Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Where did the Apostles go?"...Nathanael (Bartholomew)

Nathanael means "a gift of God". Bartholomew is more of a name given for family reference...meaning son of Tolmai. There really is not a whole lot of information concerning Nathanael, and much of his life we have to rely on church tradition type stories and early church historians like Eusebius of Caesarea.
 Another thought by some historians concerning his name Bartholomew being a son of Tolmai is... this may not be in reference to Bartholomew having a real father named Tolmai. During the time of Bartholomew there was a group of men called "Tolmanians", and they were dedicated to the study of Scripture. The leader of this group was a man named Tolmai, and it is from being a member of the Tolmanians that he might have received his name "Bartholomew".
 In the list of the "Original" (12 disciples) as given in the Gospels, Nathanael's name appears after the name of Phillip. His name of Bartholomew is mentioned in 2 other Gospels besides John, and in John he is referred to as Nathanael.

 Nathanael was  from the area of Galilee in Judea...in a village called Cana. Cana was only a short distance from the town of Nazareth and when Nathanael was introduced to Jesus, the village of Nazareth was brought up in conversation. Other than the mention of Nathanael being present at the Ascension, this is the most we really know of Nathanael in reference to the Scriptures.
 One thing of note: the areas of both Cana and Nazareth had a reputation of being rather unrefined villages in regards to higher education and general lifestyles. What was most troublesome for these villages were radicals who came from both villages that promoted militant dissent against the Roman Empire rule of the area, often stirring trouble to upset and cause others to join them against Roman rule....hoping to overthrow the Romans.
 Yet, Jesus Himself was not embarrassed or afraid to say He came from Nazareth, and Cana was the place Jesus did His first miracle by turning water into wine at a local wedding. 

 So, in the Gospel of John is a passage that describes how Nathanael (or Batholomew) met the Lord Jesus: 
                             A Gleaning from John 1: 43-51

 " The next day Jesus had decided it was time to go to Galilee. As Jesus arrived in Galilee, He found a man named Phillip, who was from Bethsaida...the same village Andrew and Peter were from.
 Jesus spoke to Phillip with the same remark He had addressed Andrew and Peter when He met those 2 brothers...in fact with the very same invitation saying: "Phillip..."Follow Me!" 
 Soon after Phillip sought out his close friend Nathanael and said to him  " Nathanael ...we have found Him!...the very One Moses and all the prophets have written about! His name is Jesus!...a son of Joseph and He comes right from here!...in Galilee...from Nazareth! He is the Messiah!"
 Nathanael upon hearing what Phillip had said and the excitement in his voice responded: "Nazareth? Is there anything good that can come from there? You know there are militants always trying to convince people to join in their cause and overthrow the Romans."
 Phillip then said to Nathanael: " I know...I don't expect you to believe me...come and see for yourself!"
 Now, Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him from a distance...to find out if what Phillip was thoroughly convinced of... was really true. As Nathanael got closer, Jesus walks up to Nathanael and says: " Here is a true Israelite...nothing fake about him...and he comes to Me with no deceit."
 Nathanael then first spoke directly to Jesus and said: " How do You know this...who has given You this idea? You don't even know me?"
 Jesus then replied: "Nathanael, do you remember the day when you were sitting under the fig tree?...contemplating things about the God of Israel...and the Messiah? I was there...watching you."
 Nathanael then thought to himself...no one knew that...and certainly no one knows what I was thinking...then Nathanael looked at Jesus and said:" You are the Son of the Living God!...the Lord and God of Israel...the Messiah!"
 (Then Jesus reversed the conversation...using the same train of thought when Nathanael had asked "How do you know this...what has given you this idea? You don't even know me?")
 So Jesus answered Nathanael " You believe in Me so quickly simply because I was watching you under the fig tree? Nathanael, there is much to know about Me...and the plans I have for you. Follow Me! For the day is coming you will see Me ascend to My Father...with all the angels of Heaven going back and forth...from Heaven itself to the earth...while I return to Him. You will know as you have said this day...I am the Son of man..the very Messiah you seek!"

 Church history with church tradition as well goes on to write of Nathanael's life after that day, when Nathanael responded to those words "Follow Me". 

 It is recorded some of Nathanael's journeys included going to northern India and sharing the Good News of Christ Jesus. It is also recorded by the early historian Eusebius of Caesarea that Nathanael carried with him an early translation of the Gospel of Saint Matthew.
 Some other writings claim he went to Albania...near northern Iraq and even into parts of Turkey. It is written Nathanael met his death in Albania....perhaps crucified upside down, others say he was whipped to the point of death, while others write he was beheaded.

 One thing we do know....Jesus was watching Nathanael under the fig tree...and it makes you wonder...is He watching you?

Nathanael was the first of the apostles to proclaim Jesus as the True Messiah!

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