Monday, February 9, 2015

"Lazarus...a Kairos moment....Thomas gets in the act"...part 2

Continuing on with a "Kairos" outlook on life, the Gospel of John writes about a moment that none of His disciples knew what was about to happen...Jesus was now leading them into the "unknown"...a special moment, one that no one could predict or prepare for...

                                               A Gleaning form John 11: 11-16

" Jesus then spoke to His disciples and said: "Hey, our friend Lazarus is resting and is's time I must go and wake him up." Then His disciples answered: "Why don't You just let him sleep. the sleep will do him good and when he does awake, perhaps he will feel much better." ( If I were one of his disciples at that junction in time...I would be wondering why Jesus had to be the one to wake him up?...surely his sisters could do that. Secondly, and more importantly, why take the chance and get us all killed?)

{Additional Note: This unexpected moment would not have been the first time the disciples faced a "Kairos point and time". They had been with Him for a little over 3 years, some had seen the water turn into wine at Cana, they all participated in the feeding of the 5000 with a small amount of food, they all had seen various miracles for the benefit of blind people being made able to see, and they were all in the boat on the Sea of Galilee when they discovered He could walk on water. The ironic part about the walking on water scenario...the Scriptures write He was travelling over to the other side. The disciples had to call for Him because they were so frightened from the storm at hand...He was simply walking on... to meet them on the shore when they got there. they are facing another unexpected moment, yet this time, their very lives could be threatened...all they had learned from Him, could seemingly be in jeopardy. Yet, although a "Chronos" type of logic would warn you not to go see Lazarus...the disciples had experienced too many "Kairos" moments, those events in their lives that could not be explained or logically planned through a "Chronos" mentality. Now Jesus brings them right into another special moment in their lives...because He had said He is walking in the other words, He knew exactly what He was doing...and did not allow a  "Chronos" way of thought limit Him from what He was about to do. He did a "Kairos" thing...He brought the Eternal...right into the Present. }

 "Then Jesus made it clear what He was about to do by saying: "'re not getting it. Lazarus is dead. Yet, it has to be this way for all of your sakes. I am about to "raise the bar"  by sharing a special moment in life that I have been given the power to do...for today You will learn more about Me and who I really am."
 Then Thomas, the one they nicknamed "The Twin", spoke to his friends (the disciples) and said: "Ok...we all know He is determined to do this. We have been with Him now for over 3 years and seen some strange things. Yet, if He wants to "go out" this way, then I suggest we all go...we all go out with Him. I'm going...I have lived with Him this long...I will go out with Him now."

{Note: 2 different times Thomas is recorded in the New Testament. The famous one of course is where he has derived the nickname "Doubting Thomas" ( John 20: 24-29) which to me is a  misconception of him if you read the entirety of the passage. I think it was a "Chronos" logic trying to describe a "Kairos" moment...and the "Chronos" logic...cannot always do that. As a result, Thomas has been dubbed as a "doubter". 
 Yet, in this passage Thomas reveals his true identity. He may not have understood what was about to happen, yet he was willing to take a chance and go with Him anyway. I think this is the real Thomas...a guy that was willing to risk his life...for a "Kairos" experience.}. 

 And of course, you know what they say about this "Kairos" moment...If Jesus had not specifically requested for Lazarus to come forth...every dead person in the immediate area might have come out from their tomb... just sayin'. 

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