Monday, January 5, 2015

"In the Last Days"....part one

My focus of attention has changed... to these 4 horsemen as described in the Book of Revelation chapters 5 through 8. As I begin to research this, I am equally overwhelmed on how vast these 4 words can be: "In the Last Days".......So...I will begin there...

"In the Last Days" is a phrase that is used by alot of people in various formats...ScyFy movies, novels, and of course apocalyptic themes  like "The Walking Dead" or "Vampires" taking over the world. In the Sacred Scriptures, there are references to this far back as the very first book in the bible, the Book of Genesis, when it was describing "the days of Noah". The New Testament of the Scriptures also contain numerous references to "In the Last Days"such as Peter proclaiming a passage from the Old Testament prophet Joel...on the Day of Pentecost as written in the Book of Acts.
 That being said, "In the Last Days" I will define as the time for the soon 2nd coming of Christ Jesus, the Messiah of all mankind. This is not an attempt to predict or categorize   a single calendar day as to when this could actually happen, rather, to look at a segment of time in history where there are realistic indicators that would confirm we are living in a time known as "In the Last Days".

 In 2012 there was a survey taken by the Barne Group ( taken in the California area) asking the question: 'Do you believe we are living in "Biblical End Times?" The results of this survey discovered 4 out of 10 Americans said they do in fact think we are currently living in this period. As the survey was further studied, it was also found that those who are evangelical Christians who thought we were living in the "Biblical End Times" was even higher...7 out of 10.
 One key passage to identify the meaning of "In the Last Days" is found in the gospel of Saint Matthew, chapter 24...known in the biblical arena as "The Olivet Discourse".

 Yet, before I continue in this search, there is a premise I must relate in regards to this phrase "In the Last Days". My premise or basis for this research is based on "Sola Scriptura".
"Sola Scriptura" is one of the 5 "Solas" that come from the Reformation era in history, beginning in the late 1300's and continuing through the early to mid 1600's. It was a time we refer to as the Protestant Reformation...a time of Protest and Reform.
 These "5 Solas" came at a great price during the Reformation Era, including some being put to death because of their belief in this train of thought. The "5 Solas" were basically a direct challenge to the abuse of authority that was being carried out by the Roman Catholic church. The Roman church at this time were promoting heresies like the sale of indulgences, confessions that could only be approved by leaders of the church, and the use of Scripture for the personal gain of the church. While many throughout Europe lived in poverty status and had no access to what the Scriptures actually taught, people were dependent on priests and monks to guide them through life spiritually...the result being the Roman Church owning 1/3 of all western Europe.

 My point in making emphasis on the "Sola Scriptura" is when we hear of phrases like "In the Last Days", it is easy to gather information from various sources. I am not against doing such, yet the foundation of any research like this must be for myself...from the Sacred Scripture. Scripture for me is the source of truth and too many people have lost their lives in an effort to have these words available to
 In the 1300's A.D., a man by the name of John Wycliffe out of England became an early founder of the Reformation Era. Later nicknamed "The Morning Star", Wycliffe did a marvelous thing that eventually was considered an act of treason in reference to Roman Catholic teachings. He took the bible only available in Latin and access to leaders of the church, known as the Latin Vulgate, and translated the entire bible into the English language...for the common man. Wycliffe desired all men to have access to the read, to think, and to discuss it's meanings.
 Later, John Huss picked up on the thoughts of Wycliffe and joined him in translating the Scripture into the vernacular...for all men to read (German, French, Italian, etc.). 
 And of course Martin Luther came into the spotlight as perhaps the most renowned leader of the Reformation, posting the 95 thesis on a church door and challenging the Roman church as to the teachings of Indulgences and how it relates to the Scripture. Luther highlighted his thought on the subject with this phrase, and I quote: "One simple layman...with the more powerful than any Pope...without it!"
 Others soon followed Luther, like John Calvin who studied and wrote much of our commentaries on how we interpret Scripture today, and it was during this time Martin Luther embraced the "5 Solas":
1. Sola Scriptura....(By Scripture Alone). The Sacred Scriptures are the supreme text on which a man should live by, and is the written authority for which all men live.
2. Sola Fide...(By Faith Alone). Contrary to any teachings within or out of the Christian church itself, a man is only made right with God by accepting Him into their hearts, not by any amount of works or merit we can muster this life.
3. Sola Gratia...(By Grace Alone).  Our Salvation and entrance into Heaven is only made available to man through the work of Christ Jesus. His Grace in loving now extended to us...through the work of the Cross, not by any "good works" we can muster.
4. Solus Christus...(Through Christ Alone). There is no other way to the God of the Heavens, nor are there any efforts we can achieve on our own to gain that entrance. Only through the acceptance of Christ Jesus into our individual lives, and trusting in His Grace now available to us...can we come into the "Presence of the Father".
5. Soli Deo Gloria...(Glory to God Alone). There is no glory we can attribute to ourselves, even if we are at the point of death. Our very Salvation come through Him, in Him, and by Him. Whatever tasks we have in everyday life...including the good we might accomplish...all the Glory...goes to Him!

 As I begin to embark on this journey of "In the Last Days"...the "5 Solas" are my premise to search in this interesting subject...." 

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