Sunday, September 20, 2020

In Search of Forgotten yet Sacred Scripture #1 Proverbs 31: 8-9

 King Lemuel was never identified as a King of Israel. In Hebrew, the name Lemuel means 'he belongs to God.' Lemuel's mother desired her son not only be a good king, but a fair king. She taught him fairness would instruct her son to rule well.

She directed his attention to a specific: a king should care for the poor because the voice of the poor is rarely heard. Her emphasis did not mention giving money or even food, but taught her son, Lemuel, to speak up and join on the side of justice.

Sacred Scripture references today include The Message, Amplified, Contemporary English, New Living Translation, and New International Version. 

Proverbs 31:8-9: "Speak up and defend those who are helpless, living with no voice. Speak up for the rights of those who are defenseless and cry out for justice, speak up for those who are poor and homeless. Open your mouth and judge fairly, grant justice to those afflicted and in dire need."

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