Friday, May 2, 2014

"Is God for Real...or is is it just a Hunch...or Feeling?"

There is a "letter" written in the New Testament...called the "Letter to the Hebrews". The author?...we don't really know...because the author of the letter never revealed his name.....

 For many centuries the letter to the Hebrews was thought to be written by the Apostle Paul....yet, Paul always starts his letters...with his name. Along with this, the letter to the Hebrews doesn't have that "Pauline style" of who did write this? Really...not sure.
 What we do know is the author of this letter was a friend...both to Timothy and to the readers who received this letter.

 The letter itself seems to be written to Jewish people who have now given their hearts and lives to the Christian faith. The believers who received this letter do not appear to be strong in the new faith of Christianity and in fact are in danger of returning to their roots in the old Jewish religion. 
 As far as where this letter was originally intended to be sent...that is unclear as well. Some Bible historians say it was delivered to those in Jerusalem, while others say the letter was sent to believers in Rome.
 Saint Clement, an early Christian church bishop in Rome was quite aware of this particular letter and in fact made reference to it in one of his letters in 96 A.D.
 One thing, the author of this letter to the Hebrews makes reference to the Temple in Jerusalem, and since the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., this letter was written before that.

 The purpose of this letter seems to emphasize that new believers in Christ Jesus could not continue to adhere to their former religion...Judaism. A choice was needed to be made...either you are Jewish...or you are Christian. Christianity was not another sect of was a separate belief all to itself. Just as in other peoples, when you receive the Good News of the Gospel, it was necessary to forsake your former beliefs.

 Trust seems to be a central issue to both accepting and understanding what the Christian faith is all about. The mere mention of the fact that we who have given our hearts and lives to the One who is the very Son of God...must first believe that...this is for real. There really is a God and He really has a Son...and His Son was sent to us to save us from the perils of both our lifestyles as well as when Death escorts us...into the unknown.
 The author of this letter to the Hebrews gives clear and concise examples of those in past generations who have practiced this faith...a Christian style faith...even before God's very Son made the ultimate sacrifice by rescuing each of us from the grips of eternal death.

 This letter also indicates that accepting the basic belief found in the Christian faith is not a feeling...or a hunch.

 Feelings within us are rooted in our emotions...which are accompanied with a vague or even an irrational thought...more like a"OK God...if You are out there...".
 The Christian faith is not based on a "hunch""I'm not sure if You are even hearing me...yet if You are...".
 Actually, the word "faith" that is used in this letter comes from the Greek word "pistis" and is based on the idea of a secure trust...the reliability of the One we have given our hearts and lives really here and can be trusted.
 The word "pistis" also carries with it the idea that the One we have put our trust committed to us...even more than we are to Him. It gives us a confidence and an assurance that He really does "have our backs". We may not know all about Him...but He knows all about us.

 The thing about our Christian faith...that starts with believing He really is alive...and is right here among our ability to look for Him...and give up or change whatever it know Him. As we start to do this...our understanding of who He really is and how He wants to be a part of our lives...becomes increasingly by day.
 That seems to be the key to it all...we want God to help us through this life...yet do we with our various lifestyles...want to please Him as well? Just like in anything else in life....pursuing a personal hobby...or having a great passion for something that interests you....don't we do what it satisfy that hunger?
 And yet, when it comes to receiving and making a choice to accept the Christian faith...we often allow the lack of understanding...Jesus...the Cross...Commandments...change of heart...looking at life from a more selfless view...egos...hurting others...the list could go on...get in the way and we kind of "blow the Christian thing off"...and live our lives the way we want...that is until something or someone comes along and we can't handle it. Then, we kind of half-heartedly...almost in ignorance..because we really don't have the passion to take this friendship too far...cry out.."God..if You happen to be out there...".

 Bottom Line?...the key to the Christian least for myself is: "Am I really wanting I really wanting Him involved with my life...and if much? Can I really trust "this Guy"...and do I want to listen to how I should live?" Hmmm?

  The author in Hebrews wrote it something like this:

                                           A Gleaning from Hebrews 11:6

 " If you happen to be needing help...from this One that is called God...don't you think it might be a good idea to at least be friends? You need to ask yourself...what does a true and good friend mean to you?... then, look at your friendship with this God you are seemingly so desperately wanting at the moment.
 One of the basic elements in having a solid friendship with someone is...just being there for them...right? You want to assist, help, and share your thoughts and lives together...go to dinner, catch a movie...go shopping... whatever... you just like "hangin'" with them. And then, when times in life get a little rough... you know your close friend is there...right there...with you and will help in any way they possibly get you through any situation. just don't call on anyone to share your "personal stuff" with...right? You are not going to "spill your guts" to someone you don't even know...or can certainly trust.
 I think that is how it works with our friendship with God...we are always questioning His friendship with us...when we do nothing...I mean show Him what He really means... to us. Pleasing Him...making Him feel comfortable with us?...forget it...It's all...about us!
 Doesn't it take "a little faith" to make a real and true friendship happen. My close friends have fact we even have different views on things in life...yet...when one of us are in trouble and need help...I know...beyond a shadow of any doubt...they are there...for me! is God...who has absolutely no flaws whatsoever...and has been seeking my friendship...yea,...can you believe it?...wanting me as a friend? In fact, He gave His only Son up so both He, His Beloved Son, and....myself could have a deep and meaningful friendship. 
 Yet,,,here I am...coming up with this: "God...if you are there?..." kind of prayer...what am I really going to get from that? I certainly don't call one of my close "buds" and say: " Hey...if you are really there...if you really do exist as a friend...". My buddy would go ballistic...mad because I would even say that....
 The truth is this: God certainly does exist...He is alive...and I want to find a way to please Him...because that is how much the friendship...means to me.
 He is here...right with me...and He will respond to me...better than any friend I have ever known...because...we are friends!"

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