Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The "Yin and the Yang"...how about "Chronos and Kairos?"...part 3

 The subject is...2 mentalities. According to the ancient Greeks, one mentality or view on life is the "Chronos" outlook. This thought carries with it the idea each moment of our lives are equally important, and the dependence of each moment we face in life is determined how well we prepare ourselves daily. Things like daily disciplines... are we doing what the doctor recommends?, are we eating a healthy diet?, are we exercising properly?, or from a spiritual aspect...did we pray today?...do we spend time reading the Scripture? If we have not, then any negative results we face in daily life...are the result of our own doing...we didn't prepare properly.
 The other train of thought on life according to the ancient Greeks is the "Kairos" outlook. This train of thought says: "No, each moment of our lives is not equally important, and the daily disciplines we apply to our lives still is in need of those "special moments" in life to occur...and it is not dependent on our preparation, rather on Divine intervention." This doesn't mean a person with a "Kairos" mentality on life does not work on the daily disciplines in life like the "Chronos" concept...it simply means there is more...there is the need in life to look beyond our own limited preparations and recognize the need for those "Divine moments" in our everyday lives. "Kairos" thought gives way to a life changing event...even for miracles to happen.

 Look at it like this: You have an adverse event happen in your life...perhaps a medical report that comes back poor. The "Chronos" mentality says: "If you would have taken better care of yourself, you might have avoided the situation you are in now. The results of the medical report are because you failed to take care of yourself." Although there may be elements of truth to what the "Chronos" mentality dictates...the "Kairos" mentality will look at the situation a little different. The "Kairos" mentality will say: "Ok...I know I have not always done everything perfect, yet I yield myself to the mercies of God and ask for a "Divine Moment"...that the Lord would have compassion and...heal me, even though I have come short of the daily disciplines of life I have not followed completely.  "Kairos" thought from my perspective is more Grace oriented while the "Chronos" mentality is more Law oriented. Yet, both trains of thought have both positive and negative influences. A "Kairos" mentality is not a free ticket to live life in a "Que Sera Sera" sort of way, nor can a "Chronos" mentality give a guarantee we will not face adversity regardless of how well one might prepare.

 The "Chronos" way of thinking can certainly bring a confidence and courage that the Lord is with you when you face a trial in life...and we all face adverse scenarios in life, yet there are those times the "Kairos" mentality is needed as well...the looking beyond oneself  and bringing an eternal moment in our lives...into the present.
 We see these type of events even in history. In the Civil War, the battle of Gettysburg, the worse battle of the war in regards to casulaties...was initially a Confederate victory, yet ended up a Union victory...even though the Confederate army led by General Lee had done their utmost in preparation. In fact, up to that point in the Civil War, General Lee had never lost in battle.
 When London was bombed by the German Nazi air force in WWII, it was Winston Churchill who gave the "speech of a lifetime" and gave hope to the English when the Nazis had prepared in absolute detail.
 Yet, we have read of the benefits of preparation. The Alamo in 1836 stood in the way of Santa Anna and the Mexican army from sweeping across Texas...and gave General Houston (with much criticism) the time to prepare and later defeat Santa Anna's army at the battle of Jaciento...and did so in a matter of 18 minutes. 

 All this being said, the Bible is a rather peculiar book in reference to time and the outcome of events in life. It shares a respect for time itself and the benefits of preparation in our everyday lives, yet the Bible itself is not constrained by time, it confirms there are moments in life where those "Divine Moments" are needed in our lives...and Divine Moments that do not rely on our preparations...they are simply the "mercies of God Himself" given to us in our lives.
 The benefit of a "Kairos" mentality is it does allow the eternal come into our very present day lives. It brings a fullness that allows us to develop a...trust in Him.

 The purest example of a "Kairos" moment?...there was this guy named Lazarus. Not only was he as "good as dead", he was dead!...and then a peculiar thing happened...

 To be continued....

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