Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Remembering the words...of yesteryear.....

 " I hope it is not rushing the season to recall to you the passage from Dicken's "A Christmas Carol", in which Ebenezer Scrooge is terrified by the ghost of his former partner Jacob Marley.... and Scrooge, appalled by Marley's story of ceaseless wonder, cries out: " But you were always a good man of business Jacob!" Then, the ghost of Marley, his legs bound by a chain of ledger books and cash boxes, replies: " Business? Mankind was my business! Charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my business! The dealings of my trade were but a drop of the comprehensive ocean business!"

 Members and guests of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, whether we work in the White House or the State House, or in a house of industry or commerce...Mankind is our business! And, if we work in harmony...if we understand the problems of each other, and the responsibilities that each of us bear, then surely the business of mankind...will prosper."

                                                                      President John F. Kennedy

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