to do...and not interested on how the Lord would have them live their daily lives, it opens doors for other things to "come in".  Holding grudges, taking advantage of others, abuse and cruelty find their way into peoples lives, just to name a few, and the focus of daily on themselves. 

 In the Gospel of Saint John, chapter 4 and verse 24, it reads something like this:
 " These are the kind of people the Father is looking for...those who are simply themselves and who are honest in their actions, before they approach the Father in worship.
 God is a spirit...and His people who truly worship Him...must worship Him from their very spirit...that is to say their true Him adoration that comes from a heart of passion."

  It is a dangerous sin... the sin of being religious...because this sin really don't need a can make God happy... on your own.

 Isaiah was fighting this sin in his day....until this sin brought its "reward"...the nation of Israel was destroyed and taken captive by a very cruel nation called Assyria. All the 12 tribes of Israel were carried off as slaves to faraway lands...for many years. 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel....never returned to their homeland....

                   A Gleaning from Isaiah 1:13-17

 " Here they come" says the Lord. All the worship charades, the vanity of "selfish worship", the emptiness of their lives, and their gifts that are totally meaningless.
 The not a sweet fragrance to is a nauseating has become an abomination to Me.
 Yet they "obey" certain laws...celebration days, keeping the Sabbath, and  even fast "on My behalf". It all makes me sick...and I can not bear anymore of their worthless's all a show....your hearts are far from Me.
 Look at you!... says the Lord. You even lift your hands in a form of prayer...but I am covering My eyes from you. You begin to utter an almost pagan chant...and you call this: prayer.
 As for Me, I am not hearing a word of your so-called "prayers"...look at your hands that you lift up to me...they are covered in blood!

 Your hands are covered in blood...because you tear one another to pieces. First, go and be cleansed before You come to Me...repent of the evil in your lives...renounce the darkness that lives in your hearts. Search for True Justice...let your for Me!

 You desire to honor Me?...You desire to have respect for My laws? Then read My Commandments with your hearts... and take to heart the Words you read.
 How will I know My Word is in your hearts?....when I see you take up the struggles of the oppressed...when you get along side those "bent beneath their loads" in life....when you support the ways of True Justice!
 Take a stand with the homeless, get involved with the fatherless, defend the cause of orphans, and fight for the rights of widows.
 Then...bring your sacrifices to Me...come to church and light the incense...for it is then I will see your actions are supported with passion...a passion to follow Me and obey My Commandments.
 For in that moment, you will know the meaning to true worship...because you will have found your Me."

Saturday, January 5, 2013

"The Parable...of Potatoes"

I read somewhere that Jesus had 36 parables He gave that are recorded in the Scripture...I'm not for sure on that...I never counted them.
 Nevertheless, Jesus did use parables to illustrate a particular meaning to our lives or to show us a better look at life.

 Here then is a type of parable...a parable of a son...who simply loves his Dad....

          "The Parable of the Potatoes"

 One day a farmer, who was now getting up there in years, decided to write a letter to his son, who was out of state for a time...on a job assignment...and would be gone from home for a while longer...perhaps even a few more months.
 The "old farmer" wrote to his son saying: " Son, I don't think I will be able to plant any potatoes this year...I just don't have the strength in me to dig those holes. I know if you were here, we could do it...I'm sorry son...maybe we can get them in next year."

 When the son received the letter, the son sent an immediate reply. In his reply, the son wrote: " Dad, don't even think about digging any holes for those potatoes. You see, in that field is where I hid the money."

 Because of the father's age, there was a kindly neighbor who lived not too far from the old farmer, an older lady who would "lend a hand" to any one ... especially being helpful to those around her...and besides...she loved to "hear" what was going on in the lives around her...and would spread the "latest gossip" to anyone who would lend an ear.
 One day she stopped by and retrieved the mail for the old farmer...whose mail box was "clear down at the end of the lane". She would knock on his door and go in and give him his mail...and would even open his mail (with his approval of course) and read some of his mail for him.
 When she came upon the son's letter, she opened it. After reading the part about the money being buried in the field where the potatoes were to be planted....she wasn't sure what to do.
 So, she did not read the letter to the farmer from his son, but stashed it in her purse and left...pondering what she should do next.
 After some thought, she thought it best if she turned the letter in to the local police force in the village.
 The police, upon reading the son's letter, decided it best to go to the farmer's field and start searching for this "money that was buried there". The local police combed the field thoroughly, digging and digging and digging...but never found any money buried in the field.

 There was really nothing anyone could evidence...nothing that appeared any law had been the police left the old farmer's place.

 The next day, the kindly neighbor lady brought the old farmer his mail once again, and there was another letter from the farmer's son. This time, the lady upon opening the the old farmer the letter without any hesitation...she wasn't about to get herself in that situation again.
 The letter read: "There Dad, now you can go ahead and plant your potatoes...that's the best I can do...till I get there! I love you...Your son"

 Moral of the Parable: "Don't believe everything you read" (unless of course you are reading my

Friday, January 4, 2013

A "Gentile" Man...Receives a Christian Letter....from a Jewish Man

He was a "Gentile" Christian, whose name had been mentioned a letter to a group of believers who were called Galatians. This man, who is known as Titus...had likely become a Christian through the teachings of Saint Paul who was of the Jewish race.
 Saint Paul, now a Christian himself, had grown close to this "Gentile" fact, Paul refers to Titus as his "true son", a partner in Christ,  and one who works along side another.
 Titus was one that went along with Paul when he went to visit "The Original" (the apostles that were hand chosen by Christ) in Jerusalem...where there was chaos over Gentiles who had become believers in Christ Jesus...whether they should or should not be held  accountable to Jewish Law and customs. St. Paul had already instructed Titus before their arrival in Jerusalem...that he need not obey the strict Jewish Laws.
 Titus was also involved with the people of Corinth...a time when there was a collection going on with the believers in Corinth...for many of the Christians in Jerusalem who were going through some tough times. Titus was with St. Paul on the island of Crete. Paul could not stay at Crete as long as what he would have liked...and left Titus there to complete the mission. Crete was known for being a place with some pretty "rough characters."

 So, here in the letter to Titus from Saint Paul, Paul continues to remind Titus of "true character"... the kind Titus has...and to pass this type of character to others.
 In chapter 2, Paul encourages Titus to "tell it like it is"...and to teach things that are true. The message in chapter 2 is this: "How Christians are to interact with one another." This letter was sent to Titus...while he was still on the island of Crete.

                                         A Gleaning from Titus...chapter 2

 " As for you Titus, keep teaching the things that will cause others to live in a wholesome way...the things that reflect what is right, the things that add character to a person's life, brings integrity to the community, and honest truth to those who might be in search of Him.
 And what is important right now, the stability and steadiness in their lives will produce an endurance...which is a strong witness to those who do not know Him.
 The older women must "own up" to what being a Christian really their own lives. What they don't need to be doing is gossiping or slandering others,  and they don't need to be sipping on wine...everyday...for any reason! Some of these women have a "buzz"...before the sun has even gone down.
 Instead, these women need to be showing the younger people what is good...what is right! Older women need to be examples of what it means to love their husbands and children, lives  that radiate a pureness from the heart, keeping their homes in order, and just being good wives! Their daily lives need to be "working" with the Scriptures...not fighting against it!

 Along with this Titus, stay close and urge the younger be self-restrained...keeping their focus on the Lord Jesus...and not spending all their energy and time...wanting to go to bed with a girl they have just met. Guide these young men...and get them in a more serious train of thought. Show them how to use all that youthful energy to help others. And Titus, you take the lead...set a high benchmark...stemming from your actions and the life you portray.
 When you speak with others...keep your words "clean". Teach things so well others will not be able to criticize. Speak with such passion that even your enemies will be ashamed to say anything negative about you.
 Slaves need to be obedient to their masters...and give "their all" in service. Let their work come from their hearts, and not allow bitterness any entrance. Slaves should not steal or "talk back" to their masters. Instead, they should have a reputation of being totally trustworthy, reliable, and honest. By doing these things, when Jesus is brought up in conversation...their lives will reflect Him...and bring respect and Him! 

 Let this thought always burn within us Titus...the knowing that the grace of God has been revealed...salvation is here!...and He has given this to all people!
 The grace that is now living in our own hearts has indeed trained us to turn away from the desires the world promotes, and to turn from sinful pleasures as well.
 What we now our hearts... is a hope, and this hope has filled us as we await the glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ!
 Tell them Titus...that Christ Jesus has redeemed us, He is the One...who purchased our freedom...from all sin and every kind of iniquity. His desire for us is that our hearts are made pure...He has called us His very own, and because of this, we are eager to do...all the things we learn... come from Him!
 Urge them Titus...advise, encourage, and warn others when needed. If correction is so, and don't let anyone "put you down", instead challenge them with the strength of the Lord Jesus...and you will earn every one's respect."

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Freedom...has an enemy..He calls himself..."Greed"

In the gospel of Saint Luke, chapter 12, verses 13 through 21, Luke writes of a parable none of the other gospel letters mention,  yet,  it is one of  major nemesis man often faces when it comes to following Him. I am grateful to Luke, the only Gentile to have recorded his views of Christ Jesus in the entire New Testament, for observing what happen here one the days when Jesus was physically here with us...walking the earth....

 Most translations subtitle this: "The Parable of the Rich Fool" ( NIV,NLT, Cont. Eng.), the Message paraphrase of the Sacred Scriptures calls this: "The Story of the Greedy Farmer". It is an interesting story Luke writes in this chapter and brings out Jesus and his thoughts on...Greed.
 The power of Greed...has had a tremendous influence on fact, history shows wars, disasters, and entire countries and regimes have been brought to their knees because of this thing we call...Greed. Greed in the Kingdom of Darkness is likened to Compassion in the Kingdom of God. Greed is the utopia of Narcissism.
 Here is a good example of Greed and man in his narcissistic behavior...working hand in hand...

                          A Gleaning from Luke 12:13-21

 "Someone in the crowd that had gathered around Jesus, called to Him and spoke: "Teacher...tell my brother to share what our father had left for us...the inheritance our father had left for us when he died." Jesus, upon hearing the request, answered back: " Listen, who gave me the right to settle arguments between you and your brother?"

{NOTE} When I first read of this question directed to Jesus, it seems to me one would naturally think..."Wow..this guy is getting ripped off by his brother...his brother must be keeping everything for himself." Yet, the response Jesus gave to the question this guy had asked...wasn't the answer one might expect. You would think Jesus would have said something like: Hang in there! Have faith! God will see you through this...He will see you get what is rightfully yours!"
 Instead, Jesus kind of "blew the whole question off" by saying: " Hey, that is between you and your brother..I'm not goin' there...I'm not getting in the middle of that!"
Hmmmmm? I think this is a "dead giveaway".  Now what is He up to? There is absolutely no way Jesus doesn't want to get "in the middle" of anything and everything that concerns us!
 So, my first thought is: "I wonder if this guy's brother was in the crowd too? If he happened to be...he sure kept quiet." The second thing...knowing Jesus in these brief years of my own life...I am sure He knew more about this than He was "letting on". This type of response He gave is just Jesus being Jesus...He likes it when you discover for yourself what may be in your own heart. My experience with Jesus is kind of like that saying goes: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Jesus, in my own personal relationship with Him, has often identified what is really in my heart...yet He kind of let's me find it..then I look up at Him and say "Hey look Jesus...I didn't know this was my own heart!' He always seems to one of those "Good job smiles!", when in reality...He already knew what was my heart.
 That's kind of like what I think is going on here...this guy asking Jesus about his inheritance...wanting Jesus to step in and hand over to him what he thought he rightfully deserves.. but...something just 'ain't' right.  I think Jesus "smelled a rat" as the saying goes..just from the way this guy addressed Jesus. In fact, I think this guy wasn't asking Jesus for help in regards to his inheritance because he was "so innocently abused" as it appears...I think this guy was being greedy...and wanted his share of his father's inheritance...and he wanted! After all, Jewish law was clear as to how it worked with sons receiving inheritances from their fathers...the first born get double what the other siblings am convinced this guy's motives wasn't as pure as they appeared to be. Ok...back to Luke...

 " Jesus then turned and spoke to the crowd gathered 'round Him and said: " You have to guard yourself against this one...Greed! Greed will come at you in all forms...he can be vicious, ruthless, and purposely out to hurt  you and/or others...or he can act like he is your best friend. Remember, in My Father's are still considered very poor if all you have to bring with you into His Kingdom are photos and videos of all the "things" you amassed while you lived on the earth. Trust Me on this: a man's life in My Father's Kingdom has no fact it could very well work against you...if anyone thinks for even a moment the amount of "things" you have amassed will impress My Father. The first question My Father will ask you is: "Why didn't you use some of these things to help those around you?" If that question arises...and you find the conversation going that direction...then you have put your own life in severe jeopardy...and you are not all!
 Let me put it this way...Listen Up! 

 There was this guy...who had become quite wealthy...he was in the farming business. What had happened to this guy was one season he had a "bumper crop"...I mean the kind that is talked about for years. He was truly blessed that season and the harvest was not only a high yield but of high quality as well!
 Ok, the first thing this guy does is...have a conversation...with himself! He doesn't think about going to the Temple to offer My Father a portion for the blessing My Father had given him, nor does he think about family, friends, or those in dire straits that need help. No, he decides to carry on a conversation all to himself and this is what he said: " What am I going to do with all this harvest? Where am I going to "stash" all this for myself now and in the years to come?"
 Jesus then interjected and said: "This guy debated with himself and came up with this conclusion."  This guy continued to speak to himself and said: " Here is what I am going to do! First, I am going to tear down all the storage barns I have now, and put bigger ones in its place. This would be a good time to do it as well...the harvest is about over and alot of these laborers I hired will be out of work for the winter...I can get this done pretty cheap! Besides, why sell all this grain now?!! It's all to readily available at the moment...I will just wait till there is much higher demand for grain...and my profits will even be...more enormous! Now, is that a plan...or what! I am entering what is called "livin' the dream" and because of these wise calculations...I can kick back and enjoy life for a change...I think I deserve this...enjoy, drink, and be merry...for years to come! There will be a day these people will need this grain...and I will have them eating "right out of the palms of my hands!"

 Then, Jesus continues....

 "After the farmer had finished his conversation with himself, the farmer turned to enact this well calculated plan...when suddenly My Father appeared...standing before this very farmer! My Father spoke and said: " So, I didn't get a chance to hear what your ideas are in receiving all this harvest I have given you...what's up?" The farmer, now stunned at the appearance of My Father...and now going through his own mind the "plans he had made without consulting My Father"...gave no response...just kind of stood there with My Father..."starry-eyed".
 Then, My Father spoke once more and said: "Well, whatever plans you have made, I hope they are good ones...easy to be carried out...good simple instructions...and a benefit to many! For this night I have some news for you!...You are coming Home!...with Me!"

 Then Jesus looked upon the crowd and concluded: " People who welcome "Greed" into their lives...always end up like that. It is the same story...over and over...collecting all they can for themselves while here on earth...keeping it for themselves...ignoring the "Cries of those in Need"...and ignoring any counsel with My Father. "Hoarding" is not a characteristic of My Father's comes for comes from Darkness...stay away from such "talk and suggestions!"