Saturday, September 26, 2020

"Be Careful Your Choice of Drink" Saint John 4:11

                                               In Search of Sacred Scripture  #10          

                                                               Saint John 4:11

    Jesus  came to save His own people, the lost sheep of the House of Israel. We found out His plan was only in beginning stages and learned He came not only to rescue those of Israel, but the entire world. No one would be left out from his completed work at the Cross in which every human being would be given the opportunity to drink from Living Water.

    Early in His earthly ministry, Christ Jesus faced resentment and hatred from the Jewish religious leaders of His day. This became more evident when John the Baptizer recognized Him as the Messiah of Israel. As a result, those following Jesus increased in number and He kept moving around the entire region to avoid public attention. One time He left Judea and ventured to the land of Galilee.  This required Jesus travel through Samaria.

    Many Jews avoided the people of Samaria when travelling to Galilee because their deep disdain for the inhabitants. Jewish people referred to the people of Samaria as a "herd" rather than a nation and much contention revolved around places of worship and the choice of books for the Old Testament.

    Jesus, prompted by the Holy Spirit, traveled into Samaria to a village He was not known, a place  named Sychar. He arrived thirsty and rested by a well. The well had an interesting history, the very place Abraham built an altar to the Lord and Jacob dug a well for refreshment. This was also the place Jacob's daughter, Dinah, was raped, and it was the place after Joseph's bones that arrived from Egypt, were laid to rest.

    As Jesus rested, a woman from the village came up to draw water. It was about noon-day and highly unusual because women normally gathered to water their animals in early morning hours or in the cool of evening. Her appearance indicated she was a local social outcast and initially flirted with Jesus.

    It was the custom of the day for religious Jews to never converse with a Samaritan, particularly a Samaritan woman. However, Jesus not only spoke with her by asking her for a drink of water, but proceeded with personal and penetrating questions . He then asked, " Would like a drink of Living Water? "

She replied, "Sir, You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where is this Living Water You speak of?"

    Don't say I didn't warn you if He is in your area and you ask this question. 

John 4:11  She said to Him, "You have no bucket to draw water from, and this well is deep. Sir, where do You plan on getting this 'Living Water' you're talking about?" 






Sunday, September 20, 2020

In Search of Forgotten yet Sacred Scripture #1 Proverbs 31: 8-9

 King Lemuel was never identified as a King of Israel. In Hebrew, the name Lemuel means 'he belongs to God.' Lemuel's mother desired her son not only be a good king, but a fair king. She taught him fairness would instruct her son to rule well.

She directed his attention to a specific: a king should care for the poor because the voice of the poor is rarely heard. Her emphasis did not mention giving money or even food, but taught her son, Lemuel, to speak up and join on the side of justice.

Sacred Scripture references today include The Message, Amplified, Contemporary English, New Living Translation, and New International Version. 

Proverbs 31:8-9: "Speak up and defend those who are helpless, living with no voice. Speak up for the rights of those who are defenseless and cry out for justice, speak up for those who are poor and homeless. Open your mouth and judge fairly, grant justice to those afflicted and in dire need."

Friday, September 18, 2020

In Search of Sacred Scripture #9: "Four Horsemen and the Apocalypse" Revelation 6:8

 Poems, movies, paintings, and books have portrayed the carnage on the "Great and Terrible Day of the Lord." Music with orchestra accompaniment have set-up preachers to make the announcement; an appointed time when God's wrath is made manifest to a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world. 

Enter the Four Horsemen!

The horseman on a white horse moves quickly, announcing false peace plans. Three more horsemen gallop to center stage; a red horse of war bringing military confrontations and bloodshed followed by a black horse bringing scarcity throughout the earth through plague and famine. Then, there's another described having the color pale green.

All four horsemen were given permission to slaughter up to 25% the inhabitants of the earth. Jesus described the Great Tribulation as events "the world has never seen since the beginning and will not be seen again."

Yet for those who put their trust in the True King, we can take heart our future is secure. The dead in Christ will be raised first before The Great Tribulation actually begins. I don't think you want to put yourself in a situation where you might embrace Him after this all begins. I would humbly suggest to do a little research and make a decision for Him soon...possibly even today.

Revelation 6:8  "That's when I saw the pale green horse. The rider had a name...Death. Death was accompanied by a companion, Grave, who rode close behind. Together they were granted power to destroy 25% of all inhabitants of the entire earth; by sword, famine, or plague. Wild animals were recruited and given power to kill humanity also." 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

In Search of Sacred Scripture #8: "Fading flowers" Isaiah 40:8

 Metaphors, contrasts, similes, and comparisons. It's all the Sacred Scripture. God seems to enjoy an assortment of literary tools.

People of old prompted by the Holy Spirit wrote down of events long ago. New Testament apostles and prophets followed the same lead.

For 39 chapters the prophet Isaiah had warned Israel and Judah of an oncoming judgment and take the time to yield their hearts to Him. Judah was about to face years of captivity in Babylon and many of its people would be dispersed globally, because they refused to listen, acknowledge, and obey the deep cries of the Lord.

Isaiah chose to reach Israel by using stark comparisons of human life and the existence of frail flowers and grass. He emphasized that grass is nothing more than vapors but embracing His promises are more secure to humanity than God's very own the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the same, secure and to be trusted, forever!

Isaiah 40:8  "Flowers and grass fade away, their duration as fragile as wildflowers. The Word of the Lord on the other hand, endures...and lasts forever." 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

In Search of Sacred Scripture #7 "The Camels Knelt" Genesis 24:14

 Biblical scholars inform us this is the first biblical record of a prayer requesting specific guidance. Abraham's trusted servant, Eliezar, requested guidance from the Lord which was precise and specific. He had learned over time through the lifestyle of Abraham to trust the Lord and communication is possible through the gift of prayer. 

Abraham sent Eliezar to find a wife for Abraham's beloved son, Isaac.

Genesis 24:14 "When the evening time came and the camels knelt to draw water, Eliezar prayed, 'O God, the God of Abraham, I have witnessed Your kindness and love for my master..."  

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

In Search of Sacred Scripture #6: "Wondrous Morning" Acts 1:9

 Forty days of post-resurrection had passed. A small group of disciples followed Him from the village of Bethany to the Mount of Olives. It was at this time He spoke to them for the last time.While He spoke, He was lifted up and a cloud received Him until He was out of their sight.

Jesus had given specific instructions: 1) Stay in Jerusalem until they receive the promised baptism of the Holy Spirit, 2) He reinforced this baptism would come soon, in a matter of days, 3) The message they would proclaim is the Gospel of Grace.

Then, two men dressed in white appeared and spoke, "This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into Heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into Heaven."

Acts 1:9 "These were His last words as they watched Him taken up into a cloud...while they watched! They continued to watch until they could no longer see Him as the cloud removed Him from their sight."

Monday, September 14, 2020

In Search of Sacred Scripture #5, "The Dawn of Time:" Genesis 3:5

 Scriptures indicate the Serpent was more devious than any other beast of the field because he caused Adam and Eve to doubt God's Word. The phrase "you shall be like God" seemed to tempt them more than having dominion over the entire earth. The serpent added, "For God knows the very day you eat from this Tree He calls 'Knowledge of Good and Evil,' your eyes will be opened and you will be just like God." convincing them it was better to be equal to God than to simply be godlike.This Evil One, the Serpent, uses the same rationale today, walking the earth like a roaring lion yet appearing as an Angel of Light.

Genesis 3:5 "The serpent explained to the woman, "You won't die when you eat from the fruit of that particular tree. Instead, you will be just like God!, and see what's really going on, know everything, both the good and the bad, just like God does."

In Search of Sacred Scripture #4: Ephesians 2:1-10

 (Keep in mind, I mix verses frequently by choosing a variety or translations and paraphrases freely. My favorites include The Message, Amplified, Contemporary English, New Living Translation, and the NIV...New International Version.)

                                                                  Ephesians 2:1-10

"It wasn't so long ago that you were mired in that old stagnant life of sin. You let the world, which doesn't know the first thing about living, tell you how to live. You filled your lungs with polluted unbelief and exhaled disobedience. All of us lived among them at the time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts.

It's a wonder God didn't lose His temper and do away with the whole lot of us. But, God in His rich mercy, loving us so much even though we were dead because of our sins, He gave us life when He raised Christ Jesus from the is through grace you have been saved. Then, He picked us up and set us down in highest heaven, in the company with Jesus, our Messiah. Now, God has us where He wants us, that He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace through faith that we have been saved, much better than we deserve. 

Remember, saving is all His idea and all His work. All we need do is trust Him enough to let Him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish. It's not by works, so that no one can boast. He creates us by Christ Jesus, to join Him in the work He does and the good work He has gotten us ready to do, a work we had better be doing."

Sunday, September 13, 2020

In Search of Sacred Scripture #3: Psalm 59:16

 King Saul had begun displaying hatred and bitterness toward David. He even sought ways to murder David. Meanwhile, David chose to open his heart to the Lord.

Facing opposition from without and fears from within, David's thoughts during this time remind me of the external anxieties and the inward struggles we face now. In Psalm 59, the direction starts to change after lists of threats, calamities, dangers, and laments tormented David. 

David recalled God's tenderness and spectacular mercies he had received and reminded himself to glorify God in the darkest of times as well as in times of joy.

"I choose to sing of Your strength in the morning hours accompanied by Your power and love. You have been a safe place for me, a place of protection which I count on in times of trouble." Psalm 59:16 (paraphrased: I chose The Message. Amplified, Contemporary English, New Living, and NIV.)

In Search of the Sacred Scripture #2: Zen's Outlook

 The word Zen is described as "a state of calm attentiveness." I'm not a follower of Zen but am amazed throughout my life how various religions carry elements of truth. I like to add a verse of Sacred Scripture when I read something that gets my attention. 

One Zen thought is to "do things one at a time, do it slowly and consciously, do it completely and develop it into a habit." I have found this advice helpful in reducing stress and frustration in my life, although to get to that point takes time, purpose, and clearing out "clutter" that has entered my life. 

In the gospel of Mark, the rich young ruler seemed attracted to Jesus, but had developed a plan of action to pass Heaven's gates which was missing a key element...knowing Him.

In Mark 10:21, Jesus observes and makes a comment, "Jesus looked at Him straight in the eye and felt genuine compassion. 'One thing you lack, sell whatever you have and give it to the poor. These treasures will be released in Heaven. Then, Come, Follow Me!"

The rich, young ruler's decision to walk away has been echoed through time. Others have manipulated people to steal their wealth. I don't think wealth or trying to "buy a seat in Heaven" is what Jesus was suggesting. He was after something else...something inside the heart of the rich ruler.

Take time to enjoy moments each day we are provided,and do things one at a time, slowly, and completely. After a while, it becomes addictive...even a daily habit. Don't walk away, give thoughts time to process. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

In Search of the Sacred Scripture #1: "Finding Blesseds"

 In my research of the Sacred Scripture, I find 5 various versions I rely on more than others: 1) The Message, 2) Amplified, 3) Contemporary English, 4) New Living Translation, and 5) NIV, the New International Version. Yet, that's not to say there are a great number of versions to choose from! Sometimes I mingle the different paraphrases and translations in each Scripture I am researching. For me, when I do that, Sacred Scriptures come alive. "They're Alive...I'm tellin' ya!"

 Here are some I refer to as "The Blessed Ideals"

Psalm 1:1  Favored by God are those who reject evil advice, nor follow the path they dictate.

Psalm 22:19  Don't stay far away when I'm in need of rescue. The entirety of my strength comes from You! Don't let them cut my throat now, instead, come quickly to my assistance.

Psalm 33:12  Fortunate to have God's very own favor is the nation who decides to make Him Lord, that worships only Him, and be blessed have become His very chosen.

Psalm 128:1 We are sheltered with God's personal favor, any of us who choose to respect Him and follow His direction.

Proverbs 8:31 Before God did anything else, He made me. I was His thought and entered into a being even before the earth got a start. I arrived before the great oceans, mountains, and horizons! He had already decided to establish me.

Hebrews 12:6 In this all-out match against sin, which others have suffered worse than me, and not counting the work of our Lord Jesus. This is no time to feel sorry for yourselves, God counts you as one of His very own!