Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"The Magi"...The King-Makers! part 2

 The arrival of the Magi to pay homage to the King of the Jews, the Lord Jesus, is kind of making more sense to me. At first, I wondered why Saint Matthew included this passage in his Gospel as part of the description of the Christmas Story, yet, as I look into some meaning to it all, I am beginning to see it all a little more, the very fact that this Christmas event was not just for the Jewish people...He came for all of us!.....

 First, allow me to finish the passage concerning the Magi as recorded in the second chapter of Saint Matthew beginning at verse 7 and finishing in verse 12.

                                 A Gleaning from Saint Matthew 2:7-12

 " After Herod had convened (and rather anxiously it would appear) with the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem, he then arranged a...secret meeting with...the Magi. ( most likely secret because Herod was putting up a "false front" in front of the Magi, where if the Jewish leaders were in attendance would not "buy his little act", as well as possibly expose the real purpose of this secret meeting...to attempt to kill the Christ-child).
 In fact, Herod put on this "act" in front of the Magi, making himself appear a very devout and religious man and attempting to impress the Magi that he too was excited about the birth of the King of the Jews. ( Herod was no "poster boy" when it came to personal character or moral conduct...he had members of his own family executed...to retain the power he so wanted to have as a governor of the Judean countryside).
 Herod's real motive behind this secret meeting was to know the exact time and place of the birth of the Christ-child...that he might have him killed. 
 In this meeting, Herod asked the Magi when this "Star" first appeared?, how this "Star" led them to Jerusalem?, and then spoke to the Magi about what the Jewish leaders had said to him in their earlier meeting, concerning the ancient prophecy of of the Old Testament prophet...Micah, acting like he (Herod)  had the same excitement as the Magi on this birth, Herod then said to the Magi: " Listen, I believe this great child...is in Bethlehem! If I were you, I would seek for Him there, leaving no stone unturned! My only humble request is that you send me word when He is found...immediately!...for I too want to come and honor Him with worship!"
 When Herod had finished speaking with the Magi, they left, and immediately proceeded...to Bethlehem!

 As the Magi continued on in their journey to Bethlehem (which was within walking distance, approximately 5.52 miles), the "Star", which had first arisen in the East, in their homeland...now reappeared! They then followed the "Star" until they arrived at the home of Mary and the Christ-child, hovering above. This brought much excitement and joy...to the Magi!
 As the Magi approached their home...they saw Him...for the first time...the new King...with His mother!
 Overcome with joy...for the "Star" had guided them and proved a faithful sign, the Magi presented themselves before the Christ-child with hearts of the deepest respect. The Magi then kneeled before Him, calling for their servants to assist with their luggage, and presented to Him...the gifts they had for Him.
 When this joyous moment had concluded, and the Magi were now getting ready to return home, they had remembered what Herod had said, yet chose a totally different route to return to their homes in the East, for the Magi had received a type of dream among them...and were warned...not to return to Herod...for any reason!" ( How long was their visit with the Christ-child? No one knows for sure...yet this we do know...it was at this conclusive moment, Joseph took his wife Mary and the young Jesus...to Egypt, for they too received a dream to go there...until Herod was dead. As for Herod, he was already beginning to show his "true colors", for upon hearing the Magi had already departed and left no word to Herod, he then ordered all young males under the age of 2...to be killed in and around the area of Bethlehem.)"

 And now...11 miles from Bethlehem, horrific reports were beginning to surface....in Ramah, Rachel weeps once more.......

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