Saturday, September 12, 2020

In Search of the Sacred Scripture #1: "Finding Blesseds"

 In my research of the Sacred Scripture, I find 5 various versions I rely on more than others: 1) The Message, 2) Amplified, 3) Contemporary English, 4) New Living Translation, and 5) NIV, the New International Version. Yet, that's not to say there are a great number of versions to choose from! Sometimes I mingle the different paraphrases and translations in each Scripture I am researching. For me, when I do that, Sacred Scriptures come alive. "They're Alive...I'm tellin' ya!"

 Here are some I refer to as "The Blessed Ideals"

Psalm 1:1  Favored by God are those who reject evil advice, nor follow the path they dictate.

Psalm 22:19  Don't stay far away when I'm in need of rescue. The entirety of my strength comes from You! Don't let them cut my throat now, instead, come quickly to my assistance.

Psalm 33:12  Fortunate to have God's very own favor is the nation who decides to make Him Lord, that worships only Him, and be blessed have become His very chosen.

Psalm 128:1 We are sheltered with God's personal favor, any of us who choose to respect Him and follow His direction.

Proverbs 8:31 Before God did anything else, He made me. I was His thought and entered into a being even before the earth got a start. I arrived before the great oceans, mountains, and horizons! He had already decided to establish me.

Hebrews 12:6 In this all-out match against sin, which others have suffered worse than me, and not counting the work of our Lord Jesus. This is no time to feel sorry for yourselves, God counts you as one of His very own!


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