Friday, January 9, 2015

John the Baptizer..."gotta love this guy!" The Gospel of Mark 1:4-11

Mark...the 2nd Gospel in the New Testament...who was this guy?....

 Here is what I have discovered about "Mark":

1. Mark, like Luke, was not one of the 12 disciples...the "Original"...although he did live in the same time period.
2. The Gospel of Mark was according to most historians the first gospel of the 4 Gospels other words, he did not have another literary example to go by.
3. Mark's gospel gives emphasis to the geographical areas Jesus was at during His lifetime here on earth.
4.  Mark was apparently "close buds" with Saint Peter, and some historians think it was Mark who actually wrote the letters by Saint Peter contained in the New Testament, as Peter dictated them to Mark.
5. What we do know know about Mark is he was a writer, he was of Jewish origin before he became a Christian, he was well acquainted with Jewish Law and customs, and at minimum bi-lingual. As a result, it is also thought Mark might have received a more formal education than some of the "Original 12".

 Further research shows from early church historians that Mark wrote this gospel in the late 60's A.D. This was a time period in the early church when much persecution was prevalent among believers in Christ Jesus. Nero, the crazed Roman emperor lived during this time, and it is probable Mark himself had seen the tragic deaths of many believers for their faith in Christ Jesus...including his close friend...Saint Peter.
 The Gospel of Mark is targeted to the believers in Rome, where Christian persecution was at a very high level, and his purpose in writing this gospel was to encourage and strengthen those believers in Rome...that they had made the right choice in trusting in Jesus and believing...He really is...The Son of God.

                                                      A Gleaning from Mark 1: 4-11

" And so, John the Baptizer (some say Baptist...but there was not even a Baptist church at that time...don' let those Baptists "trash talk you" the desert, the wilderness region of Israel, and brought a message of Repentance (meaning to change your mind on how you view life). John spoke how when a person does can find forgiveness and a release...from sin and it's sorrow...that one carry in their hearts now.
 All of Judea and especially those in Jerusalem...they went out to the desert area where John was see him and to hear what he had to say. In fact, people from all over the countryside came out...and kept coming hear John...because what he was saying...was doing their hearts good.
 Along with John's words, there followed a "commitment" to this act of repenting...everyone who enjoyed this message of John. They were all then water baptized in the River close proximity to where John preached.

 Now, as far as John the Baptizer himself, he did not wear the typical "current fashion" clothes of his day. Instead, John wore clothes made from coarse camel hair (say that 3 time fast) and a native leather belt around his waist. 
 But wait...there is more about John! If his style of clothing didn't make you "raise an eyebrow" this! His main entree for a daily meal were: locusts, grasshoppers, and wild honey. 

 Yet, in the midst of John's preaching, he made mention of something even stranger than the clothes he wore or the food he ate. He said: "After me...the real action starts! The One who comes after stronger, more powerful, and more valiant than I could ever even think about being. I'm just a "stagehand"...yet the One after me...He is the "Real Deal"! In fact, compared to me, I am not even good enough in my own human untie even one of the straps of His sandals.
 For what we do here today...this water baptism..can only offer you the awareness to recognize you need to change in both your thoughts and action...that is what this is all about. Yet...let me tell 'ya.....

 The One who comes after me...He will offer you a baptism in...the Holy Spirit...and that baptism is one that will take you from simply being aware of your need for having the power to overcome any sin that keeps you in a constant state of needing repentance...particularly those sins you keep doing over and over and over." happened......

 One day...John was again out...preaching to the crowds on the need of repentance...when this One John spoke of...arrived! It was Jesus...and He came to hear what John was saying. Jesus had come to the desert to see John...from Nazareth in Galilee, and John the Baptizer baptized Jesus...that very day! the River Jordan.
 Now as Jesus was coming up out of the water...John himself right there baptizing Him....John saw something with his very own eyes. The skies opened up...the heavens appeared to be torn...and the Holy Spirit came out from this opening...came down and landed upon Jesus...taking the form of a dove...and this dove entered into Jesus. At the same time all this was going on, John heard this voice...coming from heaven and speaking directly to Jesus saying: "YOU ARE...My Dearly Loved Son...and You...have brought Great My Heart."

P.S. The Holy Spirit was involved with Jesus...when they made the first described in Genesis. Now, the Holy Spirit returns to be a part of the "second creation"...that being...putting new the sinful hearts of men.

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