Friday, March 13, 2015

The Vikings on the History Channel....Season 3, episode 4 "Scarred"

The plots continue to deepen as this historical drama is revealed...and as a Viking gotta love it!
Image result for photos of floki
 I think as a Christian, the relationship Athelstan has to these Norsemen is quite challenging as to the real aspects of the Christian faith.
  Yet Athelstan's relationship is equally yoked by Floki's loyalty to Odin and his gods...and made clear as each episode unfolds, and challenges one even today... to be strong to the belief system you embrace...and to remain loyal to those beliefs.
 There is the scene where Floki is speaking with Rollo and he asks Rollo a question that appears to come from the very core of Floki's heart: "Where is your soul? What is your belief?" Rollo then answers in defense of Ragnar's choices to the alliance with King Ecbert of replying to Floki's question: " This is our future...we cannot fight everyone...". 

  In this episode...there is really alot happening...particularly relationship wise. There is King Ecbert and his unquenchable passion for Lagertha...which Lagertha seems to enjoy for the moment...and Ragnar while still nurturing a wound from his last comforted by "Queen of Mercia" (lol). 
 And of "buddy" Athelstan...and his love for a princess who is married. The plot is thickening to say the least.
Image result for photos of siggy on history channel
 Yet, the highlight of this episode is "Siggy", a great character and the wonderful actress Jessalyn Gilsig. According to what I have read, she had decided she needed to leave the show at some point in the last season, informing the producer Michael Hurst of her intentions. It was a shocking and sad watch her sink  into the waters with her eyes gazed upon "The Wanderer". Shortly before her exit, she saw her daughter "Thari"...and it became obvious her death was near... while saving the children as she left for Valhalla. I must confess, she was a wonderful character throughout the just never knew whether she was good...or bad, yet her true identity came out during her final scene in the cold waters...sacrificing her own life for the needs of others.

 I also liked the conversation between King Ragnar and King Ecbert...asking one another if they considered themselves "good men"...and then to ask if they thought themselves corrupt? King Ecbert replies: "Oh yes..." and King Ragnar then says: "mm..hmm", both acknowledging their abilities to be so.
 Porunn...what a scene that was...and the feelings Bjorn portrayed when seeing the injury that had happened to her face.

 Pretty good stuff...wouldn't you say?

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