Sunday, September 13, 2020

In Search of Sacred Scripture #3: Psalm 59:16

 King Saul had begun displaying hatred and bitterness toward David. He even sought ways to murder David. Meanwhile, David chose to open his heart to the Lord.

Facing opposition from without and fears from within, David's thoughts during this time remind me of the external anxieties and the inward struggles we face now. In Psalm 59, the direction starts to change after lists of threats, calamities, dangers, and laments tormented David. 

David recalled God's tenderness and spectacular mercies he had received and reminded himself to glorify God in the darkest of times as well as in times of joy.

"I choose to sing of Your strength in the morning hours accompanied by Your power and love. You have been a safe place for me, a place of protection which I count on in times of trouble." Psalm 59:16 (paraphrased: I chose The Message. Amplified, Contemporary English, New Living, and NIV.)

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