Tuesday, August 4, 2015

"Suddenly I found myself...at Heaven's Gate"

As I continue my journey in life and respond to His call "Follow Me", the definition of sin and how we escape it comes in various formats within the Christian church. Our western culture in particular seems to have a long and drawn out map with different trails on what we need to do when our journey in life comes to an end and we are standing at Heaven's Gate.  It appears to me the big concern at "the Gate" will be if we are in sin (dirty, infected, diseased, malnourished), or are we clean (no sin at all  and our hearts pure)?

Image result for photos of heaven Sin? How do we actually deal with it? What is sin exactly? Are certain sins worse than others? Are there various consequences to sin in our lives? Most importantly, how do we get rid of it?...or can we? 
 I don't think there will be a broom or carpet at Heaven's doorstep where we can "sweep it under the rug". I don't think there will be a mirror available where we can check our clothing, make sure our hair is combed, or if our teeth are clean. I don't see myself clearing my throat, standing erect, having a nice smile, or making direct eye contact when the door opens and I say "Hi!" I won't have my vehicle with me, I won't have any cash or credit cards, and it is a one-way ticket: everything I own, my residence, and all I have done in my life...is left behind, forever. Honestly I don't know any of this for sure, it is strictly my opinion. Oh, is Saint Peter at the gate? I have no idea.

 Here is what I do know at this point in life. In the letter to the Romans, Paul gives "new instructions" on how we are to be received in Heaven and more importantly, the requirements needed to "get past the gate."

                                              A Gleaning from Romans 3: 21-24 

 " In our time, something new has been added. God has given us a new way to live life in Heaven with Him. The old ways of trying to keep the Law as Moses commanded, the Old Testament prophets testifying to the importance of these Commandments, or the constant struggle to find ways to be "good enough" to pass through Heaven's Gate...have now changed!
 Through Christ Jesus we have new instructions. The Commandments from Heaven upon entering has now only one requirement and in this all men are treated by God alike. This requirement totally acquits us of any sin within us and the Lord of Heaven announces us "not guilty". ( Note: this reminds me of the old frontier days when someone would come to the main gate and the watcher of the gate would proclaim "Are you friend or foe?").
 The requirement or condition needed to receive this acceptance is...the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of Heaven's very own and only Son. Specifically, to pass through Heaven's Gate and be acceptable is dependent on...Do we know Him?...the Lord Jesus. Have we surrendered our hearts to Him in our journey on earth and did we attempt to develop a personal trust, a confidence, and a practice to put our reliance in Him and what He has commanded us to do?

 The beauty of receiving this new instruction is the Lord of Heaven no longer makes any distinction as to which culture or family of mankind we originated. He will accept everyone...who has accepted His Son into their lives.
Image result for photos of jesus is the gate
 Mankind has a long and sorry history in regards to sin, proving we are utterly incapable of living a life that honors the great God of Heaven. As a result, God's will for us is not fulfilled in our various journeys in life, our own merits simply can not achieve that.
 The truth is, every person since the beginning of mankind has embraced sin and sin denies the Presence and Glory of God in our daily lives.
 Yet out of compassion and unselfish generosity, Christ Jesus took it upon Himself, exiting Heaven's Gate and coming to rescue us. Through the work at the Cross Christ alone has restored us and put us in right standing with His Father in Heaven...who we now can call "Our Father."
 Christ Jesus completely got mankind out of the mess it was in concerning sin, and now He stands at Heaven's Gate...for He is the Gate, and we all enter through Him. This is the way Christ Jesus wanted it all along, not be entangled in sin, rather to be with Him, and give glory to..."Our Father."
 In the same manner, just as we will enter Heaven through Him, we must allow Him entrance into our own hearts presently, that His Kingdom can operate and fulfill God's will in our lives through our journey in this life.
 This is now the official instruction of the Sacred Scriptures.

 "All Hail to the King!"

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