Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Our Roots Run will know...with the "Sounds of a Thankful Heart!"

Saint Paul wrote a letter to the believers in a town called Colossae. Colossae is located 100 miles east of the popular city of it's day "Ephesus", in the country we recognize today as "Turkey".
 The main trade roads of the known world at the time of Paul writing this letter...went right by Colossae........

 Colossae had been a rather large and wealthy city for a number of centuries, but with the growth of Laodicea (10 miles away) and another city named Hierapolis (16 miles away), Colossae was now at Paul's writing a more diminished and small town.
 Like other areas outside the Jewish nation of Israel, the Early Church had developed a group of believers in Christ in Colossae, yet the problem which was beginning to infiltrate the Early Church in general were the false doctrines of Christ that were being introduced by those either outside the faith of Christ Jesus or those who did not know Him....but pretended or acted like they did.

 In Colossae, Paul was deeply concerned that false teachings of Christ had "infected" the local believers, and wrote extensively in this letter about adhering to the true teachings of Christ Jesus. In fact, the letter to the Colossians is in some ways the most extensive writings Paul had on how we are to follow Him...of the entire New Testament.
 Saint Paul goes in somewhat detail on how when one accepts become a true believer in Him...and that only coming by receiving Him into your heart. 

 One major point in this particular letter was to encourage Believers not to get tangled up in following somehow "earn their way" into God's heart. Paul further explains that in the same we accepted Him into our faith...then we continue to follow Him in the same manner...with the help and strength of the Holy Spirit.
 Paul encouraged this "hunger" for Him to be developed as a tree burying its roots deep within the ground to find water, nutrition, and stability. Paul did not want to see the true message of the Gospel change from its original intent...whether it be a false error of earning our salvation, obeying a certain set of rules to ensures one's salvation, or any teaching that leaves out the main element of our faith...that being faith itself.
 Paul continues to develop the theme of living this new life by faith which is culminated by hearts that are grateful to  Him.
 As Saint Paul describes his concern, he "paints a picture" with his words by comparing the spiritual growth of a Believer with a tree deepening its roots...bringing to mind the Old Testament Scripture from Jeremiah 17:8.

                                          A Gleaning from Colossians 2:6-7

 " Here is my advice to all my friends in Colossae...and I will give it to you "straight up"! Just as you have received the Lord Jesus into your very hearts...continue on in the same manner.
 You have taken root in Him...and these roots are a once and for all deal, now it is best for you to allow these roots fully develop and grow Him.
 As this process continues, and your roots in Him will receive the nutrition you are in most need of. Along with this, the deepened roots that have developed in your lives will provide a stability in won't be easily fooled "blown over by winds, or storms that arrive to break you or destroy your growth (false teachers).
 You have had experience on exercising your faith...when you invited Him into your heart and carry on, and act out what you first believed.
 And here is how you will know your faith is working and your roots have deepened: your heart will begin to express thoughts of will overflow with a thankful heart...for all the he has done."

NOTE: Being rooted in Christ Jesus reminds one of the passage in Jeremiah 17:8, which reads: " You will be like a tree...planted along a riverbank. Your roots will run deep and spread  alongside the river.
When the heat of the sun attempts to scorch your leaves, it will not phase you...your leaves remain green. Nor will you lose leaves...rather you will  bear the choicest of fruit each and every season...regardless of any drought or how long one may last. Worry or Panic can not come near you....  for your trust is me!                                                                                         

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