Thursday, September 11, 2014

"The Holy Spirit the hearts of men ( and women)"

We live in an interesting day and time in reference to Christianity. It seems to me the Christian church is divided into 2 basic segments: a) the religious ones and b) the believers.....

 I have found throughout my personal studies this has always been the case, from it's early beginnings...the first generation of believers coming from the gatherings in the outer courts of the Temple in Jerusalem, into the Book of Acts written by Luke, on to the 7 churches in Asia Minor, and into the world.
  In Matthew, the great Commission is given..."Go into all the world and baptize the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." (verse 19). I think we often get the picture we are simply to let others know about Jesus, get people water baptized and our job is done. Yet, as I study this section of Scripture, I find the emphasis is not on telling others simply about Jesus, but teaching His commandments and discovering a lifestyle that allows us as true believers to...obey...the words He has spoken.
 From this thought I think I get a better idea what separates the religious from the believers. Being a Christian is not simply becoming a member of a church, being water baptized, or even being involved with various activities and charities within the church or community.
 The central focus on this passage is...teaching others how to be His disciples...not just admirers or even followers...but disciples that give their entire lives and all that concerns Him. The question is this possible?
 The theme of this passage of Scripture seems understand what He has said and learn to obey His words in our lifestyles.

 These words from Christ Jesus came shortly after His Resurrection. Jesus had instructed His disciples to go to a certain mountain in Galilee and He would be meet them. Even there, some doubted as to who He was...and didn't want to take a risk in exposing themselves.

                                              A Gleaning from Matthew 28: 16-20

" It was at this time the 11 disciples went to Galilee (were there more?...not sure), to the mountain which Jesus had instructed them to meet Him...He would be there...waiting for them.
 When they arrived at the mountain, they saw Him! Immediately, they fell down and worshipped them. Yet, in the midst of this reunion...some doubted. ( the ones who doubted?...were they sure it was Him?...and if it wasn't could they take the risk in a public matter? the Scriptures are silent about those who had was Jesus.)

 Then, Jesus approached them and in the midst of silence spoke: " I have been given all authority...both in Heaven and on the earth. The time has come...for you to teach and train others, making them disciples like all nations.
 It is important to teach and share with them the lifestyle I have taught you...and they will be public baptism. Baptize in the 3 fold Name: In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
 Then, as you teach the ones who choose to "Follow Me", teach them everything I have taught they might put into daily practice My way of Life...a Life that requires obedience to the Words I have given you. And you can be sure of this: I am with after day, week after week, month after month, I am right there...with you!...all the way to this age is finished!
Amen (so be it)."

 Since the day Jesus spoke these words...many have come to accept Him as their Lord and Savior...still....learning what He spoke...and being obedient to the Words He has given the key difference I being religious...or being a true believer.


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