In the first 3 chapters of Ephesians, Saint Paul writes to the believers residing there confirming the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ with the Father, the Lord God Himself...and how because of Christ's deep love for each of us, we too are now invited to a deep and personal relationship with the Father as well...just like Jesus.
In chapter 4 of Ephesians, Paul changes his emphasis from our relationship with God the Father to our relationships with one fellow believers.
In verse 2 Saint Paul lists 4 qualities we should seek after, after we have given the Risen One reign in our hearts. These 4 qualities are:
1. Walk in Humility...each of us are now equal in the sight of God, there is no such thing in the Kingdom of Heaven that dictates one Christian as more important than another. To remain humble is to recognize each one of us are individually important.
This concept that Paul expresses was a rather new concept at the time, compared to what had been generally accepted by society. This was particularly true among the Greeks. In fact, the Greek outlook on life was much different than those of the Jewish community.
Greeks did not want to be humble. To a Greek, humility was a sign of weakness in human nature. There was a Greek phrase that went: " Don't be like a plant, who remains close to the ground, lingering close to the ground, attempting to hide from being trampled upon." Greeks felt being humble was a negative quality...and that belief still exists today.
Paul brings humility into a new and deeper meaning in mind. Saint Paul writes a Christian should not have too great opinion of himself. Rather, a Christian needs to see himself as he really keeping his eyes on the Messiah, and adapting to the teachings and the lifestyle He has set by example...before us. When we as Christians see the humility and love He has given to us, we see with our own eyes how weak and selfish we are...when man is left to he really is.
Then as a Christian we see the value of His humility and His love, we will begin to understand the value of respecting others.
It must be added that a Christian is to think well of himself...because he belongs to Christ Jesus, and not be simply condemning ourselves as "bad people". The Messiah has rescued us..from the sin of human He wants us to think about ourselves less..and begin to think about others...more.
2. The 2nd quality Saint Paul mentions be Gentle. Paul seems to be driving this point.....we are to be gentle in a consistent a well-trained horse. The horse is a powerful animal, yet when trained is able to remain in perfect self control. Gentleness is not to worry when someone hurts them or a wrong has been done...rather to respond with His love when someone lashes out against a Christian...winning him over with the love of Christ.
3. The 3rd quality is Patience...a practice that needs to exercised in everyday life. Patience is particularly valuable when things come against you and you want to give up. Patience also involves not to "strike back" when someone acts wrongfully toward you.
4. The 4th quality is: Tolerance: this also needing to practiced in our everyday lives. This is the unique ability Christ gives to us by showing love to others who don't agree with our faith and way of life. Tolerance allows us us to be patient with the faults in others...simply because of the great tolerance Jesus gives to each of us. In fact, tolerance gives us the strength to love one another even when a wrong is us. This can mean sharing the love of Christ with those you may not even like.
In Ephesians 4: 4-6, some say this may have been a hymn sung by the early church. Being "one with another" is extremely important to Saint Paul...the word "one" being mentioned 7 times. Because of His peace now living in us...we are to live in "Peace" with one another.
A Gleaning from Ephesians 4: 1-3
" Right now I am a prisoner...because of my faith in the Lord Jesus. Yet, my imprisonment should not hinder you from "getting out there" and living a life worthy of His Calling. Here then are some things to remember:
1. Keep yourselves thoughtful of others and have some self-discipline in your daily walk with Christ Jesus.
2. Be gentle...don't be selfish and think the whole world "circles around you".
3. Be patient...don't go around pointing out everyone else's faults. Is that how Christ Jesus treats you?
4. Be eager to walk daily in unity... a harmony...a togetherness that binds us Him. This is our true secret...having a bond of peace between us which originates from our relationship...with Him!
In chapter 4 of Ephesians, Paul changes his emphasis from our relationship with God the Father to our relationships with one fellow believers.
In verse 2 Saint Paul lists 4 qualities we should seek after, after we have given the Risen One reign in our hearts. These 4 qualities are:
1. Walk in Humility...each of us are now equal in the sight of God, there is no such thing in the Kingdom of Heaven that dictates one Christian as more important than another. To remain humble is to recognize each one of us are individually important.
This concept that Paul expresses was a rather new concept at the time, compared to what had been generally accepted by society. This was particularly true among the Greeks. In fact, the Greek outlook on life was much different than those of the Jewish community.
Greeks did not want to be humble. To a Greek, humility was a sign of weakness in human nature. There was a Greek phrase that went: " Don't be like a plant, who remains close to the ground, lingering close to the ground, attempting to hide from being trampled upon." Greeks felt being humble was a negative quality...and that belief still exists today.
Paul brings humility into a new and deeper meaning in mind. Saint Paul writes a Christian should not have too great opinion of himself. Rather, a Christian needs to see himself as he really keeping his eyes on the Messiah, and adapting to the teachings and the lifestyle He has set by example...before us. When we as Christians see the humility and love He has given to us, we see with our own eyes how weak and selfish we are...when man is left to he really is.
Then as a Christian we see the value of His humility and His love, we will begin to understand the value of respecting others.
It must be added that a Christian is to think well of himself...because he belongs to Christ Jesus, and not be simply condemning ourselves as "bad people". The Messiah has rescued us..from the sin of human He wants us to think about ourselves less..and begin to think about others...more.
2. The 2nd quality Saint Paul mentions be Gentle. Paul seems to be driving this point.....we are to be gentle in a consistent a well-trained horse. The horse is a powerful animal, yet when trained is able to remain in perfect self control. Gentleness is not to worry when someone hurts them or a wrong has been done...rather to respond with His love when someone lashes out against a Christian...winning him over with the love of Christ.
3. The 3rd quality is Patience...a practice that needs to exercised in everyday life. Patience is particularly valuable when things come against you and you want to give up. Patience also involves not to "strike back" when someone acts wrongfully toward you.
4. The 4th quality is: Tolerance: this also needing to practiced in our everyday lives. This is the unique ability Christ gives to us by showing love to others who don't agree with our faith and way of life. Tolerance allows us us to be patient with the faults in others...simply because of the great tolerance Jesus gives to each of us. In fact, tolerance gives us the strength to love one another even when a wrong is us. This can mean sharing the love of Christ with those you may not even like.
In Ephesians 4: 4-6, some say this may have been a hymn sung by the early church. Being "one with another" is extremely important to Saint Paul...the word "one" being mentioned 7 times. Because of His peace now living in us...we are to live in "Peace" with one another.
A Gleaning from Ephesians 4: 1-3
" Right now I am a prisoner...because of my faith in the Lord Jesus. Yet, my imprisonment should not hinder you from "getting out there" and living a life worthy of His Calling. Here then are some things to remember:
1. Keep yourselves thoughtful of others and have some self-discipline in your daily walk with Christ Jesus.
2. Be gentle...don't be selfish and think the whole world "circles around you".
3. Be patient...don't go around pointing out everyone else's faults. Is that how Christ Jesus treats you?
4. Be eager to walk daily in unity... a harmony...a togetherness that binds us Him. This is our true secret...having a bond of peace between us which originates from our relationship...with Him!