Saturday, January 24, 2015

"The Vikings"...season 3....February 19th 2015..."gettin' pumped!"

Bein' a guy that likes ancient history including biblical history, I am really liking the series known as "The Vikings" on the History Channel. On February 19th...the 3rd season begins!!...and I am ready!!...

 In biblical history, people like Queen Esther, Ruth, the prostitute who Jesus kept from being stoned to death, and the woman at the well where Jesus went out of His way and broke Jewish customs to offer her Living Water... these type of stories are a natural attraction for me.
 And as far as historically based novels...Lagertha in the Viking Series certainly has an appeal to those whose interests lies in the ancient Viking world. With season 3 about to should be rather exciting to see where all this goes...the Vikings and of course...Lagertha!

 Reports indicate this 3rd season of the Viking series has been produced in some of the Garden County Ireland's most beautiful and scenic landscape. Along with this, the "word in the streets" is the show's producer, Morgan O'Sullivan has supposedly hinted that plans are already in place to film a season 4...which is great news for the Viking Series fans.

 Season 3 has some great highlights and trailers already available...including the Vikings attacking Paris France...with the production itself includes a huge build up of the city of Paris during that time period in history. Athelstan, the Christian monk who is part of the "Vikings gang"  might have the chance to have a girlfriend, and Lagertha...has a new man!

 In one of the pre-season trailers, Ragnar and his son Bjorn have a tense moment with Ragnar saying to him: "You have the strength of a man but the will of a little girl..."
 Both Lagertha and Princess Aslaug will find themselves in serious dysfunctional relationships and will be looking for solutions to their problems ( kind of pity the guys dating these 2).
  Another lingering question: "Does King Ecbert of Wessex England keep his promise made to Ragnar in reference to receiving farm land in England in order to "keep the peace" between them?"
 And of course, while this is all going on...Ragnar and his band of "merry men" decide to take on a new take down the walls and the city of Paris.

 Can't wait!!

 In the story from the book of Esther in the Old Testament of the bible, she too displayed a strength and power...Esther's motive being to protect her people and honor her God.
 When the wicked Haman tried to have all of Queen Esther's people killed by tricking the King of Persia into creating an Edict for this to be carried out, Haman's whole plan backfires and culminates in chapter 7 when Queen Esther exposes the evil Haman to her king and husband, the King of Persia by declaring: " The adversary and enemy to all these evil plans is...the wicked Haman."
 Haman had even instructed his servants to make impaling poles, long poles usually greased and enemy people would meet their death by being sit on the top of these poles and pushed get the idea...right?
 Well. guess who got impaled by the very poles he had ordered constructed?...yep...the evil Haman.

 So, if you like the Viking Series on the History might want to check out the story of Queen Esther in the Old Testament of the bible...has some similarities to Lagertha...especially in areas like loyalties and courage. In fact, I think a story of Esther like the Viking Series...would have equal interest to those who enjoy ancient history.

 In the meantime...come on February 19th...and may your thoughts convey the words: "Shield Wall!"

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