Monday, December 16, 2013

"The Magi" ...The Kingmakers!

The visit of "The Magi" to see the infant a rather fascinating part of the Christmas story. It kind of leaves you in wonder...triggers your imagination...and appetizes a curiosity within, "What was this really all about? How did "these guys" end up in a narrative of the New Testament letters?"....

 Saint Matthew is the only one to record of all 4 Gospels of the visit by the Magi, in chapter 2...verses 1-12. I will start with the first 6 verses: 
 "After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, in the days when Herod was the Roman "king" or Governor of the region...The Magi had arrived (men renowned as scholars in scientific, astronomical, and astrological fields of study), from The East ( some historians conclude they were of the Medes -Persian Empire, others saying they may have come as far east as the China regions), and these Magi had Jerusalem.
 They began to ask the residents of Jerusalem; "Where is this One...born King of the Jews? We have seen His the East from where we are from, at it's very rising...and have followed His star to here...where He is, and have come to worship Him."
 (Some translations write "they have come to bring Him homage". It is an interesting thought...for The Magi appeared not to be Jewish, although they had in previous generations and even in centuries past been exposed to the Jewish form of worship. Daniel for example during the time of Babylonian captivity mentions of The Magi", and the book of Esther during the reign of the the Persian Empire also mentions of The Magi. 
 Western thought has given us a perception that these Magi were kings, yet history seems to indicate they were actually "king-makers". This "Magi society" is likened to a ruling and very highly respected group of judges, who have a deep impact politically as to the direction of a nation or an Empire. If "The Magi" announced or supported one to be a next were pretty much going to be "the next king". Even the Jewish people like the ones in Jerusalem respected "The Magi"...considering them  fair and well-educated leaders. Now, did they come to worship Him in the sense of a having a personal relationship in the birthing of God's very own not clear. What is clear is The Magi were looking for One to be a that would possibly lead His own people against the Western Roman Empire and be a "bridge" to unite both Western and Eastern European nations.)"
Continuing on in the reading of Saint Matthew....
 "When King Herod, the Roman governor of the Judean region heard The Magi were now in Jerusalem and was questioning the whereabouts of the next King of the Jews...Herod became deeply disturbed and quite fact Herod was terrified. And this reaction by Herod was not just limited to himself....most of Jerusalem had the same reaction to the visit of The Magi.
 ( Ok, we have been taught in western thought and tradition that The Magi consisted of 3 kings. We get the "picture" of 3 kings riding as fast as they could from some land far away by way of camels to get to Jerusalem in time to see the birth of Christ. Uhhh...I don't think so.
 First, in other historical documents on the lives of The Magi, they really didn't travel in that fashion. Normally, they seemed to like to travel in groups of 12....and have been known to travel together in groups of 40 to 60 in number. Also, due to the length of the journey, there was no way these Magi would ride alone with expensive gifts like myrrh, frankincense, and gold! They came with a military entourage...for their journey would include going through a series of "badlands"...where robbers and thieves would attack those who might be in travel.  Some have written these "3 kings" that arrived in Jerusalem were actually over 200 in number.  
 Along with this, it was likely a very pompous affair. The Magi wore clothing and hats that were of the best quality of the entire known world, and their entourage would have been adorned in rich clothing as well...including...their horses. It is unlikely The Magi rode camels...although camels may have been a part of their entourage. Rather, The Magi rode Persian steeds, beautifully trained Persian stallions, giving quite a majestic look as The Magi entered Jerusalem).

 As a result of  The Magi asking where the King of the Jews might be, Herod wasted no time calling for a meeting...with all the chief and leading priests of the Jewish sect, accompanied with Scribes and teachers of Jewish Law. Herod proceeded to ask at this meeting... "Is it true, is there born among us a ...King of the Jews?  And if so...where?" 
 The Jewish leaders then replied to Herod's question(s): "In in Judea. For the prophet Micah wrote of this event in clarity: "It is you the land of Judah, that will no longer carry the reputation of being least, an insignificant village among the cities of Judah. No longer will you be as one walking in the rear of a large crowd, for now a Ruler is to come out from among you...who will be...My Shepherd...for My people...for My nation, Israel."

 Gotta check out these Magi..a little more.

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