Tuesday, September 2, 2014

History shouts: "All nations rise...and all nations fall"

The study of history shows there never has been a government, a nation, a society, or a kingdom that lasts forever...History proves the fall of every great nation or empire is inevitable...and has happened time and time again through the corridors of time....

 There seems to be a pattern to the rise and fall of great nations throughout history, and these similar patterns repeats itself  throughout the history of the ages. Do we conclude "history repeats itself"?...or is it more accurate to say "human nature left unchecked...repeats itself"? 

 Here then are the basic patterns that takes a nation from ashes to the mountain tops, only to return again to ashes:

1. First, a nation is freed from the bondage and slavery of another...and this comes by ways of moral virtues, love for it's people, and a purpose in life itself...collectively as a nation. History also sends within its report a common denominator in this first step to the rise of a great nation that is reinforced by a type of spiritual renewal,,,on a national level...and a belief that their hearts are right and a God who has surely intervened on their behalf.
2. As a result, the young and free nation is formed by a type of spiritual faith that causes it's own people to recognize the gift of freedom are given them by the mercies of the God they believe in. A moral code is made into effect that demonstrates the appreciation of their freedom through demonstrating fairness, justice, and a general kindness with one another, a common and unique purpose that defines and causes them to launch itself to greater lengths.
3. From this launch of a national spiritual faith in a God, great courage begins to make entrance into the young nation...a sense of defending the ethical code they now embrace and a national patriotism that allows great stories of courage to arise from its depths.
4. Courage is accompanied with the sense of Freedom, a Liberty for all it's people...a chance for all to grow spiritually, morally, and with blessings of prosperity.
5. And sure enough, prosperity brings an abundance to a new nation that has followed the Ancient Laws and codes of their land since it's humble roots...when a nation was first formed from the ashes of slavery to a great nation.

Up to this point, young nations throughout time pursued excellence...an almost excitement in being part of it's growth.... Persia did it, Greece did it, Rome did it, the United Kingdom did it, the U.S. did it...along with other countries who established themselves in different times...and in different ages of history. 
 Granted, it wasn't always the God of Christianity that newly formed nations all turned to as they became strong...yet the morals and ethics of every great nation...are all found in the very principles and beliefs of the God of Christianity, Many times it was simply due to the treatment and welfare of it's own people...if it was to be a nation of greatness.

 Then...something changes...and has throughout time itself.....

6. In the midst of much abundance and prosperity of a great nation, complacency seems to arrive at it's very shores. There is a change that seems to close the eyes of a great nation and simply ignore the internal wounds that eventually become infected. There is less and less emphasis on the welfare of all,,,now it is directed to the welfare of the few, or the ones who are strong enough to survive. The national code of ethics which were the very foundation of every nation deemed as a great dynasty or an empire... seems to be not important anymore, and now all the emphasis in the people of a great nation is turned inward...a selfishness that centers all their attention to themselves. In turn, another door is opened...by it's own people...and that door is...
7. Apathy. Apathy is the "real dagger" into any great nation's heart. The word itself is of Greek origin...and basically brings with it the meaning of "no longer having any feeling" or "to have forgotten the way of suffering". When a great nation or empire begins to ignore its internal need to brace up the codes of ethics it so originally declared, it can not remain in a healthy state for a long period of time. Apathy invites others from its "playground"....including Corruption....Apathy's best friend. Soon a great empire or nation will find itself in a tailspin, no longer concerned about it's own welfare on a national scale, but chooses and reverts to only comforts that satisfy the needs of the few..those that seek prosperity at any cost, regardless of moral codes or the general welfare of their great nation...while many within its own borders fall in large masses to addictions, lack of ethics, and lifestyles that bring the various poisons of death to their lives, covered in disguises of humanitarian efforts.

  During the period of apathy in a great nation's heart...the final 2 common denominators are soon found at the very doorsteps of a great nation... which History herself has shouted loud and clear...now falls on deaf ears...while these last two  loom and wait for the right opportunity to present themselves. Already the footsteps of other nations, the threat of wars, and the spread of its vast armies now at risk...are secondary to the damage done within the great empire or nation itself. Murder in all it's various forms... is rampant, hate for one another for various reasons have become epidemic, and its leaders are sold out to "whatever is best for themselves".
 Moral standards are considered a joke to the people of a once great nation, and the people lose the true meaning of freedom....and embrace with their hearts instead... the meaning of comfort...even if it means Comfort will come through:

8. Dependence. When a society or culture considers the present comforts they live in....a top priority at any cost...including depending on someone else or another nation to provide the need for their daily comforts...so be it. When a nation finds it comforts...given by someone else, then the final part of the pattern is now complete. For Dependence takes takes hold of our hand and promises a better life...through returning to step one....
9. Bondage...a return to slavery. It is then a once great and mighty society of a once great nation or empire...has learned it's History lesson for the day...and now must get back...to work....their owners demand it!  

 In the Old Testament, being a prophet was not always a great career to have...especially for a guy like Jeremiah. He had the unenviable task of preaching a message to his people...that involved repenting and turning their hearts to the Lord. The problem...the people did not want to do that...because they believed they were fine just the way they were. The problem God had about it...He was the One who prompted Jeremiah to say those words.
 Jeremiah is often referred to as the "weeping prophet"...mainly due to the fact the people of Israel...in this case the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin...who were not receptive whatsoever to the message Jeremiah would bring... a need of all people of the land to change their hearts and turn to the Lord.

 Yet the words of the prophet Jeremiah were courageous, honest, and brought hope to the nation of Israel...if they would acknowledge their need to change and return to the original concepts that made them a great nation.
 At times I wonder, I am grateful for the great nation I have live in. Still, have we like all the other nations that fell...do we honestly think we are ok just the way we are?...Do we think we can simply ignore His ancient precepts?
 In Jeremiah 6:16...Jeremiah asks a question to the people of Judah and Benjamin. In this verse he refers to the word"Ancient"...using the Hebrew word "olam"...and it's meaning is "the old, concealed, hidden, and yet perpetually timeless eternal promise or policy.

                         A Gleaning from Jeremiah 6:16

" Stand at the crossroads and look around. Ask for directions to the Ancient Path....the Old Ways...and when you have found it...take that path. By returning to the Ancient Path you will find the real Peace you are seeking, and the Rest that will satisfy your desires, your minds, and your hearts that concern you now. The Ancient Path will restore your purpose in life itself."
 Yet, the people responded..."This is not the path we seek...nor do we want to go on this Ancient Path."

 It wasn't long after the Assyrians came and destroyed Jerusalem, Judah, Benjamin, and all of Israel...leading their captors back to their homeland...slaves once more. 

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