Monday, March 9, 2015

"Climb Every Mountain"...A Mystical Song

 In the 1959 musical "The Sound of Music", Rodgers and Hammerstein introduced a song that is forever in the memories of  many...the song "Climb Every Mountain". This soon to be classic was sung by "Mother Abess" played by actress and professional singer Peggy Wood. The words of this song had that "Hammerstein style" as it metaphorically challenges a person to evaluate each step in attaining one's dreams.
Image result for photos of climb every mountain
 Yet...the performance of this song wasn't all that easy...there were tough challenges awaiting before this song found it's place in this popular musical.

 First, this song when filmed had to have a lip sync...that is  Peggy Wood's voice being dubbed in as she performed this scene. It turned out a lady named Margery Makay had to "ghost" the high notes as Peggy was unable to "hit them". Along with this, because of the intro being lengthy, Peggy had a very difficult time getting her lips in sync with the words of this song...particularly at the beginning. The truth was Peggy Wood became so distressed over this...not only at the beginning of the song but various parts throughout that it actually took a number of "takes" before Peggy Wood became comfortable and able to complete this scene of the musical.
 One part where "Mother Abess" is looking out the window in a contemplation...had such a dramatic appeal that numerous members of the film crew felt an almost "mystical effect" as the song unfolded.
Image result for photos of silent film Almost a Husband with peggy wood
 While all this was going on, Peggy Wood herself was having a difficult time with the words of this song itself because she considered this song too pretentious... "blowing up" various life's decisions and making them bigger than what the words of the song were originally meant to contain. The words of the song "Climb Every Mountain" were actually inspired by letters from a Sister Gregory who was head of Drama at Rosary college in Illinois. She had wrote to Hammerstein (by his request) the parallels between a nun's choice for a religious life and the choices all humans make in finding purpose and direction in their lives.
 Peggy Wood ( Mother Abess) was born in Brooklyn NY on February 9th, 1892 and began singing as a young soprano at the age of 10. She was said to be a rather quiet beauty who projected little sex appeal yet found popularity as a young adult becoming an actress in her first and only silent film " Almost a Husband" starring opposite the popular Oklahoma humorist Will Rogers. Peggy Wood had a rich and very talented career , yet will always be remembered as "Mother Abess" giving Julie Andrews the much needed inspirational direction she had sought for. Peggy Wood passed away at the age of 86 in Stanford, Connecticut on March 18th, 1978.

 Here then are the "mystical words" to..."Climb Every Mountain"

Climb every mountain
Image result for photos of climb every mountain
Search high and low
Follow every byway
Every path you know.

Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream.

A dream that will need
All the love you can give
Every day of your life
For as long as you live...

{Repeat stanzas}

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